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My Husband Is A Secret Billionaire By Wiuu

Chapter 181
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Chapter 181

Jane frowned.

However, before she could say anything, the assistant’s face instantly changed.

“Oh, reporter Dave Jones!” The assistant rushed out of the front desk to greet him with a smile on his

face. “What good wind brings you here? Hahaha…”

The sharp laughter made jane extremely uncomfortable.

The assistant almost trotted all the way to meet the reporter. Jane glanced at him. He was a well-

known senior in the industry and had close relationships with many celebrities.

“Come in, please!” The assistant laughed. When he passed by Jane’s side, she didn’t know if it was

Intentional or not, but he slammed his shoulder into her.

“Reporter Dave Jones you are finally here. You don’t know there are always some tabloid reporters

who are out of control and make trouble! Fortunately, Mr. Tom Cruise is free today. We’ll be waiting for

your exclusive interview!”

“Your writing is so brilliant. How could your script not be a hit? Haha…”

The two of them went in. Jane stood outside, her hands clenched into fists.

Dominic stepped forward to hold her hand and smiled gently, “Let’s go.”

Jane followed him out.

She was in a bad mood, her head hanging down. When he walked to the milk tea shop, Dominic asked

her, “Which one do you prefer?”


Jane raised his eyes and smiled gently at the man.

When they were in Cardiff, on the first day after their wedding, she had asked him the same question

when buying milk tea.

She laughed and pointed to the mashed taro on the brand, especially emphasizing that it was made

into ice.

She really needed a cup of ice-cold food to suppress the fire in her heart!

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Dominic nodded and went to buy milk tea with an indifferent expression. However, after he brought it

back, Jane realized that the milk tea was actually hot…


“You are not allowed to drink cold water.” Dominic looked at her.

Jane was stunned.

“No matter what time it is, you are not allowed to drink cold drinks.” He held her small hand. “Josh

Green said that you have weak constitution and you need to keep warm, so you are not allowed to

drink cold drinks in the future, did you hear?”

“But…” Jane pouted.

But she knew that it was useless to act cute and foolish. Once this man became serious, he would not

be swayed by her tricks.

She sighed and slumped down on the table.

Dominic rubbed her hair, a doting expression on his angular face.

Chapter 181

“Now you know how fierce his assistants are, don’t you?” Jane softly said, “I heard that Tom Cruise is

very good, and he is very fond of fans, but there are actually such a group of people behind him! It’s


Her tone was obviously emotional, but when it reached Dominic’s ears, it was another meaning.

His eyes darkened and his voice was low, “Are you worried about him?”

Jane bit the straw and was stunned. “No!”


He let out a muffled “Mmm”. It seemed that there was no reason to be jealous…

Dominic looked down at his phone and did not say anything. Not long after, a middle-aged man came

in from the door and respectfully stood at the table, nodding his head and chuckling.

“Mr. Campbell!”

Jane was a little surprised.

Dominic smiled and said, “This is Manager Howard from Fortress Media. He is currently in charge of

the company’s business.”

“Oh.” Jane nodded.

Dominic looked at her, his deep eyes revealing a touch of warmth, and he pinched her small hand in

his palm.

“He’ll bring you in in a while. Your interview outline for staying up late won’t be in vain.”

“What?” Jane’s eyes widened.

The middle-aged uncle in front of her looked simple and honest. He did not look like someone from the

entertainment industry at all.

“Don’t worry.” Dominic smiled softly, “Manager Howard is very experienced.

After drinking the milk tea, Jane stood in front of Tom Cruise’s studio again.

She took a deep breath and walked in, continuing to meet the assistant’s rolling eyes.

“Hey,” the assistant sneered as he nibbled on the seeds. “Some people are like flies. They can’t get rid

of them!”

“I’ve told you that Tom Cruise doesn’t have any availability today. Why don’t you leave?!

“But I just saw a reporter go in.” Jane’s attitude was neither humble nor arrogant. “Besides, I just want

to make an appointment. I hope Mr. Cruise can give me a chance to interview

“Can you compare with others?” The assistant stared at him with mockery.

Yes, there was no comparison. They were journalists.

Jane pursed his lips and said softly, “Excuse me, does Mr. Tom Cruise know that there is such an

assistant in his studio who watches people serve dishes?”

“What do you mean?”

“If he knows, it means that his character is not very good. I won’t do this interview! But if he does know,

I’m very worried about his future.


The assistant was about to have a seizure when she heard a voice not too far away, “Manager


Jane was stunned for a moment. The man rushed over and went towards the middle-aged uncle

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beside her. The uncle also smiled amiably, but he rejected the man’s warm embrace and only shook

Chapter 181

hands with him.

That person seemed to have some status; otherwise, the little assistant would not look timid when. she

looked at him.

“I don’t know that Manager Howard is here. I don’t know how to welcome you! I don’t know why

Manager Howard is here this time…”

“It’s for the interview.” Manager Howard took a step back and stood beside jane respectfully. “Miss

Fallon, this is the person in charge of the studio and Tom Cruise ‘s manager, Leo Evan.”

Leo Evan pushed on his glasses and looked at Jane with complicated eyes.

“Miss Fallon, just wanted to have a chance to do an exclusive interview with the best actor, but she is

been stopped by your assistant. I saw it all just now!”

Manager Howard smiled, but his words were thrown at them like a stone.

“Mr. Evan, it doesn’t matter if you don’t want to arrange this exclusive interview with Tom. However,

Fortress Media is affiliated to the Campbell Corporation. Every year, the Campbell Corporation

allocates tens of billions of dollars to us for film and television development.”

“I guess movie Emperor Tom Cruise’s team doesn’t care about such a small production, and they don’t

care about such a small investment.”

“Then, for the next few new movies developed by Fortress, I won’t consider cooperating with Cruise!”

Leo Evan became anxious when he heard this. He saw that Manager Howard was about to leave, and

he respectfully extended his hand to let Jane walk in front…

He glared at the assistant and hurriedly chased after him.

“Manager Howard, stay!” Leo Evan smiled apologetically. I’m really sorry, it’s my fault! Did I offend Miss

Fallon just now? Please don’t remember the villain!”

“Miss Fallon,” Manager Howard turned to Jane and bowed, “What do you think?”

Jane replied softly, “I just want to make an exclusive interview.”

“This is no problem.” Leo Evan said quickly, “I’ll arrange it for you immediately!”

“That wouldn’t do.” Manager Howard laughed, “Some people say that this young lady is not worthy of

interviewing Tom Cruise, and they even say that my lady needs to take a look at herself in the mirror

and likened her to a fly that can’t shake it off… You can’t even say these words!”