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My Flirtacious Husband

Chapter 18
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With that said, Genevieve left the banquet hall. Cooper stared at Genevieve’s slender back as she left,

and his calm demeanor finally faltered. Ten minutes ago, she had rushed to the restroom in a pathetic

state. After she came back, however, she returned to her prideful self. Due to Genevieve’s strong

stance, some guests already began to doubt the authenticity of the video played just now. Some guests

even came over to ask Cooper about it, making the latter feel very awkward. After dealing with all those

bigwigs, Cooper went to the corner to make a phone call. “Get rid of all those videos online…” After a

pause, he added grimly, “Also, send someone to tail Genevieve twenty-four-seven for a few days!” I

want to see who’s the one helping her. Genevieve felt satisfied after teaching that shameless couple a

good lesson in front of all those bigwigs. Her mood had seemingly turned better. When she left the

hotel, she saw a Maybach parked at the roadside. “Ms. Rachford.” After Steven opened the car door,

he complimented, “I have witnessed everything that happened in the banquet hall. You have done a

good job.” “Thank you for giving me the video.” Steven shook his head. “I just did what I was told. You

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have to thank Mr. Faulkner.” Genevieve was at a loss for words, and her lips twitched. Previously, she

had indeed thought that Armand was there to mock her, and she had hated him for a moment because

of that. Unexpectedly, Armand had set up everything behind the scenes. He was just waiting for her to

exact vengeance personally. Everything he set up was really exciting… Genevieve sat in the car and

waited quietly. From time to time, she would take out her phone and scroll through Twitter. She had

already uploaded the video online, but Cooper was still one step ahead of her. He had already

contacted the publicists to deal with the video and related articles. Thus, the video did not go viral on

the internet. That did not matter to Genevieve. She was satisfied that she had used that video to

embarrass Cooper and Erica. “Mr. Faulkner.” Just when Genevieve was looking at her phone, she

suddenly heard Steven’s voice. Very soon, a figure entered the car. Armand had a faint scent of smoke

and alcohol on him. The scent enveloped Genevieve like a net, and she instinctively straightened her

back and leaned as far as possible to the other side of the car door. Armand seemed to be very tired.

He rested with his eyes closed the moment he got into the car while leaning on the car seat. The car

drove off slowly, and there was a pin-drop silence in the car. Genevieve hesitated for a few seconds

when she saw a pharmacy that was open for twenty hours daily at the roadside. In the end, she asked

Steven to stop the car and went inside to buy some medicine that was good for curing hangovers and a

bottle of water. Seeing that Armand was still resting with his eyes closed, Genevieve said softly, “Mr.

Faulkner, I bought some medicine for you, and it’s good for curing a hangover.” If it was not for Armand,

she would not have the confidence to teach Cooper and Erica a lesson while everyone was watching.

She felt very grateful to him. Seeing that Armand did not move, Genevieve thought that she had

spoken too softly and so she leaned closer. “Mr. Faulkner…” Just as she was about to speak again, the

car that was moving steadily suddenly did a quick turn. Genevieve was caught off guard and crashed

into Armand’s chest. She could feel his warm skin underneath his clothes. A few seconds later,

Armand’s teasing voice came from above her head. “Do you like throwing yourself into my arms that

much?” Genevieve’s face reddened, and she pulled herself away from him frantically. Steven, who was

in the driver’s seat, apologized, “Sorry, Mr. Faulkner. There was a car that ran the red light. I made a

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quick turn to avoid it.” Genevieve’s awkwardness was alleviated after she heard Steven’s words. She

handed the medicine to Armand. “Mr. Faulkner, I saw that you drank a lot of alcohol earlier. Your head

will definitely hurt at night if you go to bed without taking this medicine.” Armand shot her a glance

before he took the medicine from her and ate a tablet of the medicine. Genevieve watched him raise

his head to drink the water. His Adam’s apple bobbed as he gulped, and he looked very seductive. She

turned her head away hastily and struck up a conversation in order to ease the awkwardness. “Mr.

Faulkner, thank you for tonight.” “What I did was give you an opportunity. It was up to you how you

would use it.” As Armand spoke, he paused before continuing, “Previously, you begged me to help you

take back Specter Corporation. I’m willing to help.” Genevieve thought of that night when she took the

initiative to offer herself but was disdained by the man. Her face reddened instantly. Could it be that

he… Armand seemed to see through Genevieve’s thoughts through her expression. He sneered and

said, “Don’t worry. I’m not interested in your body.” This time, Genevieve was taken aback instead. “Mr.

Faulkner, what… do you want, then?” I don’t have anything to give him. Armand rubbed his fingers on

the water bottle and said flatly, “My grandmother is getting old, and she wishes for me to get married

and have kids soon. I need you to marry me. You will get the title of Mrs. Faulkner after the marriage.

You can take advantage of the title and do anything you want. I won’t stand in your way. After half a

year of our marriage, I will gift you with Specter Corporation.”