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My Beloved Has Risen from Death’s Embrace

Chapter 432
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Chapter 432 Xanthea's words were abruptly interrupted, and she turned around puriously, "Who are you?" Theodore looked at her with her two pigtails, her vivacity endearing him Instantly, Tm his grandfather, here to take him home." Upon hearing "grandfather Xanthea's expression immediately changed. She put her hands on her hips and furrowed her brows in a scolding manner.

"Why did you cso late?" "Don't you know it's very unsafe for children to be out after dark?" Tom couldn't help but chuckle. This was the first the saw someone dare to scold the CEO, especially it was a little girl Theodore looked at her serious demeanor both surprised and amused, "I got caught up in a meeting" "Excuses!" "Alright, alright, 111 apologize to him. Grandpa's sorry for being late. It won't happen again." Xanthea gently tugged on Orion's sleeve, "Given his sincere apology, let's forgive him, okay?" Orion pressed his lips togethet remaining silent.

Xanthea was surprised. Did he not talk to his family either? Was he really mute? She fell into deep thought again. Theodore realized she was trying to coax Orion into speaking. This Ms. Nightshade was as clever and lively as hearsay suggested.

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"Why haven't you gone hyet?" "Miss, miss!* Not far off, a housekeeper was running over with an umbrella. Xanthea ran towards him with a smile, "Here I am!" Orion watched as she let go of his hand, and his eyes instantly filled with disappointment.

Theodore noticed his sensitive reaction and squatted down, "Or, it's alright. We'll see her again tomorrow." Mhm.

Orion nodded.

He could see her every day.

"Goodbye!" Before getting into the car, Xanthea turned to wave, adding, "Grandpa, don't be late next time!" "Okay! Theodore squinted in acknowledgment, while Tom shook his head with a smile, "That little lady sure is something. She even managed to fool you.

Chairman." "Indeed." If she can foolnow, she'll be able to fool Onion in the future.

Theodore took Orion's hand, who was silently waving, and they got into the car.

Follow on Novᴇl-Onlinᴇ.cᴏm

The fine drizzle was like mist. Orion pressed his face against the carm window watching the blurry rain and the silhouette of Xanthea's car gradually disappear from his sight. "On, how have things been at school lately? Are you getting along well with your teachers and classmates?" "Grandpa noticed you were happy today. Was it because you played with Xan?"

Theodore had gotten used to not receiving replies when talking to him, but kept at it, hoping to help him е stowly return to normalcy. Today, however, he was surprised to receive a note from Orion: Grandpa, I want inses. He looked at him, pleasantly surprised.

This was the first tin months that Orion was willing to initiate communication. Insest seemed Xan had just mentioned this flower to him. It looked like Xan was indeed the remedy for him to cout of his shadow, "Alright, I'll have them delivered tonight The next evening. Xanthea, bounced out of school with her Ettle backpack and saw Orion at the end of the corridor again.

Chapter 433