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My Beloved Has Risen from Death’s Embrace

Chapter 391
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Chapter 391 Over an hour later, Xanthea stepped out of the study and saw the silhouette of the genteel man standing at the balcony railing. She almost couldn't control herself from rushing over to hug him.

"Orion!" "Xannie? Orion cto his senses, holding her waist and gently lifting her chin, "What's wrong?" "Nothing" Xanthea shook her head, burrowing into his embrace like an ostrich, afraid that he would see her expressions. "Why are your eyes red then?" "It's the sandalwood in the room, it made my eyes sore." Before he could probe further, she quickly continued, “Orion, Grandpa is not in his good conditions, let's not bother him anymore. Shall we go home?" The word "home" struck a chord in him.

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"Home?" "Xanthea Haven Estate." "Okay." Orion's lips curled up, his eyes sparkling with joy.

Xanthea held his hand tightly. When their fingers interlocked, the cool and translucent jade bracelet touched the man's palm.

Orion looked down, his gaze lingering on the bracelet The journey back to Xanthea Haven Estate was unusually quiet Xanther's brows knitted in thought. Since he never celebrated his birthday, she would pretend not to know and secretly prepare a surprise for him.

But what kind of surprise should she prepare? Orion's gaze wondered between her wrists and her thoughtful expression. His eyes beceven darker and more enigmatic Cedric "We're here, Boss." "Thanks, Cedric. Cby tomorrow then." "Of course, Madam!" Mimicking the way servants at the Lockwood family mansion would address her, Cedric eamed a playful glare from Xanthea before she called out to the man in the car, "Orion, Orion?" "Hmm." "What are you thinking about? You seem so absorbed." "Nothing." Orion stepped out of the car, his expression calm and unreadable.

"Okay then." A idea flashed through Xanthea's mind. "Orion, my uncle mentioned that there's a script reading session tomorrow at Oli hea Media, and I need to go there in advance to prepare." Before she could finish, her hand was suddenly tightly gripped by the man, so tightly that it hurt a little, as if he was afraid she would run "What's wrong with you?" She raised her head, looking at him with confusion as his calm gaze suddenly revealed a hint of panic and anxiety.

"Xannie, did Grandpa say something to you?" "N-no, he didn't." "Then why?" "What's wrong with me?" "Nothing

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He slightly lowered has thick, dark eyelashes, as if to hide the impending turmoil beneath, holding her hand tightly. "Let's go." "Wait, I haven't finished talking yet!" "So should we make the most of our time? After all, the night is short." With those words, she tiptoed, wrapped her arms around his neck, closed her eyes, and kissed him.

Orion was taken aback at first, as if he hadn't reacted at first, then m suddenly a fiery flange surged from the depths of his pitch-black eyes. He fiercely kissed her, as if he wanted to consher entirely. On both sides of the mainvilla, the gardeners who were trimming the plants suddenly saw the young master holding the young

mistress as they walked up the steps, passionately kissing each otherm Their entwined figures, so inseparable, seemed oblivious to their surroundings. The intensity of their affection made the onlookers shyly avert their gaze "The young master and the young mistress have such a good relationship" "Haha, they're young, it's normal-with endless energy!" X