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My Beloved Has Risen from Death’s Embrace

Chapter 379
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Chapter 379 "Xan, even though I've been in the lab for the past six months, your mom's been fillingin on your situation. Entering the entertainment industry, starring in hit s, appearing on variety shows, surpassing top stars, kicking scumbags to the curb, and finding a billionaire boyfriend-you're living life of a winner straight out of a feel-good l" "And let's not even start on your boyfriend. Handsome, wealthy, and with a voice that could melt hearts! Not to mention how he dotes on you. You're living such a happy life!" As Eloise spoke, she glanced over at Orion and was immediately struck again, “Look! He hasn't left yet. That look he's giving you is givinggoosebumps!" Xanthea turned to see Orion standing by the car, his reluctant and affectionate gaze filling her heart with warmth. Indeed, she was felt very happy.

"Con, tell me. What's it like dating a guy like that?" "It feels," Xanthea blushed, scratching her head. But before she could elaborate, Eloise noticed her limping. "Xan, why do I get the feeling that you're walking a bit funny?" Xanthea's heart skipped a beat, "Uh, I had a little accident on set.

"Oh no, are you okay?" Tm fine, really. I'm almost recovered!" Xanthea winced with pain, trying her best to walk normally. Eloise might not notice, but her mom definitely would! "That's a relief. I was wondering why your boyfriend was carrying you out of the car earlier. I thought you were into skinky stuff but tums out you were hurt. You gotta be more careful.” Xanthea internally cried. It was that bastard's doing! "Ellie, looks can be deceiving. You shouldn't be so superficial." "As if you're not. Have you forgotten the days we used to spy on handsguys with binoculars? Hey Xan, does your boyfriend have any brothers, cousins, anything?" Eloise rubbed her hands together eagerly. "Introduce me! I don't need someone as handsas him, even enough!" n ten p percent would be "Well." Xanthea pondered, "He doesn't have brothers, but he has a relative who looks quite similar to him. At least a solid 50-60% resemblance." "Really?" Eloise's eyes lit up with excitement. "That would still make him super handsome. Who is it? Tell mel "His nephew." Xanthea kept a straight face, "He's five years old now. Give it another thirteen years, and you can make your move. I'll help you then." "Xan, ,how dare you tease me!" "Haha." The two chased and played all the

way home, while Susanna indulgently shook her head and called them to dand dinner. "Xan, actually, I cover with a mission in mind." Xanthea: "A mission?"

"Yep." Eloise nodded, her expression becoming serious, "Professor Fred is starting a major experiment after the New Year. It's something you were very interested in during university. He highly values you and hopes you can pass the exarn to join the research institute as a researcher and participate in the experiment." "A researcher?"

"Exactly. Sylvia and I have been in the institute for nearly a year and we're still assistants in Professor Fred's team. But now, he's willing to entrust the new project entirely to you. It shows how much he respects and trusts you. I also hope you can participate in the experiment, as it will greatly increase our chances of success, but of course," She paused, setting down her utensils.