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My Beloved Has Risen from Death’s Embrace

Chapter 362
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Chapter 362 On the outskirts of Crestwood, the set of Realm of Illusions.

Shadows danced as bullets flew, a hemic figure clad in black wielding dual pistols, moved through the boundless night. Wherever she went ICE Alliance warriors fell.

In the end, she too fell into a pool of bright red blood.

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"Dead, she's dead!" "Phoenix, you've finally met your end at my hands, Black Mambal "Hahaha." The leader of the ICE Alliance, Black Mamba, let out a maniac laugh his iron boots clanking as he approached the fallen shadow ready to lift her "corpse." Unexpectedly, the girl suddenly rose, drew her guns, loaded it, aimed, and fired. Her movements were as swift as a shadow in the night. leaving him no tto react before his head exploded. He died with a smile still on his face.

"Phoenix" He dropped under her icy, emotionless eyes.

"Boom-" olding the severe offenders from Black Mamba had rigged his heart as a bomb trigger. Once his heart stopped beating, the prison holding Ignite Camp would explode.

A massive explosion sounded, flames shooting up p into the sky Without a second thought. Phoenix rushed into the flames.

Below the dungeon, Maximus struggled for breath amidst the thick smoke, on the brink of death. His limbs were shackled with heavy chains, his body covered in wounds, his clothes soaked in blood, and his breath faint. It was a miracle he was still alive, a miracle sustained by a single, desperate hope.

But now, with the explosion and the rising flames, that hope was extinguished. It was tfor him to go. Just as he was about to accept his fate, a loud "clang" of the prison door being kicked open echoed From the thick smoke emerged a figure as commanding as a bloodthirsty goddess in the night, mysterious and captivating Maximus saw her and could hardly believe his eyes. After a moment, he burst into a satisfied and eerie laugh, "Hahaha." "Phee, Phee, you finally came" "Do you know how long I've waited? Sixty-six days, a full sixty-six days. Every day, I thought about you." Otherwise, he would have died long ago.

"Are you here to sendoff for the last time?" "Go ahead, to die at your hands would be an honor He closed his eyes calmly, content with the thought of his end coming at her hands.

"Bang- The sound of a gunshot echoed, but Maximus did not die Phoenix had broken the chains that tightly bound him. As Maximus knelt on one knee, blood dripping from his mouth, he looked up in disbelief crucial: in Maximus's eyes, this is the Realm of "Alright Group 3, pay attention, we need to light Phoenix's profile here. This scene is crucial: Illusions"

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Kevin picked up the microphone and had just finished speaking when he saw the fall imposing man beside him. "Mr. Lockwood He humedly stood up to greet him, but the man seemed not to hear him.

On the green screen, flames roared, and the girl with dual pistols dual pistols om fearlessly rushed into the dark room without a trace of light, to save the dying boy.

Her figure slowly retreated back to a over a decade ago, when there was a idenhen scene identical to the present. The scene content is on novelenglish.net! She had also rushed into the flames back then, like an angel descending.

Kevin noticed the deep emotions swirling in Mc. Lockwood's eyes, tin tinted red by the fiery glow. He seemed to be deeply moved by the 15:33 acene, which took Kevin by surprise, Phoenix holstered her guns and extended her hand to Maximus, "Tm here to save you" "Why? Why?" Maximus's pale lips trembled, staring at her in bewilderment.