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My Beloved Has Risen from Death’s Embrace

Chapter 346
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Chapter 346 The moment she withdra her hand, Örigh wanted to pull her close in, but he feared that if he continued, he and not be able to stop himself from "Xan, Kannie, my His voice suddenly timed low and seductive. His high bridged nose gently muzzled her delicate face, like a puppy craving its owner's affection, leaving Nanthes completely defenseless.

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""xanthen hesitated, "Only one Before the could finish her words wem engulfed by the man's kiss.

Downstairs, Samuel was searching everywhere for Xanthea, but after scouring the entire garden, he still couldn't find her "Didn't Zora say she was admining the flowers." He mumbled to himself, suddenly recalling that behind the garden was a lake. Wouldn't Xan do something rash With a burst of speed, he raced towards the lake. But upon arrival, the waters were calm, without any disturbances. Only a willow tree by the shore was shaking wildly, as if covering something, which was clearly abnormal.

Driven by curiosity, he approached and could barely saw... under the tree, a couple was tightly embracing and kissing passionately utterly lost and oblivious even to his presence In the dead of night these young lovers sure knew how to live it up Just as he was about to tum away, his steps halted.

Wait a minute! That fluffy short, round tail-it look just like the one on Xan's bunny pajamas? Impossible. There's no way Xan would be here in the middle of the night kissing a man! But as if driven by sinvisible force, he turned around and called out, "Xan?" Started by Samuel's voice, Xanthea shrieked, instinctively pushing ishing the man away from her.

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Seeing this, Samuel's mind went blank. He couldn't believe his eyes.

"S-Samuel, why..." "Orion Samuel cto his senses, his anger surging as he clenched his fists, ready to punch Orion, "How dare you violate my sister! Ill kill your Xanthe quickly positioned herself between them.

what are you doing?"

Samuel's punch halted, looking at her incredibly. Xanthea's eyes darted away, the by, her lips quivering. She knew the strict family rules, getting caught by Samuel, she was doomed! But being doomed was better than letting Orion get hurt! "Orion didn't violate me, I was willing" "What?!" Samuel yelled in shock, "How could you be willing

Xanthea lowered her head, like a small animal caught misbehaving, her fingers nervously twisting her En pajamas.

In the past, whenever she did something wrong and acted this way, Samuel would always forgive her without any reason. Perhaps, he would do the sthis time?