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My Beloved Has Risen from Death’s Embrace

Chapter 343
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Chapter 343 She open the folder, and lines of black text on white paper cinto her view.

"Equity Transfer Agreemen17" "The equity seller is a current shareholders of The Martinez Group, holding 15%, 12% 30% of.....

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Below the dense of numbers and signatures of the shamholders added up to exactly 100%, with 53 people in total. Xanthea was stunned, Did this mean he had acquired the entire Martinez Group and becthe sole proprietor? She looked up at him in disbelief.

Orion's eyes twinkled with a smile. “Is this good news, then?" "Orion, why did you?" "He used Xannie. He should be punished. Orion said, gently caressing her curly hair, his tone tender and affectionate. “You've been business partners for years, with complex interests intertwined. Matthew's scandal will inevitably impact the Nightshade Group. Acquisition is the best move. Your parents will also be pleased with this gift "You're giving it to my parents? No, that's too valuable!" "No matter how valuable, it's not more valuable their daughter" Xanthea looked at him, her amber eyes shimmering with tears, touched and pained at the stime: It turned out that he had been up all night and busy all day, with no tto even take a call, was all for this acquisition.

All to help vent her anger and to make her parents pleased.

Xanthea's eyes welled up, on the verge of tears.

"What's wrong, honey?" Orion frowned, cupping her face.

Xanthea's voice was choked with sobs, "You, you didn't sleep at all and spent the whole day working on this? If you wanted to acquire the Martinez Group, you could've done it slowly, why such a haste?" "In a hurry to win you over." "But I'm already yours!" Xanthea tiptoed to kiss him. Onion's eyes flashed with surprise, and he held her head to deepen the kiss. But she pulled away after a brief moment, tugging at his tie angrily. "Orion, I'm warning you, don't ever make decisions without tellingagain, and don't work day and night like this anymore!" "I don't need such gifts, and I don't want to see e you exhausting yourself! You think you're young, always wearing yourself out now. You'll regret it when you're old." "Even when I am older Orion cut her off with a wicked smile, “I'll still be more than capable of taking care of a little girl like you." For sreason, Xanthea felt he barely pronounced the word "capable," as if he hadn't said the word at all.

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"You're so impropert Heh Don't laugh! D Do you remember what I just said?" Drion watched her, who was like a kitten with its fur standing on end, amusement filling his eyes.

He remembered every word Xannie had said "Hmph!" Xanthea, recalling her wild thoughts throughout the day, feeling a mix of anger, annoyance, and regret. "You ignoredall day: I thought you were upset because I hadn't introduced you to my family yet." "I was upset, indeed" "Because, right now." She was about to explain when he interupted in a low voice, "Xannie, are you going to make it up to me?" "How should I make it up?"

"With you. The content is on om english Wh 15:31 The next moment, a blushing Xanthea was carried to the lakeside, The cool moonlight and gentle breeze rustled the soft willow branches by the lake. The scattered light Xanthea was pressed against the lakeside miling, and was forced to endure Orion's intense and passionate kisses. Her delicate cheeks gradually took on a rosy hue, her breathing becoming frantic and erratic from the lack of air After a long while, her lips, swollen from his fervent kisses, seemed about to bleed. Yet, the man didn't relent, his lips trailing down h slender, swan-like neck.

"Orion, please." Xanthea's beautiful face tilted back in unbearable pleasure, her fingers gently threading through the man's short hair of her chest Under the clear moonlight, her red lips parted slightly, and her eyes were filled with seductive allure, like a mesmerizing siren that stels souls of men,