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My Baby’s Daddy Is Mr CEO

Chapter 18
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Chapter 18

After the date at the café spot, Oliver couldn’t concentrate on any other thing apart from Arianna, she

was all that came to his mind at all times. He had returned back to his mansion that day, smiling like a

fool and his servants all wondered if something was wrong with their boss.

Even the next day at work, Sammy noticed his strange behavior and was forced to query him.

“What is wrong Oliver? You have been smiling since morning.” He queried.

Oliver crumpled his face, “So it’s now a wrong thing to smile huh?” he retorted.

“No, not at all, but it’s a strange thing for the CEO of Stark Enterprises to be smiling all day at work, I

mean you barely smile while on duty and you asked me to follow in your footsteps right?”

“Yes, I did say all that. Smiling at work makes your inferiors look down at you like you are some kind of

clown, but I have a reason to smile today, that’s why I am smiling.” He replied in his defense.

“Oh, so if I have a reason to smile, then I am also free to smile right?” Sammy queried.

“No, just shut up Sammy, stop trying to get words out of my mouth, so that in turn, you use them

against me,” Oliver spoke wisely.

Sammy chuckled while sorting out the files, he had come to Oliver`s office to carry some necessary

documents and decided to taunt him over his new behavior at the same time.

“Alright, so what is your reason for being this happy anyway? What happened? Did you win a jackpot?”

Sammy asked in curiosity.

“Not exactly you a$$hole, it’s not even like I gamble so your guess was horrible, and even if I did

gamble, winning a jackpot won’t make me this happy.”

Sammy smiled. “Ooh, well now I am even more curious to know, what is making you smile and blush

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this much?”

“Fine, if you must know, I had a sort of date with Arianna and…”

“Who is Arianna?” Sammy interrupted and Oliver frowned his face, “Don’t look at me like that, I don’t

keep all the names of your girlfriends at heart,” Sammy quickly said in his defense.

Oliver sighed and waved his head in disappointment, “Arianna, the girl from Valentine’s day,” he


“Oooh, I remember now, but I think you meant to say the girl from Valentine’s night.” Sammy smirked.

“Stop arguing with me!!” Oliver half-yelled and Sammy chuckled, and then threw his hands in the air in


Although Sammy and Oliver were not equals at the office, they were childhood best friends so Sammy

derived joy from troubling him like the old days in high school, and even in college.

Sometimes he pissed Oliver off so much that Oliver either cancels his pay cheque for the month or

denies him access to go vacations or parties with him, but none of that bothered Sammy, he wasn’t as

rich as Oliver but three months without a pay from the big boss was not enough to make him go

bankrupt, he was also mature minded than Oliver and that’s why Oliver chose him to be his personal

secretary and assistant.

As for his relationship status, Sammy was still very much single, it was not finding a girl that was

difficult, okay maybe that was a bit of a problem because he does not know how to express his feelings

to a lady, unlike his best friend who could woo a girl and get her to bed in ten minutes.

The major problem with Sammy was that he barely had time for himself, let alone start a relationship,

the few attempts he tried failed because he did not have time and attention to give those girls. Ladies

always want to go on outings and dates at fun places with their dates but Sammy was always beside

his big boss.

“Alright, so what happened on the date?” He queried.

Oliver hesitated for a while, watching Sammy with scrutiny. Sammy understood that look, one more

sarcastic reply and Oliver will kick him out of his office, he thought he should stay low for now and try

not to anger the big bad wolf.

“Well, we decided to let go of what happened between us in the past, then I asked her to be my friend.”

Sammy scratched his head, he found Oliver`s words strange and ridiculous at the same time, of all

relationships he can share with his baby’s mama, friendship? That’s absurd.

“Wow, that’s great, so did she accept?” He asked with a smile, trying to act natural.

It was Oliver`s turn to scratch his head now, they both shared similar characteristics and body

movement. As they say, birds of the same feathers flock together, but in their case, not all feathers are

the same.

“Um… well not yet, she said she would think about it,” Oliver replied, almost in a whisper.

The smile on Sammy`s face vanished immediately, replaced by a blunt face. “You mean she has not

accepted, so then why are you so excited?”

“Hey, don’t try to make me feel bad, you sadist” Oliver retorted and Sammy chuckled.

“I am sure she would accept, in fact I would call her right now to confirm,” he replied confidently.

“Alright, go ahead and do that, I hope you don’t get disappointed.”

“Disappointment? Ha!” Oliver scoffed, “that’s child’s talk, I am sure she wouldn’t say no to me, based

on who I am.” He smirked

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“Stop bluffing and make the call already,”

“Oh I will, right after you leave my office, so get out of my office you dumbass!!” He yelled.

“Okay okay, easy… don’t let the junior staffs know that their boss is crazy,” Sammy replied and ran out

with the documents, before Oliver would do something stupid to his salary.

“Fool,” Oliver muttered, and then he picked up his phone and smiled.

He went through his contact list in search of Arianna`s number and he soon found it, he had saved it as

‘Girl from valentine’s day’, he quickly erased the name and resaved it as ‘My baby’s mama’

Oliver chuckled in the privacy of his office, he couldn’t understand why he was feeling so excited, and

his feelings were changing, they were getting stronger every minute.

He dialed the number and after the first two rings, she answered.

“Hi,” he said nervously, the almighty playboy was nervous of speaking to a girl

“Um… Hi,” she replied.

He smiled at the sound of her voice, it was angelic.

“So… Um…” he stuttered, while scratching his head.

She chuckled, “you better speak up before you put me in trouble, I am at work”

“Oh, okay… I just wanted to know if you can drop by my house today, so we can…”

“Alright, just send me the location, good bye I have to go,” she concluded and hung up.

Oliver couldn’t believe that had just happened, well she hanged up on him which no one dares but

that’s was not his problem at all, he was excited with the response she had given him, so she had

agreed to come without any persuasions, which means she has also agreed to be his friend. Well he

would confirm about that when she visits.

He quickly sent his address to her, to which she replied ‘seen’. He wondered what work she does;

perhaps he would ask her when she comes around.