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Mr. Neal, Mrs. Neal’s Gone with The Money by Little Treasure

Chapter 650
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Chapter 650

“I’ve already checked. Don’t worry, everything is well–prepared.”

At that moment, Matthew had already brought Cynthia to his room.

He seldom returned home. However, the room was still impeccably clean, reflecting the

constant care of the housekeepers.

“I didn’t expect them to be so welcoming. They must be really excited to meet you.”

Matthew poured her a cup of hot tea, his tone steady and unhurried,

“What do we do next time? Cynthia asked directly.

It took Matthew a moment to respond. “What do you mean by ‘next time‘?”

“We can pretend once, but we can’t pretend twice. What if they ask about you during the

holidays, how would you answer?” Cynthia took a sip of the hot tea, maintaining her poise.

This was indeed a problem, one that Matthew had not fully considered.

His previous idea was to let Cynthia impersonate his girlfriend for this visit and then

proceed with his strategy, hopefully turning Cynthia into his real girlfriend.

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Looking at their current progress, it was clear that apart from Cynthia was no longer

avoiding him as before. There was virtually no advancement in their emotional

connection. Indeed, it was a tricky situation.

“Let’s wait until next time then,” Matthew decided after some careful deliberation.

Cynthia took another sip of her tea, and even though she seemed like she had more

questions, she refrained from asking. For this visit, she had intentionally not brought any

gifts. She was only pretending to be a guest at Captain’s house; if she were to bring a gift

that the elders happened to like, it might make things uncomfortable for any future

girlfriend of Captain. Better to arrive empty–handed, she reasoned; it was the best option.

“What are you thinking?” Matthew asked, lightly tapping her forehead.

After weighing her words, Cynthia finally voiced her concern. “I was thinking that it would

be better if you didn’t have people pretend to be your girlfriend to deceive your uncle and

auntie. If one of these pretend–girlfriends performs too well, it might create problems for

your actual significant other.”

“I’ve got it under control. You don’t need to worry,” Matthew assured her.

Hearing this, Cynthia was relieved. She had always known the Captain to be thoughtful in

his actions; even if such a situation were to arise in the future, she trusted him to handle it


Approximately ten minutes passed.

Matthew then led Cynthia back out of the room to chat with his parents. Although Cynthia

had very little experience with such situations, she was capable of handling them.

Responding to Tracy’s questions with just the right words, she made a comfortable

impression on everyone.

Tracy cleared her throat, sharing a look with Hank. “Cynthia, Matthew told us that he eats

your food, stays at your place, and even secured a job at your company. What is your view

on his freeloading behavior?”

Cynthia was taken aback. Freeloading?

With a slight pursing of his lips, Matthew said gently, “You can say what you think, no need

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to hold back.”

Cynthia, unaware of what the Captain had told his parents, clarified, “He’s he’s not

freeloading. In fact, it’s me who often. moodies off him. He’s capable, knowledgeable, and

competent. It’s just that his long–term commitment to the organization has caused him to

be a little disconnected from certain social matters. He just needs time to adjust. I am

merely offering a little assistance.”

Tracy and Hank stared at Matthew in disbelief, wondering what he had said to Cynthia.

How did the conversation get to the point of social disconnection?

At the same time, both were convinced of one thing: Cynthia was quite natve

“Yonely don’t think he’s freeloading!” Hank asked seriously.

Cynthia merely nodded in response.

“You should be more cautious in the future. Some people might seem honest, but they’re

full of tricks,” Hank admonished, deeply disapproving of his son’s freeloading behavior.

“Mind your words, especially in front of Cynthia,” Tracy chided, giving him a disapproving

look. Their son was still there. Was it right to badmouth him in such a manner?

uppersing his emotions, Hank thought to himself that if it were not for Cynthia’s presence,

he would have already criticized his son for disgracing the family by freeloading