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Mr. Neal, Mrs. Neal’s Gone with The Money by Little Treasure

Chapter 648
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Chapter 648

The place he least wanted to be was beside his father.

“What do you want to talk about?”

ou over. You know well what should be said and what should not,

“Your mother wants to talk to you. She asked me to call you

Felix stated his intent, adding that the issue with the online video had been handled.

Joshua was about to retort when Felix continued, “If you purposefully say something

wrong, not to mention me, Cynthia won’t forgive you either. She and your mother are on

good terms.”

Joshua fell silent. It seemed Felix always had Cynthia to keep him in check.

Under protest, he still ended up going with Felix.

After Joshua’s video was posted online, the level of discussion gradually decreased. The

video also conveyed to the public that the rumors of Joshua’s accident were false.

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The rumors were finally dispelled.

In the following few days, other topics eclipsed Joshua’s presence in the trending

discussions. He gradually disappeared from the heat of online gossip. Gossip still

occasionally popped up in group chats. However, his name was no longer seen on the

search list.

On January 20th, the twenty–ninth day of the twelfth lunar month, with New Year’s Eve

just one day away, Cynthia rose early and dressed in rather decent attire. This was in

keeping with her earlier promise to Matthew, Upon seeing this, Jonathan was momentarily

taken aback, “Cyn, what are you up to?”

“I’m about to pose as Captain’s girlfriend and meet his parents,” Cynthia explained, She

had mentioned this to her father before.

Jonathan hesitated for a moment. Should he tell Cyn that if a man invites someone to pose

as his girlfriend at a family gathering, it is highly probable that he genuinely likes that


“What’s wrong?” Cynthia, seeing his prolonged silence and slightly complicated

expression, queried.

“Do you like Captain? In a romantic way, I mean,” Jonathan asked subtly.

Cynthia thought for a moment. She did trust Captain and admired him greatly. However,

as for romantic feelings…she did not belleve she had those. The only time she felt a bit

different toward Captain was during a masquerade ball, where she was stunned by his

appearance, charisma, and good looks. Although it was a strange feeling, it did not reach

the level of love.

“No, he is a very good friend of ours,” she responded.

Jonathan stopped short of saying anything further. In that case, was Captain not going

through all this trouble in vain?

“If there’s nothing else, I’ll get going now. Captain’s here, I’ll wait for him outside,”

Cynthia, having applied light makeup, explained. Even though it was just an act, she

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needed to maintain a decent appearance.

“Alright…” Jonathan refrained from further comment.

Ten minutes later, Matthew arrived in his off–road vehicle. Seeing Cynthia dressed in a

mid–length white coat, from the car, draped his scarf around her, took her hand, and said,

“Come on, get in the car.”

“Captain, this…” Cynthia attempted to return the scarf to him.

he alighted

“You keep it.” Noticing her reddened ears, Matthew closed the car door and got into the

driver’s seat from the other side. “I’m

not cold.”

As the car moved forward, Cynthia removed the scarf from her neck. Although it was

warm, she usually preferred simplicity and decided to give it back to Captain once they

disembarked. Matthew, clad in a black overcoat, caught sight of her actions from the

corner of his eye, his lips curving into a wry simile.

Chapter 6-19