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Mr. Neal, Mrs. Neal’s Gone with The Money by Little Treasure

Chapter 637
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Chapter 637

“But my father will be released from prison soon. He will definitely resent my mother for

reporting his domestic abuse. We won’t have any peace,” Michelle said, biting her lip,

looking pitiful

Shirley frowned slightly, displeased by this comment.

She despised domestic abusers, but their father could not support them forever.

Cynthia’s gaze shifted.

It all started when Mandy sought their father’s help due to domestic violence. He found

her a lawyer, which led to the subsequent events.

A complex tide of emotions surged in her heart.

“The property I’ve given you has excellent security, with shopping resources available

exclusively for residents within the complex. As long as you don’t go out of your way to

contact him, he can’t get in,” Jonathan said nonchalantly.

Mandy had divorced that man.

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Even if he wished to cause trouble, he would not be able to bypass the community’s


“But we will have to go out Michelle protested.

Jonathan cut her off. “If you encounter dangers or problems you can’t handle, call the

police. Moreover, with the money I gave you, you could hire two bodyguards. As long as

you don’t purchase too many luxury items, that money could ensure a comfortable life for

you both.”

Mandy and Michelle were both taken aback.

At this moment, both of them understood clearly; Jonathan genuinely did not wish for any

further entanglements with them, and his two daughters were his absolute limits. The

conversation ended, and Mandy was acutely aware that her efforts over the past two

years had self–destructed.

She had overestimated her standing in Jonathan’s heart and underestimated his affection

for Cynthia. If she had not seen someone berate their own daughter for the sake of their

beloved, she would not have dared to take such a risk. She thought that all she needed to

do was to frame Cynthia, leading Jonathan to dislike her. However, only now she came to

understand. She could do anything, anything except targeting his daughters.

As they were leaving, Jonathan instructed his driver to drop them off. The distance from

the house was considerable, and it was late at night. He did not want any mishaps on his

property. Once the two women had left, tranquility was promptly restored in the living


Suddenly, Jonathan seemed uncertain about how to converse with his daughters. “Dad,”

Shirley began. “Yes?” replied Jonathan. “Which property dad you give them?” Shirley was

curious. “I just bought it. It’s in the north, a bit far from the city center, but not too

remote.” Jonathan pursed his lips, feeling a bit guilty.

“And the money?”


“Didn’t you mention you gave them some money?”

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As soon as this was said, Jonathan cleared his throat, slightly embarrassed Was Shirley

about to settle accounts with him? However, he had earned has money rightfully. It should

not be too much of an issue if he chooses to give some of it away.

“Um, thirty million,” answered Jonathan. He had calculated enough for them to lead a

wealthy lifestyle as long as they did not splurge on luxury items, especially since the

property was already provided. Shirley gave it some thought but did not say much more.

Cynthia remained composed the entire time. She did not participate much in the matter of

money and the house. “I have made up my mind. I am not going to marry again, just you

two. I will watch you both get married and settle down, as long as you’re happy, that’s all

that matters,” Jonathan declared very earnestly, his eyes filled with a warm smile as he

looked at his


“Don’t contradict yourself later,” Shirley joked with him. Jonathan reassured her with

conviction, “I promise I won’t.”

“I don’t plan on getting married anytime soon,” Cynthia preempted. She did not want to

he nagged about it later. “Don’t Introduce anyone to me even if you meet someone


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