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Mr. Neal, Mrs. Neal’s Gone with The Money by Little Treasure

Chapter 629
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Chapter 629

Ellora was a person who cherished emotions deeply. Arrepting money would only make her

feel as if the deficits in her love life could be wiped clean with cash. Hence, she opted for

nothing at all, standing firm on her resolve. To some, this might seem foolish. They believe

Chyler owes her, and there is nothing wrong with talding the marital assets. Yet, Ellora

could not cross that line within herself; she merely desired to sever all ties with Chyler.

As for Cynthia, with her excellent family background and substantial wealth, she was

distinct from Ellora in many ways. Even if the news came out one day, no one would dare

to criticize her, given her status. Regrettably, Chyler did not understand. He thought Ellora

still hated him and refused to accept anything from him

“What, she doesn’t want your money, and you just don’t give it to her?” Joshua morked

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coldly. Though he felt shameful about his past actions, at least he had given Cynthia

200,000,000 USD, along with a house and car.

“What can I do? She returned all the money I sent her and threatened that if I continued to

transfer money, she would ensure I’d never find her again.” Chyler found Joshua’s change

of character odd

Joshua disdainfully swept him a glance.

Chyler was provoked, “What kind of look is that?” He cursed inwardly. Joshua dared to look

down on him?

“You clearly don’t love her as much as you claim. If you do, you should stop hothering

her,” Joshua spoke leisurely, like a seasoned love guru, with his spot–on pretense

“You’re saying I don’t love her?” Chyler disagreed with Joshua’s clalan. He was one

hundred percent sure of his affection for Ellora. It was precisely because he loved her so

much that he could suppress his reluctance and let her go when he saw her resalute

decision to divorce him.

“Don’t pretend you’re so in love. If you had any love for her, you’d find a way to get the

money to her,” Joshua spoke e in


Chyler genuinely wanted to punch Joshua. What was that supposed to mean?

However, after hearing Joshua’s latter words, he asked, “Do you have a way?”

Joshua smirked. “I want you to refer to me as your big brother.”

“Since when did you develop such a perverse sense of humor? Chyler asked Joshua, a hint

of annoyance coloring his tone.

Desperate to make amends to Ellora, to ensure she was well–cared for, Chyler braced

himself, his reluctance clear as he asked, “So, if I call you that, you’ll tell me how to fix

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Joshua merely hummed an affirmative, causing Chyler to reluctantly spit out, “Big


Joshua sighed internally. There was no thrill in this, no sense of achievement. “Isn’t it time

you told me?” Chyler pressed.

“No, call me big brother‘, three times.”

“Joshua, have you lost your mind!” Rage overwhelmed Chyler, his tolerance exhausted.

“When in the few months since we last met did you come up with such a revolting idea?”

Upon seeing Chyler’s temper flare, Joshua felt a small sense of satisfaction. “Whether you

call me that or not, it’s not my problem to solve.”

Chyler was at a loss for words. He wondered who jushua had picked up these bad habits
