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Mr. Neal, Mrs. Neal’s Gone with The Money by Little Treasure

Chapter 611
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Chapter 611

Matthew’s eyes ficlored slightly, and he did not deny it. “Yes.”

“You…” Mrs. Quier hesitated for a moment, her demeanor exuding an aura of scholarly

grace. “Is the girl you’re pursuing really the one described by Mr. Yunis?”

“Which one?”

“The one wha’s two meters tall, with abs, and who can easily toss you over her shoulder.”

Matthew’s thin lips pressed into a tight line. Yunis was going to get a stern allong-to when

he got back

“I’m not against it, but are you sure about this? She’s ten centimeters taller than you.”

Mrs. Quier started cautiously, trying to choose her words carefully to spare her son s


Many people care about height. Their son had always been proud, righteous, and ready to

stand up for what was right. Could he accept someone taller than him?

“That’s his mate selection criteria. Not mine,” Matthew responded, not offering much

explanation and not missing the disapproval in his father’s gaze.

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Both parents were momentarily stunned, not expecting this revelation.

“Did you manage to win over the one you like?” Mrs. Quier asked curiously.

Mr. Quier’s face instantly tumed serious “He has someone be likes?”

“You didn’t know?”

“You knew?

“Yes, Matthew sent me a message.”

Upon hearing this, Mr. Quier’s handsome face clouded with displeasure. He glared at


To think his son did not even tell him, What good was having a son like this?

“It’s your fault for not accepting my friend request. Are you blaming me?” Matthew

retorted, his tone lazy, radiating an air of unattainable privilege.

Mr. Quier was tempted to retort, but he bit his tongue. Hmph!

“I’m still pursuing her,” Matthew answered Mrs. Quier.

“Don’t you dare claim to be my son when you’re outside. You can’t even manage to win

someone over after all this time. It’s embarrassing!” Mr. Quier went into full chastising


However, he caught Mrs. Quier looking at him and immediately clammed up upon saying

this. For the rest of the conversation, Mr. Quier sat in silence, not uttering a single word.

Mrs. Quier and Matthew carried on the conversation, asking him routine questions about

his daily life and where he was living.

After the conversation was over, both Mr. and Mrs. Quier were taken aback by a plece of


“Matthew, isn’t it inappropriate for you to be living off someone else and having her

provide you with a job?” Mrs. Quier began hesitantly, not wanting to hurt her son’s pride.

**Why are you heating around the busli? He’s just sponging off her. It’s embarrassing!” Mr.

Quler finally interjected.

Matthew, however, seemned unfazed. “Yes, l’or sponging off her.”

“Don’t dare say you’re from the Chuder family. I swear I’ll give away all our wealth and not

give it to you!” Mr. Quier said very seriously.

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“Go ahead and donate it, I don’t care. Even if I don’t work, she will support me. But think

about it, if you donate all our assets, will you still have money to take Mom on a

vacation?” Matthew responded casually.

Chapter 611


Mr. Quier was so exasperated that he abruptly ended the video call. Mrs. Quler, who was

not done talking, glared at him, dissatisfied with his abrupt behawior,

“Our son has become utterly useless. We should just adopt a new one from the orphanage

and start over. Freeloading and having the audacity to act arrogantly on top of that-it’s

disgraceful!” Mr. Quier proposed in utmost seriousness, a hint of anger suggesting he was

close to giving Matthew a good thrashing.

“You go ahead if you want, but as far as I’m concerned, I only have one son-Matthew,”

Mrs. Quier retorted.

The news had taken her aback initially, prompting her questions. However, on further

reflection, she realized that once Matthew returned to inherit the family wealth, he would

have more than enough money. His current freeloading lifestyle was a means to spend

more time with that girl

Act Fast: Free Bonus Time is Running Out!