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Mr. Neal, Mrs. Neal’s Gone with The Money by Little Treasure

Chapter 164
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Chapter 164


The four bodyguards were no match for her.

How could Chyler possibly defeat her? He was not really that foolish.

“You don’t have to consider that. If you’re a real man, come at me.” Cynthia showed no mercy.

She stepped forward. It was the perfect opportunity for her to teach this scu m bag a lesson while protecting Ellora


Chyler was rendered speechless.

“Mr. Young, you don’t have to go easy on her. Go and sna tch Mrs. Young back,” one of the bodyguards advised.


“She’s just a woman, Mr. Young. You’ll definitely be fine.”

“Come on, Mr. Young!”

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The four defeated bodyguards spoke loudly, afraid that nobody would hear them.

Chyler was in a dilemma. If he fought, he would definitely lose to Cynthia. On the other hand, if he did not fight,

Ellora would think he was a weakling

“Ellora, are you sure you want to go with her?” He decisively changed the topic, making the atmosphere

more serious.

Ellora would have been torn in the past, weighing whether Cynthia could handle Chyler.


Her mind was filled with admiration for her best friend to the point where, upon hearing Chyler’s words, she

casually replied, “Let’s talk about that later. The most important thing now is your duel with Cynthia.”

Chyler was surprised.

Everyone’s gaze fell upon him as if waiting for his decision.

“If you can’t win, you can also surrender,” Ellora said lightly.

Chyler was suddenly dazed. It was as if the person before him overlapped with the lively and cun ning girl she was

when they first met.

Back then, she was just as lively and cu nning, with a hint of mischief.

“I can’t win,” Chyler admitted openly. He did not want to embarrass himself by stepping into the fight. “But have

you really thought about going with her?”

Cynthia glanced at him, seemingly saying, “If you can’t win, don’t talk so much.”

Chyler understood the message, and his hands tightened slightly.

“Ellora, let’s go.”

Cynthia took Ellora to retrieve her phone and then left.

No one dared to intervene, as nobody wanted to get beaten up again.

Chyler watched Ellora’s departing figure without saying a word.

The bodyguards, finally finding their voices once everyone had left the hospital, spoke to Chyler, “Mr. Young, are we

just going to watch Mrs. Young leave with Mrs. Neal without doing anything?”

“Why don’t you stop them?” Chyler retorted.

They had already done more harm than good, and it seemed like they were just seeking attention,

Did he appear to be in a good mood or something? The bodyguards did not dare to say more.

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The assistant had been waiting on the side and approached Chyler, saying, “Mr. Young.”

“Follow Cynthia and Ellora and find out where they are staying. When the time is right, bring her back.” Chyler did

not believe Cynthia could take Ellora out of his control.

“Yes,” the assistant acknowledged the order.

He knew who she was.

Chyler’s gaze darkened slightly as he reached into his pocket, taking out his phone and contemplating for a

moment before sending a message

[Chyler: Don’t try to provoke me. You can’t afford the price.]

When Ellora saw the message, she had already arrived at Cynthia’s residence.

The room had been cleaned by the housekeeper.

After Cynthia told her to sit and rest, she grabbed Ellora a glass of hot water. During Cynthia’s absence, Ellora

glanced at her messages.

However, she did not pay any attention to the message sent by Chyler.