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Mr. Neal, Mrs. Neal’s Gone with The Money by Little Treasure

Chapter 132
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Chapter 13 2

Joshua’s gaze fell on Moses.

It was not to cause trouble but to make him uncomfortable.

“Chyler, 1 don’t like hearing that from you.” Moses patted his buttocks and stood up. He was really easy-going.

“Back then, didn’t you agree in a heartbeat when you were invited to the party?”

Chyler was speechless.

How was he to know that Ellora would come too?

Were you arguing with Ellora just now?” Joshua looked at his expression deeply and guessed.

Chyler was bored and did not speak

Moses glanced at him but did not have much reaction.

“She is Cynthia’s friend. Cynthia wanted her to come, so Mitchell invited her. There is no relationship between her

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and. Mitchell.” They were all men, and Joshua knew what Chyler cared about.


le was beside Mitchell when he made that phone call, and the conversation they started was no different from that

of strangers.

Chyler’s expression was still oply. “I know.”

Joshua and Moses were both speechless. If he knew, then why was he still venting his anger here?

“If Ellora wants to hitch a ride when we leave later, you should refuse. Remember to remind Yiordan that as well.

Also, you have to stop Mitchell,” Chyler finally said.

“What do you mean?” Joshua stared at him as he was also upset now,

His mind was full of scenes from his dream last night, and now he suspected that she would live as though in his

dream after the divorce.

There was no smile on Chyler’s evil face at the moment. He said bluntly, “Ellora can only tale my car.”

Both the Neal Brothers were speechless.

“Get out!”

Chyler snorted lightly and did not respond at all.

The three of them just stayed in the room.

It was almost eight o’clock when Cynthia got up and went downstairs. Yiordan also appeared in the living room with

messy hair

Seeing that everyone was present, Moses brought out breakfast.

The atmosphere at the dinner table was a little weird during the meal.

Joshua glanced at Cynthia from time to time, and anyone could feel the slightly tense pressure coming from him.

Moses glanced at him, then at Cynthia.

Unexpectedly, Cynthia did not care at all. She ate her breakfast with her head down, completely humersed in her

own world, free from outside influences.

Chyler looked at Ellora, who was sitting the fart he st away from him, put down his cutlery and saki, “Don’t you have

something to talk to Cynthia about?

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“What’s the matter?” Cynthia asked, glancing at him from the sile

“It’s nothing. I just want to ask what name is better for your child. I’ve been thinking about it for a while, but I can’t

think of


one.” Ellora had already removed Chyler from her heart and pretended to smile relaxedly.

Cynthia originally wanted to say that she could ask the child’s father about that.

However, thinking about what Ellora told her before, she frowned subconsciously.

That kind of scu mbag was unworthy.

“I’ll think about it after I go back, and I’ll send it to you when I think of something good. You don’t have to think

about it for now. The baby will not be born for several months. It’s not urgent.” Cynthia will not deal with it hastily,

and she took

everything she promised very seriously.

Ellora nodded and said, “Yeah.”