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Mr. Neal, Mrs. Neal’s Gone with The Money by Little Treasure

Chapter 112
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Chapter 112

Cynthia refused. She did not even glance at Joshua and Jayleen as

deen as she walked out as if they were both Insignificant.

Joshua’s heart tightened, but before he could make up his mind, he was already chasing alter Cynthia,

When he reached the door. Joshua did not forget to remind Moses. “Watch over Jayeen, I be back in a bit.

Moses did not even respond whether he agreed to it or not.

By the time Joshua caught up to Cynthia, they had already left the inpatient department.

“Cynthial” Joshua grabbed her arm from behind. his husky voice carrying a hint of tension.

Cynthia stopped in her tracks, looking at him calmly. “What do you want?”

“I’m sorry about what happened today. Jayleen isn’t usually like this. She may have sulle red asychological trauma

from being assaulted. causing her to act impulsively.” Joshua said, leeling uneasy. He felt a coolness spreading

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throughout his body.

“What authority do you have to apologize on her behall? Cynthia asked.

Joshua paused. All his words seemed to get stuck in his throat, making it hard for him to speak.

Cynthia did not want to waste any more time. “Move aside.”

She was wrongly accused, yet Joshua not only failed to uncover the truth, and he also believed Jayleen’s words

without questioning them. Moreover, he not only did not blame Jayleen when she made a mistake, but he also

apologized on her behalf.

Moses was right. Joshua was biased toward Jayleen.


“I told you to move aside.”

“Can you just calm down and listen to me?” Joshua was not used to her indifference.

Cynthia looked at him. Even though she had not said anything. Joshua could still understand what she was trying to


She was trying to say. What was your reaction when I asked you to listen to my explanation calmly and rationally?”

Joshua’s heart ached, and he could not quite describe the emotion he was feeling.

It was like a huge stone was pressing on his chest.

He took out the car keys, said nothing about what had just happened, and changed the subject, TL take you back


“I don’t need you to,” Cynthia refused firmly.

However, Joshua did not give her a chance. Inslead, he pulled her slender wrist with his large hand and brought her

to the parking lot. He forcefully stuffed her into the car and drove her home.

It was already half past eleven at night.

Cynthia was so tired that she fell asleep in the passenger seal.

She did not trust Joshua in many things, but when it came to personal safety, he was sill trustworthy. Moreover, she

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usually went to bed around ten o’clock every night, and even if she was delayed, she would sleep by eleven o’clock

at the latest.

As a result, Cynthia really could not stay awake any longer.

While driving. Joshua wanted to talk to Cynthia about what had happened.


However, after calling her several times, he realized she had fallen asleep.

He slowed down the car and looked at the sleeping girl

Suddenly, his heavy heart softened, and the suppressed emotions dissipated.


There was even a moment where he thought it would be nice if things continued like this.

The car headed toward Cynthia’s neighborhood.

It was not unti. nearly one o’clock in the moming that Joshua linally brought Cynthia to her neighborhood. He

wanted to wake her up and

walk her to her door, but after calling her softly. Cynthia did not wake up.

In the end, Jeshua had to park the car and carry her up to her apartment.
