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Mistaking a Magnate for a Male Escort

Chapter 2293
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Chapter 2293 Reconciliation

Sean uttered evasively, “Ms. Felch, don’t worry. We will save Mr. Lincoln. You should take care of yourself.” “Where’s

Danrique? Let him answer the phone.”

Francesca was anxious. She had been detained in the dungeon for a long time, so she knew well the brutal torment

one would suffer in there. Back then, the first lady didn’t dare to lay a finger on her, but the same couldn’t be said

for Lincoln.

“Mr. Lindberg is talking to the president on the phone.” Sean covered the speaker with his hand and whispered,

“He’s gravely injured and is very weak at the moment. He will return your call after he finishes his conversation with

the president.”

Hearing that, Francesca couldn’t bring herself to probe further. She had no choice but to say, “Okay. I’ll wait for him

to contact me.”

After pausing briefly, she added, “Sean, Ms. Layla is dead. Mr. Lincoln is the only relative I have left. I cannot allow

anything bad to befall him.”

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“I know, Ms. Felch,” Sean replied politely.

After hanging up the call, he looked inside through the door to the study room that was left ajar. He couldn’t help

but sigh at the sight of Danrique overexerting his frail body to continue talking on the phone with the president.

Just as William had mentioned, the circumstances had been advantageous to them initially.

Danrique had managed to turn the tables. Unfortunately, Lincoln was captured by the president. Not only did that

allow the president to garner sympathy, but the president also gained a trump card.

Moreover, Gordon had been shot while rescuing Lincoln and was now lying in the hospital.

The present situation had become unfavorable to them.

Sean’s subordinate hurried over and uttered in a hushed tone, “Mr. Lindberg’s wound is bleeding.”

Sean hastily returned to the study room.

“Aren’t you tired of spouting so much nonsense with your indirect manner of speech?”

Danrique leaned against the backseat as he talked on the phone. Despite his enfeebled state, he still carried himself

in the same authoritative manner.

Sean noticed blood coming out of the wound on Danrique’s shoulder. He reckoned it was because Danrique had

punched the tabletop when he grew agitated earlier.

Sean immediately took out the medical kit to stop his bleeding.

However, he didn’t dare to approach when he saw Danrique furrow his brow.

“Just be straightforward with your request.”

Danrique had lost his patience to beat about the bush with the president. This cunning man merely took a shot

below his collarbone. The bullet didn’t even come close to his heart, yet he announced to the public that he was in

critical condition and was undergoing emergency medical treatment.

The president had stirred the citizens into thinking he was distressed with the news about his wife and daughter

being kidnapped and his gunshot wound.

He had seized that opportunity to declare to the public how Danrique, the greedy and ruthless man, had been

trying to secure the presidency for himself by causing so much trouble.

Danrique thought the president couldn’t be more hypocritical and shameless.

“Danrique, to be honest, there isn’t a second person as talented as you in Erihal. Losing you will not only be a loss

to the nation but also to me. Why is there a need for us to fight against one another? Why don’t we restore the

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harmony between us? You’ll continue to manage Lindberg Corporation while I resume my position as president.

Isn’t this a wonderful outcome for both of us?” the president chirped, obviously hoping for a reconciliation.

He was well aware that holding Lincoln hostage was insufficient to force Danrique to yield, but there might be a

chance for them to make peace.

“You brought about so much trouble, yet you’re asking for a settlement now?” Danrique sneered. “Why should I

agree with this?”

“I know you’re feeling resentful, so I’m open to considering all the conditions you have in mind. Everything can be

discussed as long as we can put this conflict behind us.” The president spoke in a friendly tone.

He knew Danrique still had the high ground even though he had seized Lincoln.

Lincoln’s life wasn’t a bargaining chip worthy of convincing Danrique to give up the battle.

After all, he and his wife had previously gone overboard with their actions.

A vengeful person like Danrique would never let them off the hook so easily.

“I don’t mind a reconciliation, but you’ll need to admit your crimes publicly, issue an apology, and step down as the

president to face legal punishments. Otherwise, you can forget it!” Danrique uttered unceremoniously.

“Danrique, are you not giving me any room for negotiation?” The president’s face darkened instantaneously. “I’ve

investigated Mr. Lincoln’s identity and figured out he’s your fiancée’s godfather. Now that her godmother is dead,

do you think your adorable fiancée will ever forgive you if something bad happens to Mr. Lincoln as well?”