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Mated To The Lycan King

Chapter 92
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Chapter 91
I walked into the hall and looked around the room. The silence was deafening. Heads snapped in my direction as everyone's
eyes were glued to me. As I passed by our warriors, they bowed their heads to me, only standing after I passed by. I approached
Everest and moved into his arms as they wrapped them around my waist. His lips pressed against mine softly as I smiled into his
kiss. I pulled away and turned around and faced our crowd of head warriors.
"Good morning everyone. Thank you for gathering here on such short notice. We have some news on the recent activity and we
are coming up with a plan on how we are handling the situation. Every station will need to have double the number of warriors.
One group at each station will need to stand guard at their posts while the remainder do a perimeter run in their designated
areas. Swap every few hours until the shift is over. Meanwhile, we are coming up with a plan to assist the Southern Kingdom.
We have good reason to believe that our neighbors will be under attack next. They were here for us, so we shall be there for
them." I looked around the room after I spoke to them. Mumbles and whispers could be heard as the warriors exchanged
Everest's arm brushed against mine as he stepped forward to speak, "Everyone will be expected to pick up their new posting
assignments and then hand them out to your current teams you will be stationed with. I will have a special team to lead our
people out to our bunk houses outside of the Kingdom." People erupted in discussion.
"Wait, we are moving out of the Kingdom?" One asked us.
My eyes glanced at Everest as another shouted "This place will protect us." My teeth clenched, my blood began to boil.
I could see him getting angry and when he went to talk, another asked "This for the south? Maybe we should hold the witches
here accountable!" I let out a small growl of frustration at the outbursts.
Everest let out a thundering growl that sent shivers down my spine. His growl masked my very own and I watched as everyone
immediately kneeled before us and had their necks bare to us. Order was restored promptly throughout the group as Everest
cleared his throat.
"There will be absolutely no more outbursts of that nature. Anyone who threatens the thirty witches that are now living among us
will be outcast and no longer a part of this Kingdom. With that you will only have twenty-four hours to leave these lands. If you
choose not to, you will cease to exist. Does everyone understand?" Everest's voice boomed across the room.
In unison, everyone responded, " Yes, my King." Just like that, we were back on track..

"There will be a group of warriors who will be assigned to the movement detail along with four witches. These witches will place a
cloaking and protection spell over the group to keep everyone hidden. Two hours, gather what you need. We will be moving our
people in two days. Disperse." Everest let out a sigh as he turned to look at me.
I offered him a subtle smile as he appeared to be pleased with himself. "Come, my love, let us discuss the plan together." His
arm extended out towards me.
I glanced down at his hand and took it happily with my own. Our fingers laced together as he led me to his office. We walked in
and we sat down at his desk. "So, we need to go south. I think Sebastian is after Miranda."
"Yes, we will help them as they have aided us in the past. We need to make a list also of the warriors who will be staying behind
with our people. Jameson needs to be with us. The boys.."
I cut him off. "They stay," I said firmly.
"Are you sure?" He looked at me and I sighed and nodded my head.

"One million percent, in fact. I do not want them near all this danger." I sighed, running one of my hands across my face.
"I know it is not going to be safe, but I feel like we are in and out of their lives." He let out a big sigh as he leaned back in his
I moved over to his side of the desk and spun his chair around. I looked down at him as he looked up at me. I moved to sit in his
lap, hanging my legs over the right arm of the chair. I placed my lips on his and kissed him. His lips pressed back against my

"Everything will be somewhat normal, eventually. Then, when we are all normal, we will have many more babies and be a happy
blended family." When he smiled, I leaned in and kissed him again. His arms wrapped around me tightly, bringing my body close
to his. His chest vibrated as his tongue darted out. My tongue greeted his and pressed against his. They tangled and danced
with one another.
A knock sounded from his door and I pulled back from him. I moved to stand and straightened out my top. I moved to stand
behind him. "You may enter." His voice sounded gruff.
Melissa had slowly opened the door, stepping into Everest's office. She bowed her head out of respect before moving towards
us. Everest moved his hand to the chair, offering her a seat. "Please have a seat. I am glad you're here. I was just about to send
someone to get you." Everest had a smile on his face.
"Oh?" Melissa looked up to me and back at him.
"Yes, we were wondering which witches you would like to have stay behind to do a protection spell and cloaking spell to keep
everyone safe that can not fight?" My head tilted slightly as I watched her movements.
"Hmm." She pondered for a moment. "You want five?"
"Yes, is that enough?" Everest responded to her.
"More than enough, could probably use three honestly. I get it, though the other two are for emergency protection." Melissa
shrugged her shoulders a bit.
"Yes, that is correct." I smiled at her.
"Okay, well, we can have Maribelle, Gurdi, Maggie, Stephenson, and Axel stay behind. They're strong enough to offer the help
you need. They all have unique gifts to offer if something was to happen while you were all away. Do you have a piece of paper
and something I could write their names on?" She asked Everest.
Everest nodded, opened up a drawer, picked out a legal pad of paper and handed it to her. He opened up the small drawer and
pulled out a pen, handing that over to Melissa as well.
She wrote the names of each person and their abilities. Fire, wind, water, elements, and storms/weather conditions. She glanced
up at me when I frowned at the storm/weather conditions one. "Axel can make the thickest fog you have ever seen. It has even
taken the sight of wolves, giving our people an upper hand when we are under attack."

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"Oh wow, really? That is a pretty cool gift to have." I commented.
"It really is. I wonder if it would work on Lycans?" Everest commented.
"I don't know. We have never tested it out before. Never needed to. Lycans, although arrogant, have never really caused us too
much trouble in the past." She gave a half smile. "If you would please excuse me, I will go inform the five that they have been
selected to help protect the weak and young." We nodded as she stood, leaving the room.
I moved around the desk after the door had shut and sat down on the chair that was across from Everest. I took the legal pad
and began to write down a schedule of times. Switching groups for others to be on duty. I glanced up as Everest was watching
me. "Do you have any input here?"

"No, no. You're doing a great job. I will work on who will be in each group." We sat in silence as we worked together to
accomplish what needed to be done. No one dared to bother us. We finished with fifteen minutes to spare. I looked over at the
waste bin that had wadded up paper balls in and around it on the floor. It was proof of the work we did here today. With over four
hundred warriors, men and women, we managed to separate them into groups that were double the size, with morning and
evening shifts scattered along the perimeter of the Kingdom.
Soon we opened the door and a line of head warriors were waiting for us. We passed them out with specific instructions to pass
onto the warriors assigned to their regime. When everyone left, three were standing behind.
"Gentlemen, please come into my office." Everest motioned and walked in. I followed behind him and the men followed directly.
Everest sat down as I stood behind him. "I am sure you three are wondering why you did not receive details tonight?"
"Yes, your majesty." One of the men said.

"It is because you three, along with your group of Lycans that have been assigned to you, will be leading our young and weak to
our hidden bunk house. You will also have five powerful witches to help you stay safe and have your backs. You will be
transporting my sons as well. Whatever you do, whatever happens, Cooper, Derek, Jordin, you are in charge of getting our boys
to safety. No matter where that may be. You get them out. Is that understood?" Everest gave the command.
I watched as Cooper nodded his head. "Of course, my King. I will make sure no harm will ever come to them."
"Derek and Jordin bowed their heads and both said "Yes, your majesty."
"Good." I smiled at them and handed them a list. "Please make sure you say your goodbyes to your families that will not be
traveling with you tonight. You and our people will be leaving tomorrow for the bunk house. Thank you, that is all." I dismissed
them, they bowed to us both and turned, leaving us.
"Let's go make the announcement," Everest sighed. Soon opening the link through the entire kingdom.
"My people, I need everyone who is able to gather in the courtyard to be there in twenty minutes. This is a mandatory gathering."
He cut the link and stood. "Let's go."
He stood, took my hand in his and we went to go tell our people of our traveling news. Those who were able to fight would stay
behind while the rest would leave them behind. We would have a full day of training up on basics. Luckily, no matter the age,
Lycans retain moves rather quickly.
We waited for everyone to be gathered. Once everyone was there, Everest gave his speech to our people. He filled everyone in
on what was happening and why we were doing what we were doing. He informed them of the move to the bunk house for safety
precautions and the relief on the elders' faces when they heard five powerful witches would be going with them, pulled at my
heartstrings just a bit.
When he was done with the speech, we walked over to the boys. I hugged each of them tightly. Trevor looked nervous and
"We can't come with you?" Trevor asked us.
"No bud, you need to stay with the group," Everest told him.
"But I can fight, I can help. Please, let me help." He begged Everest.

Everest shook his head. "No. I need you to stay and help protect others, including your brothers. Can you do that for me, bud?"
Trevor smiled and nodded his head. "I can do that for you, for them, all of them."
"I am leaving you in charge. If something happens, the head warriors have been instructed to get you three out of there. You go
with them, no questions asked. Do you understand me?" I looked at Trevor and he nodded his head.
"Yes, I do understand. I will." His arm hugged my neck and I hugged him too. I felt tears start to sting the back of my eyes. I
blinked rapidly to try to push them away but it did no good. They spewed, traveling down my cheeks. I felt little arms and strong
arms embrace us. We stood like that for a few minutes, hugging and loving one another.
"Now, let's get all the junk food we can find and watch movies! Does this sound good to you?" I smiled.
"Yes! Movie night! Sweet!" Trevor took off back inside, his younger brothers hot on his heels.
We followed right behind them and made it a point to enjoy our night with them.