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Marry Ex's Uncle After Divorcement by Jacqueline

Chapter 780
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Chapter 780 | Insisted on Sleeping with Her?

Theresa didn’t want to argue with him anymore.

She shoved him away, picked up her phone, and made a call.

Leaning against her pillow, she ordered, “Jonathan, come and pick him up!”

Jonathan could feel Theresa’s displeasure. He nodded and said, “Okay, I’ll be right there.”

Jonathan didn’t leave Theresa’s residence but slept in the guest room the night before because he was

afraid that Charlie would cause trouble for Theresa if he left.

At the moment, Jonathan just woke up.

After a while, Jonathan knocked on the door.

Charlie stood by the bed and looked at Theresa coldly. Theresa didn’t mind. Although he was staring at her, she still

lazily hypnotized herself, as if she was about to fall asleep.

Charlie said, “I can’t stop you from marrying Dick. I just hope that you won’t do anything that makes me

misunderstand you from now on.”

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It was time for him to break up with her.

Just as Roderick said, he shouldn’t be a man who couldn’t even get over a woman.

It was just a woman.

Theresa was not the only woman in the world.

Charlie didn’t believe he should fall in love with a woman and let her hurt him again and again.

Theresa yelled, “Get out of here!”

Charlie had been pestering her for the whole night, but when he woke up, he was so cold to her and even blamed

her. Theresa was really pissed off.

Charlie took a look at her, stood up, and walked to the door. Jonathan was standing at the door and waiting for him.

“Good morning, Mr. Charlie!”

Before the door was closed, Theresa heard Charlie rebuke Jonathan. “Why didn’t you drive me home after I got

drunk? Why did you drive me here?”

Obviously, Charlie was scolding Jonathan, but Theresa had a feeling that Charlie seemed to be scolding her, which

made Theresa grind her teeth in anger.

She clenched her fists and wrapped her head into the quilt, telling herself not to listen to Charlie. Jonathan was

dumbfounded when he heard Charlie’s words. He had not only driven Charlie back but helped him enter Theresa’s

room. Charlie should be happy about that, shouldn’t he?

Jonathan had thought Charlie would be overjoyed. Never did he expect that Charlie would yell at him like this.

Jonathan explained, “I wanted to drive you home, but you insisted on coming here. If you don’t believe me, you can

ask Dr. Hill.”

Charlie was taken aback and thought, “I asked him to drive me here?”

He didn’t believe that he would do such a thing when he was drunk.

But Jonathan never lied.

Charlle said, “Even if I insisted on coming here, you shouldn’t have let me enter her room. Why did you leave me to

sleep with her?”

Jonathan was rendered speechless

He looked at his boss in confusion and asked, “Did Miss Cameron make you angry?”

“If not, why did Mr. Charlie ask these questions as soon as we met?” continued Jonathan inwardly.

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Charlie replied coldly, “Answer my question!”

Jonathan was embarrassed. “She let you sleep in her bed simply because you insisted on sleeping in her room.

When Miss Cameron was sleeping in your sons’ room next door, you got up to look for her, and that was why she

went back to her room to sleep with you. You kept holding her hand and didn’t let her go.”

“Are you kidding me?” Charlie’s face changed when he heard Jonathan’s words. “Jonathan, you never lied before.”

Jonathan felt wronged. He didn’t lie before, and neither did he at the moment.

Jonathan said, “Mr. Charlie, I didn’t lie, really. It was you….”

As Jonathan spoke, he felt his hair standing on end because of Charlie’s cold stare.

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