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Marry Ex's Uncle After Divorcement by Jacqueline

Chapter 73
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Chapter 073

ut she still liked him in her heart. rieht? She had used to like him so much… He didn’t know why he was no match

for Charlie that

cripple. With an indomitable thought, Jimmy said, “Theresa, How about we go back to the past?” He had always

been very arrogant in front of her, especially after their divorce, since which his career had been on the rise,

having given him a lot of superiority complexes. However, at this moment, he lowered his posture in front of her

and used the tone of a plea. Theresa was thinking of how to refute his words that almost angered her to death

when she suddenly heard this. Being stunned for a moment, she looked at Jimmy in his serious face, which seemed

that he was not joking. She said, “It seems… something is really wrong with your brain?” Jimmy looked at her, took

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a deep breath and said, “Didn’t you marry into the Calsis family and curry favor with Charlie just to anger me? I

admit you have achieved your goal, and now I’m too angry to see you with him! So, can you stop now?” “Anger

you?” Theresa said, “You think I married into the Calsis family just to anger you? What will I get from angering you?

If I anger you, will you give me the house? Can I not feed those two children?” Jimmy listened to her words, sank his

face, and said, “Isn’t it just a house? I’ll give it to you! I said I can give it to you! Those two children, I can raise thein

too! As long as you leave Charlie, everything will be negotiable.” “… You can raise those two children?” Theresa was

a little surprised. He had hated those two children at that time, had kept preventing her from bearing them, and

even had divorced her for them. And now, he actually wanted to raise those two children!

Jimmy knew that children were her weakness, and he said, “So what if you have married Charlie now? He has two

children of his own, the

Calsis family will not accept your two children. No one knows what will happen to them in the future! But if you

leave the Calsis family now, I can raise these two children.” He knew better than anyone that these two children

had no father, so there was only himself who could help her raise these two children Theresa listened to Jimmy’s

words and pulled the corner of her mouth, “In order to get me out of the Calsis family, you’ve really put ind lot of

efforts.” He even was willing to accept the children he hated the most! Jimmy looked at her and asked, “So, what do

you say?” He really couldn’t stand seeing her around Charlie, let alone seeing her stay with Charlie Theresa said,

‘What do I say? You said you can raise the two children, but how? Jimmy, are you mad? You have already married

Rose, who doesn’t know now you are the son-in-law of the Nandlall family? You said you can help me raise the

children, is that a joke? You really think I’m that stupid?” Jimmy said, “I have money now, how much can it cost to

raise two children? Can’t I afford to keep you? You don’t have to worry about this kind of problems at all.” “And then

what?” Theresa looked at him, “I come back and stay with you? Listen to you and stop messing around with other

men… Who

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do you think you are?” She was literally dying laughing at the smugness of this man, a married man who still

wanted to keep her? Jimny said, “Who am I? We’ve known each other lor so many years, do we have no feelings at

all? I can give you everything you want

now! I’m willing to come back and stay with you now, so be content! Don’t wait for me to change my mind.”

Theresa listened to his self-righteous tone as if his coming back to be with her was a gift for lier and she should

accept it with great gratitude She looked at Jimny and said, “You stay with me? You think you deserve it? Does Rose

know what you just said? She loved you so wholeheartedly that she took shots at me for you, while you said that to

me here?” Hearing Theresa mention Rose, Jimmy said, “She’s just a little girl knowing nothing, I love you more than

her! If you hadn’t insisted on

bearing those two children at that time, we wouldn’t have gotten divorced. Theresa, you know I still love you!”