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Marry Ex's Uncle After Divorcement by Jacqueline

Chapter 70
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Chapter 070

Her brain was baffled for a moment, while the man beside her, who didn’t seem to feel anything wrong, was just

waiting patiently Theresa picked up the bowl, used a spoon to scoop a small mouthful of soup, and carefully fed it to

his lips. Charlie lowered his head to drink the soup she fed him. As he drank the soup, he was staring at her at a

very short

distance with a hot gaze, making Theresa’s face burn.

The Calsis family had always been very strict and serious, especially, in the presence of the elders, the two showed

affection like this, looking really a little embarrassing. However, Charlie didn’t seem aware of it, patiently enjoying

Theresa’s care.

Leticia sitting aside put her chopsticks on the table, opened her mouth, and said to Charlie, “Charlie, those two

children, what’s your plan?” He wouldn’t really listen to Theresa and indulge her, would he!

Charlie knew that his mother was now trying to force him to take those two children back. He said, “My baby

doesn’t like those two children, so I won’t take them back.”

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Theresa, who was sitting right next to him, feeding him soup with the spoon, choked when she heard his words.


the hell, why do I think he just played a trick on me?’ She looked at Charlie next to her and noticed that he had said


kind of stuff without his face flushing and his heartbeat speeding up! This man… Obviously, it was him who did not

want to take the children back, but he had said those. The family would hate her more, wouldn’t they?

The whole Calsis family, except Old Mr. Calsis, looked at Theresa even more complicatedly.

Rose had thought that Charlie would be more restrained because of Leticia’s anger. After hearing Charlie’s words,


said in disbelief, “Uncle Charlie, how can you be like this? Do you know that Grandma is very angry about this


Even if you love Aunt Theresa, you have to take care of your own children, don’t you?”

“My own children?” Charlie said, “Where did I get the children, why don’t I know that?” After these words, he then

looked at Leticia and said, “Mother, I know you want me to have children early. Don’t worry, Theresa and I will try


best to let you have a grandchild in two years. But… those fakers out there, just don’t take them back into the



Jimmy, who was sitting aside, waiting to see Theresa’s show, heard Charlie’s words and instantly lost his appetite!

Charlie really planned… to have a child with Theresa? This woman? How could he be interested in the woman he



Hearing Charlie’s words, Leticia looked at Charlie and said, “All right, don’t you want evidence? I’ll show you!” She


Charlie just won’t believe that those two children were his right now. But Leticia was unwilling to give up! Theresa

frowned when she heard Leticia’s words, ‘Evidence? She’s not really going to get a paternity test, is she?”

After dinner, Theresa went back to the room with Charlie to give him acupuncture.

Seeing her standing behind him thoughtfully, Charlie looked up at her and asked, “What’s on your

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Theresa looked at him, “Nothing”


Charlie heard her words and raised his eyebrow, “You’ve been moping since dinner, haven’t I been nice enough to


He had done his best to defend her in front of the family!

Theresa laughed at his words, “Very nice. Charlie, you’ve been very nice to me!”

Charlie said, “Then why are you unhappy?”

Theresa lowered her eyelids at his words and said, “I just don’t think your mother likes me anymore! I’m a little

worried that you’ll be caught in the middle.” In fact, she was worried about the two children and was afraid that

Leticia would

take this matter seriously. So she could only make this excuse.

Charlie said, “Don’t worry, when she goes to investigate and finds out that those two children are not mine, she will



It was okay if he didn’t say it, but when he did, Theresa’s heart was even colder. “What if they are?” Theresa asked
