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Marry Ex's Uncle After Divorcement by Jacqueline

Chapter 59
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Chapter 059 Too happy to sleep

‘It’s not possible that Leonard is really his son, is it?”

Theresa muttered in her mind when she stood in Charlie’s study, looking at the man who looked just like Leonard


Ben, and was incredibly focused on the phone when talking to someone.

Charlie casually looked up at her, and saw that she was staring at him with wide, ‘affectionate’ eyes. “Have you

seen enough?” He put down his phone, looked up and asked.

Theresa was caught off guard before quickly looking away. Amused by the woman, Charlie asked, “How did you

sleep last night

Theresa coughed, “It’s okay.”

“Not too happy to fall asleep, are you?”

Theresa rolled her eyes, wondering what was there to be happy about. She looked at the strange-thinking man and


“No, I had nightmares.”

“Why?” Charlie looked at her.

Theresa explained, “We have a fake marriage. You acting like this bothers me a lot. We make a deal, you are not

allowed to

kiss me as you wish!”

Charlie looked at her and tickled his lips, as if to taunt her, “Obviously you were happy, and now you put on a



Theresa had still been in a mixed mood before he said so, and now she was so angry. “Charlie, I solemnly declare, I


like you, I don’t like you at all!”

Charlie raised an eyebrow, acknowledging her words. ‘She said it like it was true. But I have seen her duplicitous

look.’ Theresa didn’t care if he was listening or not, and just pretended he had listened. She said seriously, “Start

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acupuncture. I have something to do later.” She took the tools out, and began to prepare, taking a deep breath to


herself ignore the presence of the man.

After the acupuncture, Theresa came out of Calsis’ house and rushed to the mall where she had made an

appointment with Cristina. Cristina had booked a table in the barbecue restaurant since it was noon time and the

mall was crowded Theresa had been busy lately, so Leonard and Ben had eaten at kindergarten at noon and take-

outs at night,

which made her feel very guilty.

After the barbecue, two adults and two children stopped by the downstairs mall. Cristina said, “I haven’t been out to


mall for a long time, I’ve been shopping online.”

Theresa said, “So today I just want to take them out and buy clothes.”

They quickly went into a children’s clothing store. Ben walked over and saw a nice set of clothes, like the suit of a


prince, and he asked, “Miss, how much is this?”

The shopping guide looked at the tag, “1100 dollars.”

“So expensive?” Ben’s eyes widened in surprise, not expecting the high price. “That’s not necessary, it’s too

expensive.” The shopping guide looked at Ben’s surprised look and smiled. Ben looked very cute, and he even knew

that things were expensive. Many children just asked for what they wanted and didn’t think about where the money

came from at all. Ben walked over, took Theresa’s hand, and said, “Mom, we don’t buy it! It’s too expensive, let’s

change a shop.” Theresa originally thought that Ben and Leonard had never bought particularly expensive clothes,

but the cheap ones

online, because she thought they were enough for daily wear. But this time, since they were going to have a

performance, she wondered if she should buy something a little more expensive so that they wouldn’t be teased by

others when they were stuck in the middle of a bunch of kids. Before she could speak, she heard a mocking voice

next to

her, “Oh, isn’t this Theresa?”

The voice was a little snarky, and Theresa realized that it was Jimmy’s sister Luna. Luna was followed by a little kid,


son, Jake, who was a year older than Leonard and Ben. With his fleshy body, he looked two or three years older


Leonard and Ben. The last time she had gone to eat sushi, she had seen Luna with him, but they hadn’t said hello.

When she had still been married to Jimmy, Luna didn’t like Theresa very much, who had grown up in a wealthy


and had a fair and pure complexion. From the first time they met, Luna had been full of envy for such a good


and well educated woman.

The conditions of the Watson family were not good, and as the oldest child of the family, Luna naturally had more

responsibilities. She had dropped out for work before she could finish high school, and some of her brother’s


tuition had been paid by her. She had worked hard and lived a difficult life, so when she looked at Theresa, who


to have everything by birth and could marry her carefully cultivated brother so easily, she didn’t like her very much.

Of course, the most important reason was self-abasement. The existence of Theresa always made her feel inferior

and as

if she had lived her life for nothing. However, all the dislikes were only in her heart, and she hadn’t dared to show


at home. She had pretended to be very intimate with Theresa, but now it was different-The highly educated,

good-looking, well-off Theresa was just a person who had children with others because of cheating, and even her


hated her. Luna’s inferiority to Theresa was suddenly transformed into a sense of superiority. What Theresa had

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was something she couldn’t do in her life. Coupled with the fact that her husband’s business had been good these


and the family conditions had improved, she didn’t have to cover her hatred anymore.

She looked at Theresa and said confidently, “It’s been a long time!”

Theresa greeted, “Long time no see.”

Luna checked upon Theresa, along with Leonard and Ben, the two bastards she had with some man, and said,

“Bring the

kids to buy clothes?”

“Oh, yes.” Because her tone was polite, Theresa kept it the same way.

But the children were different! Luna’s son, Jake, stood aside and pointed at Leonard and Ben, “Mom, their clothes


They look like beggars.”

Luna heard Jake’s words and scolded him, “Jake, how can you say that about other children? It’s not their fault that


can’t wear good clothes! Their mothers don’t have money. How embarrassing it is for others if you say that!” “Oh.”

Jake was reprimanded by Luna and temporarily shut up.

Luna looked over at Theresa but said something even meaner than her son’s, “Theresa, you’re too miserable! Look


you, how can you dress your children like that?”

Theresa glanced at Leonard and Ben’s clothes, wondering where was wrong with them. Besides, her kids looked


whatever they wore with their cute faces.

Before she could retort, Luna added, “Our Jake has never worn these goods since he was a child. Kids should dress

decently. Otherwise, people will laugh at their mothers when they go out!”

“I think comfort is the most important thing for kid’s clothes. They don’t necessarily need to wear expensive ones.


will grow fast anyway.”

Luna smirked, reflecting that Theresa was only saying so because she couldn’t afford expensive clothes.