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Marry Ex's Uncle After Divorcement by Jacqueline

Chapter 57
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Chapter 057 Kissing Charlie

Yet, he just didn’t feel the need to go that far for now.

Theresa snorted and deliberately said, “It seems that you still can’t do it!”

She had almost been fooled by him. However, when she took a serious look, she found that Charlie was very

innocent. If

she got a little closer to him, he would be awkward and shy.

Charlie was going to let it go, but when he heard Theresa’s words, he suddenly reached out, pulled her back,

hugged her,

and put one hand on her chin, “You say it again?” He couldn’t believe that she had just apologized so sincerely, and


she was teasing him again!

Theresa looked at his fake fierce look and knew that this man was actually just looking fierce, but a paper tiger


and he wouldn’t touch her at all. Otherwise, he wouldn’t haven’t touched a woman until now. Therefore, she smiled


teased, “What’s your fetish, Mr. Calsis? You like to hear people say you can’t do it?”

Charlie gritted his teeth, “Woman, do you know that there is a price to pay for being mouthy?”

“Price, what price?” Theresa looked at Charlie with his ears all red. Instead of being scandalized, she took the


“Charlie, I suppose you haven’t ever touched a woman before! I’m still curious, when you were with Sarah before,


never held hands or anything else?”

Sarah was far from a good woman, but she was at least a good-looking woman, which Theresa had to admit. She


been with Charlie for a while, and Charlie should have never touched her. Theresa now wondered if the man was a


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freak when it came to women.

No sooner had she finished her words than Charlie bowed his head and let her know what the price was. His lips fell


her small mouth which only made him angry. It was not a very skillful kiss, but indeed a hard one. To warn her, his


carried a little irritation.

The scent that belonged uniquely to a man instantly encroached on her, and Theresa was dumbfounded for a

moment- She had thought he was just saying, and the kiss was totally beyond her imagination!

Like he hated to leave any air in her lungs, Charlie kissed her until she couldn’t breathe. Looking at her pitiful look,


eyes were filled with pleasure after revenge. “Cat got your tongue?”

Theresa coughed and hurriedly pushed him away, leaving his arms and standing up. Charlie looked at her


flustered look and said, “I can’t do it? I like men? Try saying something like that in front of me next time, and you


have the answer. I admit you do have a unique way of attracting me, and no one but you has ever dared to say that


front of me!”

Charlie had just been really close to being pissed off by the bold woman. However, after the kiss, his mood was


lifted, especially watching her go from arrogance to panic. The girl was now glaring at him, as if she really hadn’t

expected it. Yet, she was the one who had initiated the provocation, so she could only take the loss. At her sudden

quietness, Charlie instructed, “Get out.”

Theresa did as he said. When she went into his dressing room to get his pajamas, her brain was still fogged from


kiss. She felt her lips still hurt a little because he had just pushed too hard. She looked in the mirror and couldn’t

help but

knock on her head. ‘Er, I will never do that again! How can I know the man, who usually dislikes me so much, is able


lay his mouth on mine?”

Theresa took his pajamas to the bathroom door and put them down, then glanced at Charlie, who was still in the


before walking out of the room, only to find Jonathan still waiting on the couch outside. It seemed that he had


to say to Charlie.

Seeing Theresa come out, he stood up and said, “Ma’am.”

‘Oh, it ended a little faster, it seemed.’ He added in his head.

Theresa said uncomfortably, “I’ll go back first ” Although Charlie didn’t agree, she didn’t want to stay anymore. It’s



Jonathan said, “But Master Calsis asks you to stay tonight”

Theresa didn’t say a word, went straight down the stairs, and left. Jonathan entered the room after that Charlie


his shower, changed into his pajamas, and came out, seeing that Jonathan was alone in the room, and asked,



“Mistress said she went back.” Jonathan speculated his master’s reaction, “How about I call her back?”

“Forget it.” Remembering the way she looked when she slipped away, Charlie decided to let her go. He wanted her


move in just to teach her a lesson, and now that the lesson had been learnt, Charlie was in a surprisingly good


“Thank you,” Theresa said to the taxi driver after paying the fee and got out of the car when her mobile phone

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rang. The

call was from Leah, her stepmother, and on the phone, Leah’s voice sounded very caring, “Tess, how have you

been with

Charlie lately?”

Hearing Charlie’s name, Theresa’s mind flashed unconsciously through the images in the bathroom. She coughed,


to suppress the mixed emotions that were pouring through her, “It’s… good!”

Leah wasn’t too stupid to neglect the uncertainty in Theresa’s words. “Really? Why doesn’t it sound like that? Does

Charlie resent you?”

Theresa was stunned for a moment before Leah advised, “We women are not easy. Charlie has never been

married, and

the Calsis family’s conditions are good. You are divorced with two children. Even if he looks down on you, you


understand. Just put up with it when he says something mean! Men, they all have a temper.” Originally, Leah had

thought that if Theresa got along with Charlie well, she could get Sarah back, who had been living a

hard life abroad. After all, she had no one familiar there to take care of her, and it was better to come back home.


that Leah thought Theresa’s relationship with Charlie was not very stable, she wouldn’t let Sarah come back for

now. Theresa heard her stepmother’s words and thought it was ridiculous. She knew what her stepmother was

fearing they didn’t get along and trying to solve her problem, yet Leah’s words were still harsh on the ear-What

happened to a divorced woman? What’s wrong with her kids? Why did she have to understand? Sarah disliked

Charlie, so she should be

disliked by him?

Leah’s words had already exposed the fact of how much her stepmother despised her. However, Theresa didn’t get


with her either. What Leah thought of her was not within her interest.

Hence, she said, “Got it! I’m fine with Charlie, you don’t have to worry.”

Only by reassuring Leah would Sarah come back.

Leah said, “Okay if it’s convenient, you call Charlie back and have a meal with your dad.”