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Married in a Flash Embarking on the Journey to Wealth

Chapter 304
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Chapter 304

After her small talk with her colleague, Aurelia reviewed the documents for today’s client meeting


The receptionist reminded her that the client was waiting in the conference room. She quickly got up,

straightened her dress, and took the documents to the conference room.

Upon entering, she saw a woman with a model-like figure, short hair, and a striking appearance.

The diamond teardrop earrings added a touch of glamor to her look.

However, her gaze was sharp, and despite the smile on her lips, she exuded a formidable presence.

“Hello, I'm Eva Hanks, the fashion director of IN Magazine.”

“Ms. Hanks, hello. I'm Aurelia.”

“Let’s get straight to the point. | want to hear your thoughts on our upcoming event,” Eva said


From Eva's attitude, Aurelia could distinctly feel her lack of trust in her. She even detected a hint of

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However, Aurelia didn’t back down and presented her professional opinion.

“Regarding this charity banquet, we can start by focusing on the beneficiaries because it’s aimed at aiding

women and children in impoverished areas. An event like this holds significant meaning. If we can select several


Without letting Aurelia finish, Eva raised her hand to interrupt and said solemnly, “Ms. Simmons, do

4 you know who will be attending this event? The elites and celebrities of Seacester will be there. You want to

invite a group of people from the mountains to participate? Such uncouth matters makedoubt your


“Ms. Hanks, this is a charity-"

Eva interrupted Aurelia again.

“Ms. Simmons, | don’t need you to remindof the nature of this event. However, the event's purpose is to

raise funds, not to invite a group of uncultured people to cause trouble.”

“Ms. Hanks, why are you hosting this event if you question the beneficiaries? | believe everyone present would

like to know where their donated goods will end up,” Aurelia said and frowned at Eva’s disdainful expression.

It seemed that a charity banquet was just a gimmick used by the magazine for events.

Eva got up in displeasure.

“Is this the level of service of Young Advertising? How dare you question the client? How could

Chapter 304

someone who knows nothing dare to interrogatehere? How rude!”

“Ms. Hanks..."

Eva ignored Aurelia and left the conference room with her assistant.

Aurelia stood still, completely unaware of how she had offended Eva.

Every word she said was refuted.

She returned to her workstation in defeat as everyone around her got up.

“Aurelia, it’s lunchtime.”

“Yeah, you guys go on ahead. | brought my own lunch.”

Aurelia held her head, her anticipation for her lunch fading.

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After having two bites, her phone rang. It was a call from Leslie.

“What is it, Mr. Synder?”

“Are you free at noon?” Leslie asked.


“I'm downstairs.”

“Huh? Why are you here?” she asked curiously.

“I was in the area. I'm arriving soon. Let's have lunch together.”

“Sure. I'll wait for you in the lobby.”

Aurelia packed her lunch and headed downstairs.

Coincidentally, she ran into Eva, who was waiting for her car.


“Don’t worry. | helped teach her a lesson. She's just a foolish woman. She can’t possibly compare to you,” Eva

said and spotted Aurelia.

Hanging up, she shot Aurelia a contemptuous look and left.

Aurelia was baffled, feeling that Eva held a grudge toward her.