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Married in a Flash Embarking on the Journey to Wealth

Chapter 259
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Chapter 259

The colleague’s expressions revealed a mix of emotions.

They chuckled and walked back to their seat, no longer jealous of Millie.

Seeing the lack of cooperation from her colleagues, Millie continued, “Why is everyone so silent? Don’t

you all have questions? What type of ring should I choose? How many carats?”

A gossip–loving colleague made a sly remark.

“Well, Kimberly lost her ring too. She’s not talking about her fiancé anymore. What a coincidence, Did

Jackson break up with you as well?”

Laughter ensued.

Everyone could tell from the incident at the Japanese restaurant that Jackson had no intentions of

marrying Millie.

They knew anything related to marriage was just fabricated.

Millie glared at her colleagues, then turned her gaze to Kimberly.

Kimberly’s expression darkened, and she feigned composure while rubbing her temples.

“My uncle said the guy was too old, so he’s planning to find me a new fiancé. Given my family’s

conditions, it’s not like I have to settle for anything less. Don’t just compare anyone to me.‘

Millie’s expression paled.

She hadn’t expected Kimberly to betray her as well.

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Kimberly still remembered Millie mocking her at the Japanese restaurant, so she had no intention of

helping Millie now.

She overlooked Millie’s rudeness because she was trying to help Jackson win Aurelia over.

Unexpectedly, the incident at the restaurant had alarmed Jackson’s father, and now Jackson was being

pressured to go abroad.

With that said, Millie was useless and Kimberly wasn’t inclined to play along with her anymore.

People heard what Kimberly said, stifled their laughter, and started ignoring Millie.

Unable to bear it any longer, Millie ran out the office.

Aurelia sighed, not wanting to get involved in the disputes between Millie and Kimberly.

She lowered her head and continued working.

Ever since she secured the project with One Technology, her work has been exceptionally smooth and

many companies sought her out.

Chapter 259


Given the rapid development of her career, her salary would soon double and the Issues betweeri

Kimberly and Millie seemed insignificant in comparison.

At noon, everyone went downstairs for lunch.

Aurelia ordered takeout and went to the restroom after finishing.

When she returned and sat down, she felt something was wrong with her chair.

seemed to have been moved.

Her desk was close to the wall.

To avoid hitting the wall when standing up and making noise, she had developed a habit of getting up

while holding the chair in place.

But now, the chair was almost touching the wall.

She rubbed her temples, thinking she might be too sensitive due to recent events.

Shortly after, her colleagues returned from lunch, and Aurelia didn’t pay much attention to the chair


Two days passed uneventfully.

Aurelia did a final check at the venue for One Technology’s opening ceremony.

Looking at the futuristic tech–themed decor built through her hard work, she felt a surge of


She wanted to share it with someone.

In the past, she would have taken photos for her social media or made a video to Millie to document

her hard work.

However, her current excitement was reserved for a certain someone.

She picked up her phone and hesitated for a moment, ultimately dialing the number.

“What’s wrong?” Leslie’s calming voice came out.

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Her heart skipped a beat, but she quickly snapped out of it.

“Well… The venue is ready. Would you like to check?”

“Is that all?” he asked.

She pursed her lips.

“Am I bothering you? Forget it. I’ll hang up now.”

With that, she ended the call with a strange feeling within her.

She felt somewhat disappointed and there was also another feeling that she couldn’t describe.

Shaking her head, she dismissed those emotions and went back to work.

Meanwhile, in the meeting room in One Technology.

Everyone looked at Leslie in shock.

He was furious, yet his tone became extremely calm while talking on the phone.

They couldn’t help but wonder who called and how they managed to calm Leslie down so quickly.

“What are you looking at?” Leslie said. “Meeting adjourned.”

“Huh?” Daniel was shocked. “Adjourned? That’s it?”

Leslie got up and said, “I’m going to check on the event venue. You guys go on.”

As soon as he heard the mention of the event venue, Daniel instantly knew who called.

It had to be Aurelia.

He smiled and said, “Sure, of course.”

Once Leslie left, everyone else turned to Daniel curiously.

The will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!