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Magic Doctor: CEO Lady’s Humble Husband (full story)

Chapter 199
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Chapter 199

Fatty Huang introduced the girl next to him to Fade Chen. "Brother Fade, this is Kiki Wei, my girlfriend."

"Girlfriend?" Fade Chen was slightly surprised. After all, it had only been a few days and they were

already in a relationship. It seemed that they had progressed a little too fast. Fatty Huang didn’t think

so. With a happy look, he put his arms around Kiki Wei’s slender waist and said to Fade Chen, "Brother

Fade, I told you that I didn’t believe in love at first sight before this. But until I met Kiki, I knew that the

woman I was destined to be with is her. I have decided that after dealing with the matter in Hanover

City this time, I will marry Kiki when I go back." Hearing this, Fade Chen was even more astonished. It

seemed that Fatty Huang was not playing this time, he was for real. However, Fade Chen wasn't really

in the position to talk about romance and relationships, so he dropped the topic. Instead, he asked

about the clash just now, "What happened just now ? Why did you fight with the Hu family ?" Speaking

of this, Fatty Huang's face was suddenly full of anger as he said, "Damn it, even bringing this up makes

me angry." "At that time, Kiki and I were playing drinking games. Then out of the blue, Yoshua Hu led a

few people over and started shouting at Kiki. Of course, I couldn't take it so I argued with Yoshua Hu

and in the end, we started to fight with each other." "Argued?" Fade Chen listened to Fatty Huang's

explanation, and then looked at Kiki Wei. Kiki Wei seemed to be a little timid. She glanced at Fade

Chen, then immediately lowered her head and whispered, "My family once introduced me to Yoshua

Hu on a blind date. I think Yoshua Hu saw me and Scott together and had a misunderstanding, that's

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why." Fatty Huang was indignant and said, "What misunderstanding? Kiki already said at that time that

she had nothing to do with Yoshua Hu in the future, but he was insistent on not letting her go. He not

only swore, but also hit her. How could I tolerate this ? I definitely needed to take action." Kiki Wei

whispered with tears in her eyes. She sniffed and said, "It's all my fault. If it weren't for me, Scott

wouldn't have been in danger. I.." As soon as Fatty Huang saw the sad expression on her face, he

immediately felt heartbroken. He held Kiki Wei in his arms and comforted her in a soft voice. After

listening to what they said, Fade Chen finally understood the general story of the matter. It seemed that

this conflict was because of jealousy for Kiki Wei. In this case, he would naturally support his friend

unconditionally. After that, he said a few words, and then asked Fatty Huang to comfort Kiki Wei. As

soon as he walked out of the private room, Young Wang, Hubert Qian's subordinate, followed him. He

looked up at Fade Chen and hesitated, as though he had something to say but couldn't. Fade Chen

noticed him, stopped in his tracks and asked, "Young Wang, do you have something to say to me?"

Young Wang seemed to be a little hesitant, but he still nodded and said, "Yes." "What's the matter? Tell

me." Fade Chen looked at him. Little Wang took a deep breath, pondered for a moment, and said, "I

think it may not be appropriate for Master Huang and Kiki Wei to be together." "Not appropriate?"

Hearing this, Fade Chen couldn't help but frown. He looked at Young Wang and asked, "Young Wang,

then is there any problem with Kiki Wei?" Young Wang said, "There are some rumors, but we are not

sure about the details." "What rumors?" Fade Chen asked. Young Wang said, "I've also heard about

the blind date between Kiki and Yoshua. It's true. But she didn't mention the things that happened after

that just now." "What happened after that? What's the matter?" "After Kiki Wei and Yoshua Hu's blind

date, they seemed to have been together." Young Wang's words made Fade Chen frown, and his

following words were even more disturbing.

"Moreover, according to recent rumors, Kiki Wei and Yoshua Hu didn't break up until Master Huang

came to Hanover City. There were even rumors that they were ready for a wedding." "What!" Fade

Chen exclaimed. If it was true, then the misunderstanding that Kiki Wei talked about just now was

completely nonsense. It was obvious that the conflict was about her having an affair Young Wang

continued, "On top of that, recently there have been rumors in Hanover City that Kiki Wei and the Wei

family had encountered some financial difficulties, which was why she wanted to speed up the wedding

between her and Yoshua Hu. Essentially, she wanted to become part of the Hu family." "However,

Yoshua Hu is just an insignificant person in the Hu Family since he's just from one of the Hu branch

families. Therefore, I'm afraid that Kiki Wei has bad intentions towards Master Huang." Hearing Young

Wang's words, Fade Chen thought about what had happened today again, and his heart could not help

but churn. If these rumors were true, the situation would be completely different from what Kiki Wei said

about falling in love at first sight. The Wei family was in trouble. She originally wanted to take the

opportunity to bond with the Hu family. However, at this time, Scott Huang suddenly managed to enter

the Hanover City social circle, take over the Guo family business, and even managed to establish

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connections with a big shot like Hubert Qian. Therefore, she took the opportunity to hook up with him

for her own benefits. Even the conflict in the bar might not be an accident. It could instead be Kiki Wei

who deliberately led to the conflict between the two sides. On one hand, she could take the opportunity

to cut off the relationship with Yoshua Hu, and on the other hand, she could take the opportunity to

strengthen her grip on Scott Huang, Thinking of this, Fade Chen's face couldn't help but darken. He

said to Young Wang, "Help me find out some information." Then, he gave Young Wang a few orders.

Young Wang nodded and left to do his work. Fade Chen went back to the private room and looked at

Kiki Wei, who was flirting with Scott Huang. He didn't pay much attention to it before, but now that he

observed carefully, he noticed many minor details about her. Kiki Wei had dressed innocently in a light

green gown, the makeup on her face subtle and barely noticeable. Her long hair fell over her shoulders

and her tone was excessively sweet and soft when she spoke. Her eyelashes were fluttered gracefully

as she blinked, and she even bit her lips seductively at times A combination like this made her look like

an innocent female student who just came out of school. But after careful observation, Fade Chen

could notice the cunning look in her eyes Moreover, Kiki Wei kept doing seemingly unintentional

actions such as constantly teasing Scott Huang. She seemed to have mastered the technique, but

Fade Chen did not believe that she was really as innocent as she looked. After about a quarter of an

hour, Fade Chen's mobile phone rang. He went out to answer the phone. It was from Young Wang.

After listening to Young Wang's information, Fade Chen's guesses were right on the nail. He looked

into the private room and he glared coldly at Kiki Wei. He had asked Young Wang to inquire about how

Kiki Wei and Fatty Huang met, as well as all kinds of rumors about her and Yoshua Hu. Their meeting

started off as an accident. Fatty Huang drank too much at the banquet and knocked down Kiki Wei,

who took this chance to get to know him by saying that she had injured her knees. They had gotten so

close to each other that they had went to bed together that night, even engaging in sexual activity..