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Magic Doctor: CEO Lady’s Humble Husband (full story)

Chapter 190
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Chapter 190

As people chattered and gossiped amongst themselves, Dominic Guo was pondering over the

situation. He had heard much in regards to the power shifts that had occurred at Bay City, and he was

aware of Fernando Huang’s rising position there. However, his son had been beaten up. He felt

disgruntled with the fact that Scott Huang had come all the way to his home territory in aid of that

miscreant. He spoke gravely, "What message does Chief Huang have for me ?" Realizing the fact that

he was in foreign territory, Scott Huang’s tone was deferential. He quickly explained, "Chief Guo, this

matter is really just a misunderstanding. Miss Zhang is an artist under our company’s management.

This rift between Master Guo and her is not desirable for us as well." "She is under your management."

Dominic Guo nodded. It was no surprise that Scott Huang was here then, he mused. However, this

artist under the Huang family management had the audacity to raise such havoc and cause his son

much suffering. Thinking about this, Dominic Guo spoke in resentment, "My son Haldon Guo has

suffered great injuries. Master Huang, you can’t just chalk it up to a mere misunderstanding. This would

be doing the Guo family a great injustice." Scott Huang frowned slightly and replied, "Chief Guo, Master

Guo’s situation is unfortunate indeed. The Huang family will compensate you accordingly." *

Compensation!" Dominic Guo sneered. "Does Master Huang think that our family is lacking in this

aspect ?" Scott Huang was trying to be conciliatory, but it didn’t seem to be working. He spoke in a

gloomy tone, "How would you like us to resolve this issue, Chief Guo ?" Dominic Guo paused briefly.

After giving it some thought, he looked at Scott Huang and said, "Master Huang, I am willing to make a

concession. After all, your father is the respected Chief Huang." Scott Huang looked expectantly at

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Dominic Guo, hoping that they could come to a compromise that would satisfy both parties. Dominic

Guo proceeded to name his terms and conditions. "Since that woman is under the management of the

Huang Family, I can let her off the hook for now. I would like to request for her to wait on and serve my

son till he recovers. Pausing for a moment, Dominic Guo’s expression darkened. He glared at Fade

Chen and said fiercely, "However, those that use violence cannot be pardoned so easily. Cut off one of

his arms and legs. These are my terms and conditions, which I feel are reasonable and fair. I am

already being very accommodating and respectful towards Chief Huang." As soon as he finished

speaking, Scott Wei’s face fell. He was caught between a rock and a hard place, he could not agree to

those requirements. Scott Huang had to decline. He said, "Chief Guo, if we really look carefully into this

matter, Haldon Guo started this chain of events by harassing Miss Zhang just for his amusement."

"What do you mean by that?" Dominic Guo answered coldly. Scott Huang said, "Chief Guo, I think you

are too demanding in regards to your terms and conditions." "Too demanding?"Dominic Guo snorted as

anger flashed in his eyes. He shouted, "Scott Huang. I am being so accommodating and you refuse to

oblige me, this is too much indeed." "Chief Guo, my father said.." Scott Huang replied in a low voice.

Dominic Guo interrupted him, speaking coldly, "Don’t bring up your father. Even if Fernando Huang

were to make his way here personally, at the end of the day, this is my territory. As a young kid, you

have no say in anything. Please leave now. I can pretend that nothing happened. Otherwise, we will

cancel the business dealings between the Guo and the Huang families." As he spoke, Dominic Guo

looked sullenly at Scott Huang, his gaze slightly threatening. He reckoned that Scott Huang would

proceed to leave, as the Huang family would not want to jeopardize their family business over one of

their artists. However, Scott Huang’s subsequent action was something Dominic Guo could not have

foreseen. Scott Huang lowered his head thoughtfully, then shook his head. Instead of leaving the

scene, he walked up to Fade Chen and spoke gently, "Apologies, Brother Fade. I was not able to

resolve this issue." Fade Chen also shook his head, smiling lightly. "No worries at all. If negotiations

don’t work out, we can just crush them directly." "Well, Brother Fade, it is easy for you to solve things in

such a way." Scott Huang nodded, looking confident. He even grinned. Observing this situation,

Dominic Guo frowned in bewilderment. Why was Scott Huang so deferential towards that thug, and

how could that scoundrel be so arrogant and smug, does he really possess such great strength and

skill? The answer was not clear to him. Dominic Guo decided not to think about it any longer. He

gestured in command, "Attack them!" He gave his subordinates a discreet look so that they would

spare Scott Huang from the onslaught. After all, if he suffered severe injuries, the relationship between

Fernando Huang and Dominic Guo would sour, or worse, break down completely. That would be of a

disadvantage to Dominic Guo. The guards in black surged towards Fade Chen, dauntless and

unrelenting in attack. Fade Chen remained calm, as he stood protectively in front of Momo Soo, Yuri

Zhang and Scott Huang. As the guards rushed towards him, he raised his arms slightly and fixed his

gaze on them "What is he doing, has he lost his mind ? Why doesn’t he fight back!" "He showed such

skill and strength previously. Why is he not taking action now." "Just now, there were only a few men.

Look at the number of guards now. Also, did you notice that behind Chief Guo, there are two high level

martial artists that have not gone on the offense yet ? He doesn’t have the guts to fight back right now."

"He will be completely defeated this time, no doubt." "He deserves it. He was so haughty and pompous,

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I thought he had an ace up his sleeve.

Looks like his secret advantage was just his connection to Fernando Huang’s son." As the crowd

buzzed and chattered, Chesca Tan and Mikael Xu looked in satisfaction at Fade Chen, who was

besieged. They had a delighted expression on their faces, only seeming rather regretful as they laid

eyes on Momo S. At this moment, the guards clad in black arrived directly in front of Fade Chen. They

were about to use violence force on him. In an instant, Fade Chen moved his arms and with just a

gentle gesture, a gust of energy emerged, forming an arch. The energy arch broadened and launched

towards the guards with great impact. Dozens of the guards in black were hit by this burst of energy.

They flew backwards in great speed and crashed to the ground, howling in pain. The crowd, including

Dominic Guo who had a confident expression plastered on his face, had a great shock. Everyone was

stunned and flabbergasted. "How, how in the world could this be possible?" "That kid has such great

powers?" "No wonder he’s so fearless. He’s an extraordinary martial artist!" Dominic Guo’s expression

started to falter. At this moment, both bald men behind him snorted in contempt, saying, "Chief Guo,

this is just a common trick by martial artists. It can be used to intimidate an average person, but after

we are done with him, he will be completely annihilated." "Please assist in this matter!" Dominic Guo

gave them the directive in a reverential tone. These two men were considered highly skilled martial

artists. They had reached the late Yellow level in ability and were no weaker than Scarface, the man

who was by Haldon Guo’s side. They were twins, and that gave them a unique advantage. With a

kindred bond, and tacit understanding between them, they were more effective fighting alongside each

other, achieving more power and strength through their synergy With a cry, both of them leaped

forward, each on one side as they approached Fade Chen diagonally. In a split second, the air began

to swirl, slowing creating a vortex. The vortex increased in velocity and speed, and they launched

themselves at Fade Chen like a tornado..