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Magic Doctor: CEO Lady’s Humble Husband (full story)

Chapter 189
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Chapter 188

The crowd couldn’t stop talking since they couldn’t believe what they had just witnessed. The Haldon

Guo right now had turned completely pale, cold sweat beading on his forehead. That was because he

was standing in the opposite direction of Fade Chen, and managed to have a good look of the scene

that unraveled before him. The master that he’d squandered a lot of money on was really defeated by

Fade Chen’s weak and feeble punch. That one punch had shattered his arm into a million pieces, and

sent his body flying out of the room. "How... how could this be ? How could he be that skilled ?" Haldon

Guo looked at Fade Chen. His face drained of color and his body began trembling out of fear. Fade

Chen strode forward until he was face to face with Haldon Guo. He got rid of the master with one kick,

then looked at Haldon Guo and sneered coldly, "I remember warning you the last time. Seems to me,

that you have forgotten about everything that I said!" Haldon Guo shivered as he took a few steps

back. Waving his hand, he uttered, "No, I.." The moment that the words left his mouth, only did he

realize that his throat was running dry and he could no longer find the words to say. "There’s no need to

explain anymore. Looks like it’s time for me to teach you another lesson." Fade Chen’s face turned cold

as he gave him a slap across the face. An echoing slap could be heard throughout the villa, and

Haldon Guo’s face was instantly imprinted with a bright red handprint. Everyone else was left stunned.

Haldon Guo didn’t fight back. After all, how could a powerless playboy like him stand against a pro like

Fade Chen? Fade Chen gave Haldon Guo a few more hard slaps before he stopped abruptly. Haldon

Guo secretly let out a sigh of relief, the tension in his heart a little lighter. He thought that he’d gotten

lucky this time around since he only had to endure a few slaps, though it didn’t feel as painful as the

last time. Just as he was getting ahead of himself, Fade Chen turned his head and waved towards

Momo Soo and Yuri Zhang. He offered, "Momo, Yuri, he’s all yours if you want to teach him a lesson!"

Momo Soo jumped in excitement and made her way to him without hesitation as she exclaimed, "Yeah,

sure. I’ve always wanted to slap him, I want to slap him hard. Filthy mouth." Yuri Zhang was a little

hesitant. Butat the thought of the hardships that she’d endured, even a kind-hearted girl like her could

feel the rage boiling up inside of her as she walked over, a dark cloud over her head. "Just do whatever

you want with him. I’ll take over if he fights back, or even dodge." Fade Chen said, sneering at Haldon

Guo. Haldon Guo quivered, not daring to move another inch. He feared for dear life that his life would

be forfeit if Fade Chen had decided to slap him himself. Momo Soo and Yuri Zhang came forward,

about to have their turn. Mikael Xu frowned, as if he’d wanted to stop them. Chesca Tan saw what

Mikael Xu was trying to do, so she took the initiative and yelled, "Momo, stop now. That’s Master Guo,

you..." As soon as the words left her mouth, Fade Chen turned to look in her direction with a gaze as

sharp as knife. He slapped Chesca Tan hard across the face and snarled, "Shut up, or I won’t mind

giving you a few slaps either." Chesca Tan held her swollen cheeks in her hands and curled herself up,

trembling. She didn’t move an inch. Next to her, Mikael Xu couldn’t help but to furrow his brows at the

sight and said, "It’s not decent to hit a girl." "Slap!" Another abrupt sound could be heard as Fade Chen

awarded Mikael Xu with a slap across his face and said coldly, "Did I say it was okay for you to open

your mouth ?" Mikael Xu was infuriated that his face had turned red as a tomato, his instincts

immediately kicking into raging mode. However, Fade Chen glowered coldly at him and retorted, "Do

you really want to give it a shot ?" Mikael Xu’s ego immediately deflated like a balloon when he heard

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this as his entire body went limp. He lowered his head, wholeheartedly giving up on the thought of

seeking revenge. After all, Fade Chen had dared to take on Master Guo and get away with it. He would

be a piece of cake to deal with After he finished setting the two as an example, Fade Chen turned on

his heels only to find that, of all the places that his gaze could reach, every single one of the guests had

lowered their heads, afraid to look at him in the eye. As for the two girls, Haldon Guo was in the middle

of witnessing the two girls discussing who should go first. He felt extremely uncomfortable and out of

place hearing the talk. He had always been the one to bully women in the past, and never in his wildest

dreams could he imagine that this day would come. He was secretly rejoicing, however, that he got

these two girls instead of Fade Chen, since there was no way that they would be stronger than Fade

Chen. Haldon Guo had just begun to think that luck was on his side. Right then, the two girls seemed to

have come up with a plan, Yuri Zhang being the first to slap him. A palm landed on Haldon Guo’s face,

and a loud slap was heard. Though it was a little painful, one could tell that it wasn’t as powerful as the

slap that Fade Chen had given to him just now. Haldon Guo was delighted, but didn’t show it on his

face. Eventually, Momo Soo started guiding Yuri Zhang how to do it the right way, her face deadpan,

"Yuri, that won’t do. You won’t be able to exert as much strength and it won’t hurt at all. How about you

watch as I do it ?" And with that note, Momo Soo granted Haldon Guo with another hard slap across

his face without a single hint of doubt on her face. Haldon Guo felt a searing pain on his face almost

immediately. The slap was still a little lacking compared to Fade Chen’s, but it hurt like hell. It was to

the extent that the skin on his cheeks were starting to peel off and blood seeped through the wound.

The crowd couldn’t help but to gasp at the sight of this. This girl was a fierce one, they thought to

themselves, so ferocious that she was able to make Haldon Guo’s face bleed with just one slap. Yuri

Zhang was stunned as well. She looked at Momo Soo and asked, "Mom, how did you." Momo Soo

spread her hand open pride fully, revealing the metallic ornament resting on her palm and said, "I had

this in my hand." The guests caught a glimpse of the prismatic pendant made of metal in her hand and

color drained from their faces at once. Instinctively, they all took a few steps backwards, a look of fear

appearing on their faces. As for Fade Chen, he didn’t even think that Momo had tricks hidden on her

sleeves. "Yuri, this is an interesting little toy. Yes, you have to hold it in such a way that the sharp edge

wouldn’t be hidden in your palm, and just hit like that. Here, I can show you." Haldon Guo felt a chill

running down his spine seeing that the two women were teaching each other how to throw a slap. The

fear in his heart grew even stronger than when Fade Chen made an example out of him. His body

started quivering, as he

trembled a little, "No, don’t. I, I was wrong.." The duo dismissed him completely and slapped him

anyways, making full use of their time. A few minutes later, blood was oozing from Haldon Guo’s face.

Not only was his face as swollen as a pig’s head, he might as well be disfigured. Momo Soo was slowly

getting bored of the same slapping methods after around ten slaps, much to Haldon Guo’s dismay. She

began looking for other ways to torture him, like pricking his finger, smacking him in the back, and

slapping his thighs, every single one of them even more torturous than the last. She had even

"accidentally" kicked him in between the thighs, which almost obliterated Haldon Guo’s precious

assets. It sent him rolling on the ground in immense pain, crying for mercy like there was no tomorrow.

The crowd turned pale as they retreated a few more steps backwards, a look of dread on their faces.

The men especially were mortified as they clasped their thighs shut unconsciously. After some time,

the girls were starting to get tired of all the lesson-teaching. They wiped the beads of sweat on their

foreheads and the torturing sessio(

Chapter 189

Just as the three of them were about to leave, the sound of car brakes could be heard outside the

mansion. It was followed by the hasty sound of footsteps. Hearing this, the crowd looked towards the

door. When they saw what was happening, they took a deep breath and moved a few steps back. A

group of bodyguards, dressed in black and in shades, stormed into the mansion while shoving people

in their way away mercilessly. They divided and stood into two lines facing each other with their heads

lowered in sign of respect. The steady sound of lone footsteps could be heard amongst the two lines of

guards. It was steady and neither quick or slow as though the person had planned their steps

meticulously beforehand and headed towards the mansion. As the footsteps drew near, the crowd

could make out the figure of a man. It was a middle-aged man in his fifties. The man was dressed in a

tailored burgundy suit, wearing a pair of shades and his hair well-coiffed. He was slightly plump but still

had an authoritative and patronizing demeanor. As he came into view, the guests who were crammed

to the side exclaimed in surprise, their faces in shock. "This, this is Chief Guo, Dominic Guo!" "Master

Guo’s father is here. That guy is in trouble." "He is one of the elders of Hanover City. I can’t believe that

he came in person to this event." Fade Chen heard the buzz and chatter of the guests. He presumed

that one of Haldon Guo’s friends, who was amongst the invited guests, had contacted the Guo Family

to request for Dominic Guo’s presence. Walking into the mansion, Dominic Guo looked around at the

crowd. As he made eye contact with them, the guests froze in silence. Dominic Guo spotted Haldon

Guo, a shapeless lump on the ground. He frowned instantly. With a wave of his hand, the bodyguards

and doctors behind him rushed forward, carried Haldon Guo onto the stretcher, and started to leave

quickly. Passing Dominic Guo, Haldon Guo glared at Fade Chen and his companions. He gritted his

teeth as he said, "Father, they did this to me, you have to avenge me!" Dominic Guo nodded at his son

and said, "Yes I will. Rest assured, anyone who lays hands on a Guo Family member will suffer dire

consequences." As Haldon Guo was being carried out Dominic Guo had a darkened expression. He

spoke icily to Fade Chen and his companions, "You did this to him." Fade Chen replied without

emotion. "He deserved it." "How dare you!" Dominic Guo yelled in anger. His eyes were sunken as he

gritted his teeth and said, "You outsiders have no right to judge a member of the Guo Family." Fade

Chen’s expression was unreadable as he spoke." Fade Chen, will use my own judgement to punish

anyone who deserves it. We have no desire to hear your lecture or your admonition. "You... Dominic

Guo didn’t expect Fade Chen to be so bold and brazen. His eyes flashed in fury as he glared at Fade

Chen, "Young man, you are too arrogant!" Fade Chen replied in indifference, "So what ? What does

this have anything to do with you ?" " Really! Alright then!" Dominic sneered scornfully, his expression

quickly darkening further like the sky on a rainy day He turned around to face the crowd. He spoke

clearly, projecting his voice, "Greetings everyone. This thug beat up my son Haldon Guo. Therefore, I,

Dominic Guo, would like to teach him a lesson. Does anyone have anything to say about that?" His

words were intended as a direct threat and warning to everyone. Dominic Guo announced this in front

of the crowd to prevent them from gossiping about it or even reporting it to the police. These were not

an issue for him, but still, he did not want more trouble coming his way. There was silence as no one

dared to speak. Dominic Guo nodded in satisfaction and continued. "Alright, thank you for your support.

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I, Dominic Guo, would like to officially invite you to a banquet at my place, to be held once my son has

recovered." Hearing so, many of the guests were thrilled and excited. This was a great opportunity to

gain favor with the Guo family. Instantaneously, the crowd and Dominic Guo came to a silent

agreement. If they did not reveal today’s happenings to outsiders, Dominic Guo would reward them.

Dominic Guo looked back darkly at Fade Chen. "You evil man, I am here to avenge my son. What do

you have to say?" Fade Chen sneered and said, "Take your revenge then, why give such a long

speech. A dog will always return to its vomit." "You.." Dominic Guo was furious. He glared at Fade

Chen, and his expression was so grim, as though he was about to murder someone. At this moment,

Chesca Tan wanted to continue stirring up the fight, so she addressed Fade Chen loudly. "Fade Chen,

you are so full of nonsense. You should kneel down and beg Chief Guo for forgiveness." Mikael Xu,

with a dark look, also proceeded to add fuel to the fire, saying "Chief Guo, this thug is from Bay City. He

behaves in whatever manner he likes and has completely no respect for the people of Hanover City."

"You are asking for trouble!" Dominic Guo spat out the words. He made a gesture and shouted, "Get

him!" In an instant, twenty or thirty henchmen in black rushed over to surround them. They seemed

formidable in person and highly skilled. Within seconds, Fade Chen and his companions were

besieged. These guards were definitely experienced in battle. "Get him! Strike him down!" Dominic Guo

roared. At this moment, they were interrupted by a shout" Stop!" The crowd looked towards the sound

of the voice. They noticed a young man, who was slightly plump and sweating profusely, running

towards them. He was agitated and panicked as he shouted. "Chief Guo, please stop.". Dominic Guo

raised his eyebrows as soon as he spotted this man. As the plump man ran in, he made eye contact

with Fade Chen and greeted him, "Brother Fade." Fade Chen was surprised as this person was none

other than Scott Huang, or nicknamed 'Fatty Huang! Scott Huang took in a few deep breaths, then

looked at Dominic Guo and said, "Chief Guo, I beg you, on behalf of my father Fernando Huang,

please leave him alone." "Fernando Huang ! Are you Scott Huang, his son ?" Dominic Guo looked at

him with a dark countenance. Upon hearing this name, the guests in the vicinity immediately started to

chatter and discuss this new turn of events.

"Fernando Huang, isn't he a tycoon of Bay City's entertainment industry ? His social standing is similar

to that of Chief Guo in Hanover City." "What are you talking about, it seems similar but in reality it is

quite different. Fernando Huang is always in cahoots with Bay City’s Uncle Wei, almost like his

subordinate. Our Chief Guo, even though he is under the authority of Big Brother Qian and the Hu

family, he is still considered an elder. Without doubt, he is definitely of a higher rank than Fernando

Huang. They are like apples and oranges." "I disagree. In the past, Fernando Huang’s position was

definitely lower than Chief Guo’s. But recently, there has been a drastic change in Bay City. The

appearance of Lunatic Chen has caused Bay City to completely come under his dominion. Uncle Wei is

now gaining control of Bay City and Fernando Huang’s position continues to rise as they gain power.

"What are you talking about? You seem to know so much. Whose side are you on?" "I’m just analyzing

the situation. Why are you so upset about it, no one is taking sides whatsoever. Don’t be childish.".

n finally came to a halt. The Haldon Guo right now was a total mess as he laid on the ground. The light

had escaped from his eyes, and there was only a little bit fight left in him now. "I think you’ve learned

your lesson. Let’s go!" Fade Chen made eye contact with the two ladies and said to them. The crowd

gave way to them immediately and no one dared to do otherwise..