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Magic Doctor: CEO Lady’s Humble Husband (full story)

Chapter 184
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Chapter 184

Big Brother Qian’s son was a man in his mid-thirties who ran errands for his father, so he was not one

to mix with this bunch. The other was Shawn Hu’s son, who was said to have joined a special task

force, so he wasn’t one to belong to the crowd either. Therefore, those two hotshots aside, Haldon

Guo, the Master Guo was next in line on the list of iconic figures in Hanover City Master Guo would be

arriving anytime now. Yuri Zhang, who was directly involved in an altercation with Master Guo, and

Fade Chen, who had beat him into a pulp were still here. Even more so, all of them had gotten their

way because she’d invited them. The thought of it made Chesca Tan face turn pale as she started to

panic. Her initial intentions were to build rapport with Momo Soo in order to stand a chance of

collaborating with the Soo Family. But, Chesca Tan would never sacrifice herself to piss off the local

Guo Family just for Momo Soo who lived far in the south. Chesca Tan face darkened in an instant, and

she said to Momo Soo, "Momo, why didn’t you tell me straight off the bat that you had offended Master

Guo ?!" Momo Soo answered her angrily, "What does it have anything to do with you ?" " Of course it

has everything to do with me! You people have crossed Master Guo, and now he’s coming over. If you

guys were to come face to face, he’ll blame me for sure." Chessca Tan said again, panicked and

infuriated, "Momo Soo, I look to you as a friend, and I invited you to a dinner like this, but you’re making

me your victim.

How could you ?" Momo Soo was so angry that she was about to burst into flames, she contradicted

without even thinking twice, "A friend ? You have got to be kidding me. You’re saying that the reason of

your invitation for me to Hanover City, was merely for a trip, and not because you wanted to butter up

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to me ? It was because you heard that I came from the Soo Family and you wanted to do business with

my family. Would you still extend the invite then, had you not known that I was related to them?"

"Besides, I didn’t want to come here at all. It was you who’d insisted that we come. You’re turning the

blame on me now, because you’re scared." Momo Soo snorted coldly and said, "Chessca Tan, I knew

you were petty, and I also knew of you as a snob, but I never knew that you were so shameless."

Chesca Tan was so angry that her face had turned red as a tomato. She growled, "Momo Soo, I took

you around, treating you to every meal. But what you’re saying to me now, you..." "Good for you! Is it

money that you want? I can compensate you with ten times the price right now." Momo Soo was in a

blood-boiling rage, she wasn’t about to back down either. Right at this second, the man who had

shouted moments ago spoke again, "Master Guo is only one kilometer away. Get ready, guys. Let’s

welcome Master Guo together." The atmosphere was suddenly passionate again. Some people even

rushed out of the room to give him a warm welcome along his way here. Anyone could tell that this

Master Guo’s existence was more than a mere legend in Hanover City. Chesca Tan, who had heard

this, was beyond angry and anxious that she couldn’t care less anymore. She tried to push Momo Soo

away and said, "All of you, get out through the back door. Quick, don’t let Master Guo see you, or i’ll be

in trouble." Momo Soo pushed Chessca Tan’s hand away unapologetically and snorted coldly, "You

want us to go ? Sure, but we’re leaving through the front entrance. You cowards may be fearful of

Master Guo, but we’re not." Momo Soo and her gang were about to step out of the room as she

announced their departure. At the same time, the bustling crowd outside were sparking up a

commotion, as Master Guo’s ride could vaguely be seen from a distance. At this rate, the gang was

bound to encounter Master Guo on their way out Seeing this, Chesca Tan was so anxious that her eyes

were about to go up in flames. All she wanted to do was to pull them back into the room. Somewhere

among the red-dress women’s group, a faint smile crept up the face of the tall and handsome young

man as he said to Chesca Tan, "Chesca Tan, there’s no need to panic. It’s not as bad as it looks."

"Master Xu..." Chesca Tan turned towards the man to look at him, her eyes were doubtful yet

expectant. The man’s name was Mikael Xu, and he was also a member of the rich and powerful of

Hanover City. Though his status may have been a little lower than Master Guo’s, it was way higher

than Chesca Tan. Mikael Xu smiled confidently and said, "Master Guo and I are close. I figured that he

would honor me if I were to explain the situation to him, and everything will go back to normal once the

misunderstanding is resolved." Chessca Tan couldn’t hide the joy on her face as she thanked him over

and over again, "Thank you, Master Xu. Thank you very much. If there’s anything that I can do for

Master Xu in the future, the Tan Family will be glad to return the favor." "It’s not that serious." Mikael Xu

smirked, shaking his head lightly. He stole a glance at Momo Soo with a glimmer in his eyes and said,

"The girl, Momo Soo, is she your Junior?" Chesca Tan was dazed, but she immediately caught on to

what he had meant when she saw the look on Mikael Xu’s face. It looks like Master Xu had taken a

fancy to Momo Soo. As a response, Chessca Tan answered immediately, "She’s my Junior in her first

year from South Bay City. Her family’s considered quite well-off, they run their own business. If Master

Xu is interested, I can go talk to her." She paused for a while, before her eyes turned cold as she said

heartlessly in a low whisper, "If Master Xu is in a rush, there’s always drugs. Consider it done tonight."

Mikael Xu only smiled, shook his head and said, "She’s a fiesty one, that’s interesting. We can take it

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slow. It’s no hurry." "Then, Master Xu.." Chessca Tan looked at Mikael Xu expectantly Mikael Xu offered

himself and said, "Take me there. I’ll talk to them about settling the misunderstanding with Master Guo."

Chesca Tan was overcome with joy as she led the way for Mikael Xu, flattering him along the way,"

Momo will be so grateful to you! She ’ll definitely shed tears of gratitude, and even be willing to sacrifice

herself for you if she were to know that Master Xu offered to assist them in solving this problem of

theirs." Mikael Xu was silent, but the smile on his face had betrayed him, exposing him of his proud ego

then and there. Fade Chen and the gang, on the other hand, found themselves being squished at the

door due to the impending welcome party for Master Guo. In turn, it didn’t take long for Chessca Tan

and Mikael Xu to catch up to them. Chesca Tan shouted from behind her, "Momo So." Momo Soo

turned her head, displeased as she said, " thought you’re afraid ? What are you doing here then ?

Aren’t you scared that Master Guo might see you ?" Chessca Tan’s face burned upon hearing the

sarcasm in her voice, but she quickly came back to her senses at the thought of more serious dealings

at hand. She forced a smile on her face as she said, "Momo, this is Master Xu, Mikael Xu. He’s good

friends with Master Guo, and he’s willing to offer to resolve the misunderstanding between you and the

master." The three of them were a little flabbergasted as they set their eyes on Master Xu. Above all,

he belonged to the same group as the red-robed woman who’d dishonored Yuri Zhang just moments

ago, so it was a little suspicious that he’d offered to lend a hand in the situation. Mikael Xu right now

was smiling politely, and with his gaze fixed on Momo Soo, he said, "I’m just seeking to get acquainted

with Miss Momo." The look they gave and the words they said meant otherwise. It only took one look

from Fade Chen before he immediately understood what was really going on. Instantaneously, Momo

Soo snorted and said, "That’s not necessary. We can handle this on our own." Mikael Xu was stunned.

Obviously, he didn’t think that she would refuse his offer.