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Magic Doctor: CEO Lady’s Humble Husband (full story)

Chapter 183
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Chapter 183

A few of them were getting gradually excited as they spoke, laughing gleefully from time to time. Their

conversation was steered towards their complete failure to understand the actress ’ refusal towards

Master Guo, despising and defaming her along the way. Fade Chen and the gang, who were originally

in a good mood heard this, and their expressions immediately darkened. This was because the

protagonist of their conversation, the actress who was so-called "playing innocent" was no other than

Yuri Zhang. Momo Soo had an extremely bad temper and was easily provoked. Seeing those people

talking recklessly had made her so angry that she slammed the plate of fruits onto the table and walked

towards them, boiling with anger. Yuri Zhang’s face was filled with worry as she tried to hold Momo Soo

back, consoling, "Please don’t go. I’m fine, it’s okay." "But I can’t stand them talking about you like that,

Yuri." Momo Soo huffed angrily. Yuri Zhang’s face turned grey, a faint smile appearing on her lips as

she said, "Momo, I knew that something like this would happen the moment I signed the contract.

Being a celebrity, it’s difficult to please everyone. Rumors are just what they are." "But they’ve crossed

a line..." Momo Soo couldn’t bring herself to calm down. Yuri Zhang tried to talk some sense into her,

"Above all, we’re here because senior had invited us. It’s not going to be good for her if you get into an

argument with them." Although she wasn’t a fan of Chessca Tan’s snobby attitude, but all things aside,

she did manage to entertain them as guests here. After hearing so, Momo Soo could only try to hold

back her anger for now by stuffing a few pieces of fruit into her mouth. She said, "Parties like these are

no fun. Let’s come up with an excuse to leave later." "Sure." Yuri Zhang nodded in reply The anger on

this side was just beginning to subside, but none of them in Chessca Tan’s posse had the intention to

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refrain themselves. They were just getting started. It was to the extent that Chesca Tan even waved at

Momo Soo and asked, "Momo, you studied in Bay City, didn’t you? The celebrities from Bay City as

well, you must know some things. Come here and tell us. What’s wrong with that innocent acting bitch

who’s foolish enough to reject Master Guo’s unspoken rule ?" Chessca Tan’s group were grinning from

ear to ear, looking very interested in this conversation. "That’s what she is. Foolish." "A female celebrity

from Bay City, maybe she didn’t know our Master Guo’s real identity." "She’s just a bitch who doesn’t

know what’s good for her, if you ask me." Yuri Zhang just managed to gather her composure when she

heard all the nasty comments, and couldn’t help but feel down in the dumps again. She kept her head

low as she bit her lips, tears welling up in her eyes. Fade Chen rushed over and gently held Yuri Zhang

in his embrace as he began comforting her softly. Thanks to Momo Soo’s temper, she couldn’t hold it

any longer when she heard the words and she erupted furiously," Do you even know what really

happened? Don’t talk rubbish if you don’t know anything about it!" They were stunned because

obviously, they didn’t anticipate such a huge reaction from her. A glum look appeared on their faces as

they looked at Momo Soo, before their gaze landed on Chesca Tan. Chessca Tan’s face was drained of

its color in an instant. She knew what they were trying to indicate: she had brought someone who was

ignorant of the social workings with her to the party. Surely, that meant that she had to deal with it

herself. Displeased, Chesca Tan quickened her pace towards Momo Soo and growled in a low voice,

"Momo, what’s gotten into you, raising your voice at everyone ? Apologize, quickly." Just as Momo Soo

was starting to have a better impression of Chesca Tan, she did nothing but to completely disappoint

her instead. Momo Soo snorted rudely and said, "You want me to apologize ? What a joke! If you really

want to hear my opinion, you guys are the ones who need to apologize." "Momo, you’ve gone too far.

These people are.. For instance, Mikael Xu or Master Xu here, is..." said Chessca Tan as she pointed

at the tall and good looking man in a suit. But Momo Soo interrupted her and said, "I don’t care who

you are. You’ve defiled her for no reason, and what for?" "Also, don’t judge others with that petty

standard of yours. You may think that the unspoken rules are glorious, but don’t assume that others

feel the same way as well. When you gaze into the abyss, so shall it stare back at you. You guys are

ridiculous." Momo Soo erupted into a ball of flames, attacking everyone with her words. Chesca Tan

group was made up of the rich and famous in Hanover City. They had never experienced a scolding

like this before, and they were immediately visibly irked at the insults that were being thrown at them.

The woman in her red dress who started the conversation in the first place especially, was aggravated.

She threw her champagne glass onto the floor and glared furiously at Momo Soo, "Are you scolding us

?" "It would be an insult to my lips if I did." Momo Soo answered, her voice filled with hatred. Chesca

Tan, right now, was a mixture of anxiety and fury. She quickly bowed in repentance towards the group

of people, then glared at Momo Soo and growled at her, "Momo Soo, what is wrong with you? I brought

you here to get you acquainted with the noble, and you came here to look for trouble. Besides, we’re

just casually talking about a puny celebrity, what does it have to do with you anyways ?" "I don’t need

it." Momo Soo puffed furiously, then stole a glance at Yuri Zhang. Chesca Tan looked in the same

direction that she was looking at and she was stunned. After a brief pause, she looked at Momo Soo in

realization and said, "I remember that you’ve told me about your roommate who was good at singing,

and that her popularity rose during one of your school’s art festivals. That’s her, right? The actress

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who’d rejected Master Guo?" Chessca Tan had her finger pointed at Yuri Zhang. Momo Soo snorted,

she didn’t give a direct answer but her body language betrayed her, affirming to what Chessca Tan had

just said In the blink of an eye, everyone, including the woman in red, was looking towards Yuri Zhang.

Usually, one would feel embarrassed if someone’s heard them gossiping about others, but they were

different. They took one look at Yuri Zhang before their faces beamed with pride and arrogance with

not a shred of conscientiousness. Even more so, they started checking her out from the top to bottom

with a condescending look on their faces. The woman in red had done so specifically. Puckering her

lips, she said disdainfully, "I just can’t figure out what she has that I don’t. What was it that Master Guo

saw in her?" Momo Soo glared at the woman in red. If it weren’t for Yuri Zhang who had grabbed onto

her in time, she would’ve made her way towards them and given her a decent beating Chessca Tan

found herself in a dilemma. It wasn’t ideal that she was talking behind others’ back and was caught in

the act. However, the group that she was gossiping with were the rich and the famous, all of which she

wanted to butter up to. She couldn’t afford to offend any of them. Chesca Tan was in the middle of

coming up with a solution when someone shouted, "I just got off the phone with Master Guo and he

said he’ll be here soon. So hype up, guys, let’s give Master Guo a warm welcome later." As soon as

these words were said, the atmosphere in the room stirred in enthusiasm. This was because said

Master Guo, aka Haldon Guo, was considered the most privileged out of everyone here. After all, there

were only two other big shots who preceded Master Guo’s father, Dominic Guo’s social status in

Hanover City. One of them was Stirlake City’s hotshot Hubert Qian, also known as Big Brother Qian,

and the other was Shawn Hu, the head of a martial arts aristocratic family, the Hu Family. These two

were the equivalent to Bay City’s Jimmy Wei and Aaron Wan..