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Magic Doctor: CEO Lady’s Humble Husband (full story)

Chapter 181
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Chapter 181

Momo Soo seemed to have realized this as well, and she tried to pass the topic over to Yuri Zhang and

Fade Chen. But Chessca Tan was obviously not interested in the two, so it didn’t take more than 5

minutes before she was talking to Momo Soo once again Moreover, she is repeatedly mentioned the

Soo Family’s business, promising that she’ll go visit the them in South Bay City whenever she had the

chance, and how their two families should collaborate with each other. What was meant to be a

leisurely activity had turned into a business conference. Momo Soo really didn’t want to talk about it, so

she answered everything hastily, hoping to just let it pass. Little did she know, Chessca Tan’s face had

turned into a darker shade of grey. They were out for the entire day, and Chesca Tan had originally

planned to bring them home to rest overnight while they’d continue with the trip the next day. But just

as they were about to arrive home, Momo Soo received a phone call and said apologetically to Chesca

Tan, "Senior, I’m sorry. My friend posted on social media, saying that a friend of mine from South Bay

City came to Hanover City. They have invited me to dinner, so I won’t be staying at your place today."

"A friend from South Bay City!" Chesca Tan exclaimed as she asked, "Are they business partners of the

Soo Family ?" Momo Soo shook her head and said, "Just a high school classmate of mine, she came

to Hanover City for a trip." Chesca Tan hummed in reply, then said, "Wait! How about I fetch you

there?" "That won’t be necessary. My friend is staying nearby at a place called the Rujia Hotel, which is

just within walking distance." Momo Soo answered, smiling. Chessca Tan’s haughty expression froze

when she heard the name Rujia Hotel, instantly acknowledging that her friend was not someone of high

social class. She was immediately thrown off and said, "In that case, I’ll drop you guys off here. Momo,

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please give me a call if you would like to make plans for tomorrow." "Okay, thank you very much,

Senior" Momo Soo replied. Chesca Tan opened the car door for the three of them to get down. They

parted ways after waving their goodbyes as Chesca Tan drove away. Both Momo Soo and Yuri Zhang

felt at ease as they watched Chesca Tan leave. They let out a sigh of relief, a smile finally reappearing

on their faces. Fade Chen smirked as he looked at the girls and said to Momo Soo," Momo, since when

have you learned how to lie ? Let me guess, you don’t really have a friend at the Rujia Hotel, do you?"

Momo Soo threw a glare in Fade Chen’s direction, waving her small, clenched fist at him and said,

"You’re such a know it-all, brother-in-law, and yet you pretend like you don’t know anything." Right after

that, Momo Soo’s expression darkened as she said in a low tone, "Senior Tan had invited me here

several times before, and I thought that she’d be enthusiastic and welcoming to see us here. I never

expected for her to have only been interested in my family’s business. Starting from yesterday, she

couldn’t stop mentioning about having both our families engage in business collaboration." Yuri Zhang

fell silent a moment before she spoke up, her voice as light as a feather, "Momo, don’t feel too

disappointed. Senior was quite welcoming, she’s already brought us to so many places." Kindness

came naturally for Yuri Zhang as she always searched for the best in people. Momo Soo curled her lips

and said, "I wasn’t criticizing her. It’s just just." She ran out of words to describe what she was feeling.

Fade Chen had noticed this, as he smiled faintly and said, "It’s just that you wanted a pure friendship,

but you didn’t know that the other party is merely taking advantage of you." Momo Soo nodded when

he heard his explanation and said, "Yes, that’s precisely what I meant." Fade Chen said, "Momo, I

understand where you’re coming from, but there’s no such thing as a pure friendship. The entire

societies made up of people taking advantage of each other. Your senior may be a little flawed with her

ways, but it’s perfectly normal. Because, this is... society." "Society!" The two innocent girls were

processing what Fade Chen had said with their heads lowered, digesting their first lesson of entering

society. After a while, Momo Soo lifted her chin and flashed a smile at Fade Chen, "Brother-in-law, I

understand now. I’ll be more considerate in the future." Yuri Zhang nodded solemnly as well. Seeing

that the two women have figured it out, Fade Chen changed the topic with a hearty laugh and said, "It’s

getting late. Also, it’s been a whole day. I’m famished." "Me too!" Yuri Zhang nodded with a smile.

Momo Soo pointed generously at a five-star hotel not far away and said, "Let’s go have ourselves a

lavish meal." With their salary, a five-star hotel was considered nothing, so they headed there for a

good meal and stayed overnight in three separate suites, finally getting a good night’s rest. The next

morning, Mom Son contacted Chesca Tan, inviting her over to join and hang out with her classmates.

Surely enough, Chessca Tan found an excuse for herself and refused. In the end, Momo Soo and the

others set out on their own. Without Chesca Tan with them, things were a little complicated, but they

were truly having the time of their lives. Besides, what’s not to like about going on a trip without

someone who couldn’t stop yapping in your ears about a corporate collaboration? Just like that,

another day was gone. The gang went around to all the famous scenic spots in Hanover City and didn’t

return to the hotel to rest until around four in the evening. Who could’ve expected, Momo Soo received

a phone call from Chesca Tan in the evening. She invited her to a gala that was going to take place

later at night, with all the attendees well-known socialites of Hanover City. Momo Soo knew, right off the

bat, that the gala was nothing more than a guise for a wealthy socialites’ party to expand their contacts.

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Tactfully, she refused right away, because she wasn’t at all interested in the event. However, Chessca

Tan persevered and she was persistent to the extent that Momo Soo felt sorry for rejecting her any

further. Finally, she accepted her invitation, but with the condition that Fade Chen and Yuri Zhang

tagged along as well. felt sorry for rejecting her any Chesca Tan wasn’t planning to invite them in the

first place, but since Momo Soo had insisted for them to come, she had no choice but to agree to her

request. So, the three of them took a shower, got changed into their casual attire, and took a cab to the

venue of where the party was being held. None of them were fancily dressed, since none of them were

particularly interested in the event. The party was held in a luxurious villa by the riverside. The host was

a wealthy local businessman, and his invitees were the other rich socialites of Hanover City. Chesca

Tan was waiting for Momo Soo at the villa entrance. Her expression soured when saw that the gang

had arrived in a cab in clothes that made them look nothing but cheap.

Momo Soo’s attire was considered decent, to say the least. Her clothes were merely ordinary, but since

she was wealthy, her ordinary clothes were all branded and not too shabby to wear to a party like this.

The same couldn’t be said for Yuri Zhang and Fade Chen though, as Chessca Tan could barely hide

the glare in her eyes. She could tell that the clothes they were wearing didn’t cost more than two

hundred yuan per piece, and at most five hundred yuan in total. They looked as if two beggars were

entering the Imperial Palace, Chesca Tan wanted to pretend that she didn’t know the two, but after all,

they came with Momo Soo. She had no choice to put on a smile as she went to welcome them.

However, after saying their pleasantries, Chesca Tan quickened her pace and immediately pulled

Momo Soo away to chat. She deliberately left Yuri Zhang and Fade Chen behind