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Magic Doctor: CEO Lady’s Humble Husband (full story)

Chapter 177
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Chapter 177

The voices of the team leader and the young waitress were not loud, but at this moment, the area was

isolated with there was no one else nearby. In addition, it was a quiet night, so Momo Soo and Fade

Chen had both overheard the whole conversation. Their expressions changed in an instant. Momo Soo

who was already blushing furiously wanted to bury herself in a ditch after hearing the whole exchange

of words. Fade Chen coughed a few times and said, ‘It’s getting late, I’ve bathed long enough. I’ll go

back first." Fade Chen stood up and was ready to exit the spring. But just as he stood up, he suddenly

realized that he was stark naked. The wooden railings were gone and there was nothing covering him.

Momo Soo could see everything. Therefore, Fade Chen could only pick up a piece of clothing to cover

his private parts, and then quickly ran away Next to him, Momo Soo was looking down at her reflection

in the water. She was too embarrassed to look elsewhere. But in the corner of her field of vision, she

could still see the silhouette of Fade Chen escaping, which made her feel even more embarrassed.

Fifteen minutes after Fade Chen returned to his room, Momo Soo also came back. When they met

each other in the corridor, they didn’t mention the events from just now and changed the topic. Fade

Chen looked at his watch and said, ‘It’s getting late. Yuri’s shoot should be finished soon. I’ll go pick her

up." ‘I’ll go with you." Momo Soo said. — Thus, both of them walked into the night side by side. It was a

tourist attraction platform halfway up the mountain, and one could see the mountains and the vast night

sky behind it. It was a good spot for sightseeing, and it was Yuri Zhang’s location for the shoot.

However, when Momo Soo and Fade Chen arrived the platform, Yuri Zhang and the

directors were nowhere to be seen. Only a few workers were busy with the wrapping up of the scene.

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Seeing this, Fade Chen couldn’t help but frown and asked a worker, "Hello, may I ask where the

person in charge of the advertisement shoot is ?" The worker glanced at Fade Chen and said, "The

advertisement shoot wrapped up half an hour ago. Are you here to get a look at the celebrities ? If so,

you’re late. You’ll have to come earlier next time." "What? It’s finished?" Fade Chen had a feeling that

something was wrong Momo Soo also noticed that something was wrong and hurriedly asked, "Do you

know where the celebrity who shot the advertisements went?" The worker shook his head and said,

"I’m not sure. I did see the celebrity and the director leaving together by car. They seemed to have

gone downhill." "They left together? Could it be that after they finished filming, they went down the

mountain to celebrate?" Momo oo guessed. Fade Chen didn’t think so. He shook his head and said, "I

don’t think so. According to the plan, there are at least three more locations left to shoot at. Even if they

wanted to celebrate, they would’ve chosen to celebrate tomorrow after everything is done, not today."

"Well." Momo Soo

frowned and took out her mobile phone. "I’ll call Yuri and ask her about it." There was a sound coming

from the receiver. After a while, Momo Soo put down her phone, shook her head at Fade Chen, and

said, "Her phone is off." Fade Chen had a growing sense of restlessness. Something was wrong. He

said, "I’ll go down the mountain to look for them." "I’m going too." MOmo Soo was quick to follow. Fade

Chen tried to persuade her to stay, "It’s not easy to traverse the dark mountain roads. Momo, there’s no

need for you to risk your safety. To be honest, it’ll be faster if I’m on my own." Momo Soo still wanted to

say something, but after hearing Fade Chen’s words, she nodded and said, "Then, I’ll go back to the

hotel and wait for your good news." "Okay, take care of yourself." Fade Chen said. Then, he separated

with Momo Soo and quickly went down the mountain. With Fade Chen’s strength, crossing the small

hill of no more than a few

hundred meters high was as easy as walking on the flat pavement. In less than five minutes, he had

covered the distance from the mountainside to the foot of the mountain. Compared to the stillness of

the mountain, the foot of the mountain was obviously much more lively. There were all kinds of gift

shops, motels, hotels and restaurants along the tourist street that were built along the foot of the

mountain. The dazzling lights that hung around the area brightened up the dreary night and brought fun

for the people living there. Fade Chen glanced around and his eyes fell

directly on the most luxurious restaurants and hotels on the streets. After all, the director and his

people would probably choose somewhere decent to celebrate. Fade Chen went to all the hotels and

restaurants one by one to ask the waiters there if they had seen Yuri Zhang, even showing them her

picture on his phone. Since the director and his team stood out, people would probably still remember

their faces if they had seen them.

Fortunately, the area was restricted and closed off to the public for a few days, so there weren’t many

people and tourists. Fade Chen soon found out about Yuri Zhang’s whereabouts. A waiter of a

restaurant said that just ten minutes ago, she saw Yuri Zhang and the director entering the extravagant

hotel diagonally across the street. The male director was in his forties, his hair was braided up and had

a pair of sunglasses on. He was a little imposing and left a great impression on the waiter. Fade Chen

immediately rushed to the hotel after receiving this news. At the front desk of the hotel, Fade Chen

showed the receptionist Yuri Zhang’s photo and asked her, "This girl is in your hotel now. May I know

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where she is ?" The receptionist looked at Fade Chen with a startled face, her eyes suddenly flashing

with guilty. She shook her head and said, "I don’t know. She is not here." Fade Chen frowned and

immediately grabbed the receptionist’s hand who was secretly reaching for the phone. Then he said

coldly, "What are you doing?" "Nothing. I’m just." the receptionist’s voice was full of panic Fade Chen

took out his Stealth team’s documents and military ranks and showed them to the receptionist,

threatening eerily, "Are you sure you want to lie to me ?" As soon as she saw the documents, the

receptionist was wide-eyed and quickly said, "The girl is in room number 203. "Who else is in there ?"

Fade Chen asked menacingly, in which the receptionist replied, "There seems to be a group of

directors in there, and Master Guo is also here." "Master Guo ?" Fade Chen frowned. The receptionist

quickly explained, "Master Guo’s name is Haldon Guo. His father, Dominic Guo, is a big shot in the

Hanover City entertainment business. Master Guo is very famous in the Hanover City showbiz." "The

entertainment business and the directors..." After connecting the dots, Fade Chen had a general idea

on the reason why the directors brought Yuri Zhang down the mountains. Instantly, his aura turned

eyes gave an ominous look as he walked towards room 203. "You’d better make sure Yuri is fine.

Otherwise, I don’t care if you’re Master Guo or not, ll make you pay the price!" Before he reached room

203, Fade Chen heard some laughter coming from inside the room. "Miss Zhang, are you not showing

some respect for Master Guo ?" " Miss Zhang, Director Dong is giving you a chance to be acquainted

with Master Guo. You have to remember his kindness!" "That’s right, Young Zhang. In our business,

connections are everything. I don’t have to elaborate more on who Master Guo is. You should know

that he’s a big shot that rarely extends their offer to others." "Miss Yuri, I, Haldon Guo, am good at

nothing except for making celebrities legends. I can say with full confidence that I’m an expert at this.".