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Magic Doctor: CEO Lady’s Humble Husband (full story)

Chapter 110
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Chapter 110

Feeling Fade Chen's gaze, the man turned his head slightly and said with a smile. "This must be Mr.

Chen, right? Welcome, please come in!"

Fade Chen looked at the man with a serious expression. The man reached out his right hand and

continued with a smile, "Mr. Chen, don't you remember me?"

"Huh? Fade Chen was confused. He couldn't remember knowing this man in front of him.

The man smiled and said, "Mr. Chen, you had called me before."

Fade Chen still couldn't recall. Mindy Wu moved closer and leaned over. A overwhelming but not

unpleasant rose fragrance soon filled Fade Chen's mouth and nose, his skin itched.

"Mr. Chen, this is my brother. Charles Wu. He is a businessman in Long City." Mindy Wu's fragrant

rushed into Fade Chen's ears and made him jumped.

Then, he immediately remembered this person. Charles Wu was the owner of Galaxy Plaza Mall at

Long City. When Edward Xu and Howard Zhang gave him troubles at the mall last time, Fade Chen

had called Mr.Wu to contact Charles Wu, who finally solved the problem. With this thought, Fade Chen

reached out and shook Charles Wu’s hand, "President Wu, it's you. Thank you for your help last time."

Charles Wu shook his head gently and smiled, "Mr. Chen, you’re too polite. My father owes his life to

you. My help was not a big deal. Instead, I might have to trouble Mr. Chen again later."

"President Wu, don’t mention it!" Fade Chen reciprocated.

Charles Wu looked at Quin Lin and said to Fade Chen," Mr. Chen, I have something to discuss with

President Lin. I’ll see you later!"

As they spoke, Charles Wu and Quin Lin walked into a study room.

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Although Fade Chen knew who Charles Wu is, he still couldn’t help but feel a little jealous. On the other

hand, a playful voice said," Mr. Chen, I didn’t know you get jealous too!" Fade Chen turned his head

and touched his nose. He tried to cover up by saying, "I am just simply looking around."

Mindy Wu flashed a charming smile and she shuddered with flattery. Then, she leaned closer to Fade

Chen and chirped, "Mr. Chen, don’t worry. My brother and President Lin are just talking business. They

have nothing going on."

"I know, I know!" Fade Chen was relieved and nodded quickly.

Then he asked, "Miss Wu, what did President Wu mean by saying that he will have to trouble me ?"

Mindy Wu turned her gaze, "At the party last time, Mr. Chen showed your magical medical skills and

saved my father once. Later, my brother heard about the incident and took the time to return to Bay

City to make an appointment to see you and your wife. He wanted to thank Mr. Chen for saving our

father’s life, and at the same time, to have the opportunity to discuss about business collaboration with

President Lin. During this period, my brother has some minor health problems and he would like Mr.

Chen to look into it."

"Oh consulting his health!" Fade Chen was relieved and nodded cheerfully. "No problem. I will check

President Wu’s pulse later."

Mindy Wu smiled and welcomed Fade Chen into the house. ‘We’ve been chatting for so long at the

door. Please forgive me, Mr. Chen, please come in and have a seat.

Fade Chen nodded and walked alongside Mindy Wu into the villa. As soon as he entered, he saw a

petite figure rushing towards him. At the same time, a tender voice cried, ‘ Brother Superman, you’re


Following the voice, a girl with a pair of big rounded eyes, soft silky black hair with an adorable kitty

hairpin on her hair appeared. It was really the little girl - Fish Song.

Fish Song threw herself into Fade Chen’s arms and giggled, ‘Brother Superman, you’ve finally come to

see me. I haven’t seen you for a long time. I miss you. I also want you to take me to have steak!‘

The little girl’s bubbly voice made Fade Chen burst into laughter. He picked up the little girl, touched

her head lovingly, and said, ‘I’ve missed you too, little fish."

Mindy Wu who was standing at the side, smiled with content as she saw how much her daughter

adored Fade Chen. She scanned the young guy up and down.

At the living room, Mindy Wu served up some snacks and tea for Fade Chen and chatted with him for a


In the end, it was Fish Song who couldn’t sit still. After a while, she pestered Fade Chen to go out and

play. Fade Chen naturally agreed and took Little Fish to play by the grassy lakeside not far away from

the villa.

The little girl happily played with the flowers and plants under the willow tree while Fade Chen enjoyed

the cool breeze and scenic view of the lake.

After a while, Fade Chen suddenly noticed several suspicious silhouettes coming out of a small hill and

carefully moving towards a villa at the other side, using the bushes as cover.

Fade Chen frowned seeing this. He got up and was about to check it out when two security guards

riding the electric patrol car passed by. Fade Chen was alarmed and said to the security guards, ‘Look

over there!"

He pointed in the direction of the sneaky figures.

The two security guards turned their heads and their expressions changed. The hurriedly picked up the

walkie talkie and to alert their colleagues.

In less than three minutes, more than a dozen security guards rushed over, successfully caught those

sneaky figures, and then dragged them out.

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The security guard who drove the patrol car just now walked over to thank Fade Chen, "Thank you,

brother, for being alert just now! Otherwise, those people would have really taken advantage of this


Fade Chen waved and said, "It’s okay. Just a small matter."

The security guard took a look at Fish Song, who was playing beside Fade Chen, and was instantly

surprised. The way he looked at Fade Chen immediately full of respects and changed his address to

him. "Sir, are you from the Wu family?"

Fade Chen smiled and replied. "No, I’m here as a guest."

"You must be extraordinary to have the chance to visit the Wu family!" The security guard sighed with

admiration. After all, even in this high-end community, the Wu family was considered a top notch family.

Just the villa by the lake itself was worth more than 10 million yuan, no ordinary wealthy family could

own it.

Fade Chen understood his thoughts, so he changed the topic casually and said, "Who are those

people just now? Thieves?"

The security guard shook his head and said, "They are not thieves. It would be so much easier for us if

they are just thieves. These people are reporters and small businessman.

"Reporter and businessman?" Fade Chen was a little surprised.

The security guard explained,"The people who live in this area are all from first-class society. Many of

them are celebrities and businessmen, so the reporters and paparazzi of some small publishing houses

will sneak in to take photographs secretly. Meanwhile, some businessmen will find opportunities to

strike deals or appeal for investment with these big bosses. It’s not easy for us to confront these people

directly and if we hand them over to the police, at most, they will just be reprimanded. The next time

they come, we can only catch them again. There is really no good way to deal with them."

"I see! It's not easy for you!" Fade Chen agreed.