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Magic Doctor: CEO Lady’s Humble Husband (full story)

Chapter 106
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Chapter 106

"Went out? Why? Where would she be going at late night?" Momo Soo was confused.

Fade Chen felt that his head was going to burst. He said it in a dry voice," Maybe something happened,

who knows! Don’t worry about it. Go to sleep."

Momo Soo didn’t move but said stubbornly," Brother-in-law, why don’t you worry about Yuri Zhang at

all? It’s so late now, and a girl went missing. How can you say not worry about anything?"

Fade Chen was speechless and could not think of a better reason to explain it. He could only vaguely

say, "Yuri has always been very careful and stable. She will be fine. It’s getting late now, you still have

to attend class tomorrow. Go to bed early!"

"Brother-in-law, I felt something suspicious about you!" Momo Soo paused for a few seconds and

suddenly spoke out which startled Fade Chen with her voice, "You usually don’t act like this. Are you

hiding something from me ?"

"How come? Momo, don’t think too much! Go to sleep!" Fade Chen said in a hurry.

"No, brother-in-law! You’re acting weird today. Open the door and let me in." Fade Chen patted the


Fade Chen didn’t dare to open the door. "Momo, it’s late. You’re a girl. Why did you come into my room

? It’s not good."

Momo Soo said with unconcerned tone, "You are my brother in-law. It’s not a bad thing for me to enter

your room. Besides, it’s not as if you hadn’t seen it before. You didn’t say anything bad at that time, but

now you are so twisted."

Hearing this, Yuri Zhang stunned and looked surprised at Fade Chen with her dark eyes.

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Fade Chen felt that his mind was about to burst. He quickly waved his hand to Yuri Zhang and

whispered, "It’s a misunderstanding, a misunderstanding." Then he turned away and shouted to Momo

Soo, "Momo, don’t talk nonsense.

However, Momo Soo seemed to be flirting with Fade Chen and said," Brother-in-law, I didn’t talk

nonsense. The last time you came home at night, you rushed into the bathroom and saw me in the

shower. Have you forgotten what you promised me to do?"

Yuri Zhang, who had just cleared up her doubts, stared at Fade Chen again.

Fade Chen didn’t know how to explain, so he just waved his hand once again and didn’t say anything.

Meanwhile, outside, Momo So was still patting on the door. "Brother-in-law, let me in!

You’re pushing me around, aren't you? Yuri Zhang is in your room, right? What are you trying to do to

Yuri ?!"

As soon as Momo uttered those words, Fade Chen and Yuri Zhang were both shocked. They looked at

each other and blushed.

Fade Chen hurriedly said, "How is it possible? Momo, don’t think too much."

Momo Soo still insists, "I don’t overthink. Brother-in-law, if you don’t open the door, it means that you

have a guilty conscience. I will tell my sister that you slept with us and bullied my classmates in the

middle of the night."

" Momo, don’t talk nonsense! Your sister gonna kill me if you do so!" Fade Chen tried to weep but failed

to shed a tear. "Then, open the door and let me have a check, if Yuri Zhang is in your room." Momo So


Fade Chen was going crazy. Looking at Yuri Zhang who was completely stunned, then he whispered,

"Yuri, why don’t you hide? She’s not going to stop until she is done with the inspection."

Yuri Zhang nodded, then Fade Chen looked around the room and he was going to cry again.

The interior design of the room was simple. There was no hiding place. There was only a small

wardrobe, which was that kind of composite board. Hiding in it might not be able to withstand the

weight of a person. The bottom of the bed can be the hiding place, but it was one that was almost

certain to be examined, and could not be concealed at all.

Fade Chen was still looking for a place to hide for Yuri Zhang. Outside the door, Momo Soo was patted

the door again and urged him. She even took out her mobile phone and called to threaten him.

"Brother-in-law, if you don't open the door, I'll call my sister!"

"No, Momo, don't mess around!" Fade Chen's forehead was full of sweat, and his eyes scanned the

room once again, but still couldn't find a place to hide. At last, he stopped his view on the bed, and his

eyes lit up. He whispered to Yuri Zhang, "Yuri, get into the bed and cover yourself with the quilt, and

don't make any noise."

Yuri Zhang was in a complete daze, and just followed what Fade Chen's order. She nodded and sat

down on the bed and got under the quilt.

Fade Chen tidied up the bed, covered Yuri Zhang nicely, and was about to open the door. At this

moment, he saw the slippers beside the bed, his scalp tingle. He quickly picked them up and stuffed

them into the bedside table.

Then, Fade Chen walked to the door and gently opened it. He quickly rushed back and once lay back

on the bed. He coughed and said," Momo, the door is open. You can come in now!"

Momo Soo pushed the door open with a suspicious look. After entering, she quickly scanned through

room, but there was no sign of Yuri Zhang. Then she began to walk inside.

‘ Brother-in-law, you really don't know where Yuri Zhang is ?" Momo Soo walked towards the wardrobe

while chatting with Fade Chen. She pretended to be casual and opened the wardrobe.

Seeing that there was no one inside, Momo Soo turned away with disappointment. Seeing Momo's

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expression, Fade Chen was about going crazy and thinking this little girl insisted on catching something

on him. However, Fade Chen act normal and said, "Didn't I tell you all about it? I don't know where Yuri

Zhang is!"

"Oh, really?" Momo Soo still looking incredulous and paced to the bedside, then glanced at the bed.

She deliberately knocked down a small hairpin on the bedside table, bent over to pick up the hairpin,

pull up the bed sheet, and looked under the bed.

As a result, it was empty. Momo Soo's facial expression changed and she muttered to herself, "Is Yuri

Zhang really not here?"

"Momo, it's late at night. What are you doing? Go back to bed now!" Fade Chen said.

However, Momo Soo still unwilling to leave. She continued to look around the room. When she found

that there was really no other places to hide in the room, she could not help but be suspicious. She

turned around and walked to the door.

Fade Chen let out a sigh of relief and moved instinctively.

However, he forgot that there was someone under the quilt. Yuri Zhang, who was hiding under the quilt,

curled up together and tried to narrow the space as much as possible, and almost all of her body was

attached to Fade Chen in order to hide from Momo Soo.

Fade Chen accidentally moved and touched on the place where he shouldn't have touched, causing

Yuri Zhang to make a very slight noise.

Fade Chen responded quickly with few fake cough to cover up the sound.

But at this moment, Momo Soo seemed to have noticed something unusual and stopped at the door.

Then, she turned around, looked the bed and began to look at it suspiciously.

Fade Chen's heart tightened and he thought that something bad was going to happen. The sweat on

his forehead began to drop.