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Luna on The Run I Stole the Alphas Son

Chapter 1
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Alpha Axton POV

This wasn‘t a club I usually frequented; it was a little seedy for my tastes. However, I had business to

take care of here, so I could suffer through one night at this filthy place. The air was rich with the scent of

pheromones, sweat, and liquor, repulsive. It made the place feel stuffy.

My eyes scanned the place as I watched and waited for her to arrive. Eli, my Beta, had done his

research. The past four weekends, I had found myself here waiting for my chance to get my hands on

her, and this was the only club he had found that she went to. Probably because it was in neutral territory

and away from her father‘s prying eyes.

Alpha Derrick would pay for messing with my plans, yet getting back at the Alpha was tricky. He was as

cunning as me, and this : city belonged to him for years. Well, not for long. I wasn‘t backing down or

bowing to the old prick. His time of reign had come and gone, it was a new age, and he was no longer

keeping up with the times. Stuck in the past and reliving his glory days that were no more.

He convinced over half the council to not allow us to settle here, and I need that last block of land to do

that. My pack had grown vastly in number, and my land was no longer sufficient to house everyone. Yet

owning it would give me control of over half the city. He tried to push me out of the city, and now it was

time to

push back.

And I would get even in the form of destroying his daughter, and while destroying her, I would ruin him.

His reputation would be tarnished, and I know I can sway the others on the council to hand over the titles

with him out of the way.

Eli nudges me, nodding toward the entry when I see Elena Hale wander in, her dress tight, hugging her

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curves in the most delicious way as my eyes ran the length of her, drinking her in. Her hair was pulled

back from her heart–shaped face. I feel my wolf press forward suddenly. He watches her, tracking her

every move just as I do, almost hypnotized by the pretty little thing below us. Yet as I watch her, I find

myself stunned and unmoving, something tugging deep within me. Time slips by as I watch her,

obscured by the smoke and strobing lights on the VIP level.

“You have been watching her for an hour. Are you going to watch all night or get to work?” Eli asks,

nudging me with his

elbow. I take the glass he is holding out to me.

Something about her had me intrigued. She was gorgeous, and the way she moved and danced with her

friend made my heartbeat quicken. Khan had been forward with me from the moment she stepped into

the place, his hungry gaze following her and those that approached her, and many tried, but she

seemed uninterested.

“Axton?” Eli says, pulling me from my thoughts. I had completely

forgotten what I was here for. Drinking the last of my glass, I hand it back to him.

“Get me another,” I tell him, dismissing him. He huffs, giving me his drink, and wanders off to get another.

Yet when he does, Elena must feel my gaze on her because she is suddenly looking around warily. I

should have pulled away and stepped out of sight, yet I wanted her to spot me watching her. I wanted to

see the fear in her eyes. Yet when she looked up to where I was standing, watching her. I am the one

that is shocked when her sapphire eyes meet mine, and I suck in a sharp breath. Fuck!

Khan purrs, and I knew before he said it. Knew without a doubt the moment our eyes locked. “Mate,” his

thoughts flit through my head, rattling my senses. Elena‘s brows furrow before she is distracted by her

friend grinding up on her, and she averts her: gaze.

“What are you doing? Get her. I want her. I‘m keeping her,” “Khan snarls, and I nearly snort at my wolf.

This was never my intention. He knew damn well what we were here for. And claiming the Alpha‘s

daughter, wasn‘t it? Yet this may just make my job easier. If Khan was this enthusiastic about his mate, I

knew hers would be just as frantic to claim me in return.

Yet when hands fall on her hips, a terrifying growl leaves me. It was one thing watching her friend grind

and dance with her. Khan wanted to rip the girl away with her lavender hair. He hated the way her ass

moved in time with our mate’s hips as they danced.


But when a man comes up behind her, pressing himself against her back, Khan near loses it. My hands

grip the steel railing as | plant my feet. Khan wanted to toss me over it and pulverize the guy for dare

thinking of laying his filthy paws on our mate. A few people near us back up as I try to fight my wolf,

tearing my gaze away from our mate below us.

I never gave much thought to mates, yet not even I could deny the instant attraction and the undeniable

need to claim her, especially when others were pawing at her. I wanted to mark her. And claim her I

would. I could still go along with my original plans. Either way, she would be forced to accept me one way

or another. It is up to her how this plays out.

“Axton, you will claim our mate, or I will,” Khan snarls, forcing control, and I find myself pushing away

from the balcony and moving toward the stairs. I struggle with him as he barges through bodies, earning

some growls before those that do backup, hands raised in surrender when they realize the monster they

are fucking with. “Sorry, Alpha,” one murmur, rushing off and pulling his friends aside as he does, smart

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Khan was unpredictable and savage. Those in the city were right to fear my wolf and me. Those who

didn‘t, like Alpha Derrick, were fools because once our sights were set on something, we would see it

through to the end, hunt down our prey and make them beg for mercy. Just like I knew her father would.

But now | had another problem to contend with because Khan had his sights set on our mate, and Khan

would not let her go.

He would make a fool out of us or go on a rampage if I tried to deny him what he wanted.

“Fine, stop. Just let me think,” I snap at him. Khan relents, and the tension in my body eases off. Shaking

off the feeling of my wolf, I make my way downstairs, passing Eli on the stairs, who groans.

“Seriously, you could have got your own drink,” he snaps before seeing the look on my face. I take the

drink from him, chucking it down before shoving it in his hands.

“Woah, what‘s going on?” he asks, gripping my arm. I shake it off, seeing the unease in his eyes as he

glanced around the crowded club, thinking someone had done something to upset me.

“She‘s my fucking mate,” I snap at him. I hear his gasp as I pass him before feeling him hot on my heels

as I try to weave through :: the mass of bodies grinding against each other. Eli runs into my . back, his

voice almost frantic behind me.

“Axton, think about this. You make a scene here, and it will be all over the news tomorrow. Think clearly,”

he gushes.

“I am! Khan is the one that isn‘t. I am following the original plans, but I need to get her out of here before

he loses and fucking claims her in front of everyone,” I hiss at him. Khan was antsy, pressing beneath my

skin, and I knew I would have a

heck of a time controlling him once I got her out of here.