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Love's Perfect Match

Chapter 752
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Chapter 752 Side Story: Childhood Sweetheart 12

"You harm me because you like him? I don't get it." Alice almost burst out laughing at this reasoning.

"I was jealous and lost my mind because I noticed he treats you so differently…" Lynne sighed, as if she had

prepared her confession. "Anyway, now that you've found out, I have nothing more to hide. Do as you wish to me."

With things having come to this point, even begging Alice for mercy wouldn't make much sense. Lynne put on a

brave front, even though she knew she was in the wrong.

However, Alice didn't blame her in any way.

"I won't report this to the principal, and I won't tell anyone about this, but our friendship ends here. I'll find a new

seat in class after this."

Alice sighed wearily and added, "But there's one thing I must tell you. He has a girlfriend."

Lynne looked at her in disbelief. "Are you two already together?"

"No, his girlfriend isn't me."

With that, Alice stopped talking to Lynne and walked away.

She passed through a small grove and entered a dimly lit path that was seldom used and relatively quiet—it was

perfect for contemplation.

Unfortunately, as she was walking, she suddenly spotted a familiar figure ahead, causing her to quickly hide in the

nearby bushes.

"Why are you still coming to find me?" Damian's voice was particularly cold.

"Dami, I know I was wrong before, and I shouldn't have done what I did. But I hope you can give me a chance."

Ellie's voice, naturally sweet, sounded even more pitiful as she pleaded.

"It's useless. I already told you."


A muffled sound echoed, and Alice cautiously looked up, only to find that somehow, the two of them were

embracing each other.

Seeing that, Alice backed away, accidentally stepping on a rock behind her and producing a faint sound that was

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audible to the two.

"Who's there?"

At the thought of someone eavesdropping, Damian looked cold.

Alice tightly pursed her lips, not daring to breathe loudly.

Damian approached slowly, knowing that the sound came from behind the bushes.

But when he peeked over, there was nobody there.

"It must have been some small animal passing by." Ellie wiped a tear from her eye. "It doesn't matter. Dami, you

know, back then I shouldn't have said those things to her. I've realized my mistake now. Can't you give me another


"We could have been friends, but you chose to say something to her that led to her misunderstanding to the point

where she won't even talk to me now," Damian sneered. "So, I hope you can leave my life and never appear in

front of her and me again."

Ellie's face turned pale. "Dami..."


In a corner not far away, Alice looked at Liam, who had just pulled her away, and asked, "What are you doing


"I've been following behind you," Liam answered dismissively. "You're quite silly to not know how to run away after

being caught eavesdropping."

Alice's face turned a shade of red. "I wasn't eavesdropping; I just overheard it accidentally. I was afraid of being

caught, so I didn't dare to move."

"That's why I said you're silly."

Shaking his head, Liam asked, "So now you know, right? Besides me, no one treats you well."

Alice lowered her head and looked at a small wildflower by the road, her emotions complex.

"If you know what's best for you, don't provoke Damian. He's a complicated person, more so than you might think.

Even if he doesn't have ill intentions toward you, he's definitely not a decent guy."

Unusually, Liam spoke seriously.

"I know."

A glint appeared in Liam's eyes, accompanied by a smile.

"Do you really know?"

Suddenly, Liam moved closer, enveloping her entirely.

Alice leaned against the wall, her heart pounding like a drum. "Liam, you..."

"Answer my question. Do you really know?"

Upon hearing this, Alice didn't know how to respond.

For real? What kind of person is Damian? That matter still needs more contemplation, but Liam doesn't seem quite

normal at the moment...

After a while, seeing her silent, Liam slowly let go. "Alright, I won't scare you anymore. You're usually so fierce, but

suddenly, you're this timid today."

Alice didn't know why either. Perhaps due to witnessing that scene just now, her mood was hard to lift.

"Alice Damazio."

Liam, for once, called her by her full name.


"I hope you can stay as carefree as you were when you were younger, always happy and free from worries."

Alice looked up at this mischievous troublemaker, her feelings inexplicably complex.

Liam's smile was exceptionally captivating, his pristine school uniform making him seem almost radiant.

Alice almost forgot that Liam was just a high school student; yet, when it came to mentoring her, he always seemed

to have it together.

"You were the same too. You weren't as mischievous during your childhood. The rebellious teenage phase sure is

terrifying..." Alice muttered in a sulking tone that Liam managed to catch every word of.

"That's 'youthful adolescence' where we can be carefree and wild—everyone goes through that phase. Even

Cameron and Ethan experienced it around my age, not to mention Damian..."

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At that, Liam suddenly fell silent.

Alice instantly grasped the situation. The teasing thoughts she had earlier vanished into thin air.

"Alright, it's getting late. I have to go back to class."

She swiftly turned around, preparing to leave. A cool voice drifted from behind. "After today's school ceremony,

we're off for a break. Didn't you hear the announcement?"

Alice came to a sudden halt.

She did hear it; she just momentarily forgot about it while trying to find an excuse.

Liam came closer in quick strides, hooking his arm around her neck. "Alright, I can see you're not in the best mood

today. How about I take you somewhere fun?"

"Where to?"

Alice regarded the proposition with suspicion.

"To a bar."

Although there wasn't a strict ban on her going to a bar at home—after all, Elspeth had initially made her fortune

through a bar—just the thought of the rowdy people in bars made Alice shake her head. "I don't like bars."

"Fine, good girl. How about I drop you off at home then?"

This time, Alice didn't refuse.

On the way back, they still rode in that flashy pink sports car. Suddenly, Liam spoke up. "Ally."


"My earlier statement was serious."

Alice's heart gave an unexpected leap. "Which statement?"

"You're still young now, so I won't say anything inappropriate. But once you've grown up and entered university,

would you consider having me as your boyfriend?"

The evening breeze rustled gently, and his gaze was particularly intense at that moment.

Alice turned her head slightly, gazing at the scenery outside the window. Her response floated over like a delicate

thread of silk.

"Let's leave that for the future."