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Love's Perfect Match

Chapter 739
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Chapter 739 Side Story: Efforts in Pursuing Her 21

At 3.00PM, the Luna Bar remained lively.

Yelena was seated in her customary booth, steadily drinking glass after glass of alcohol. She looked like she was

determined to get wasted today as she downed shot after shot. She didn't even bother to consider her alcohol

tolerance as she kept drinking.

There were a few men around. They attempted to engage her in conversation as her beauty enticed her. Alas, they

were all scared away by her sharp gaze. However, some were still not deterred and attempted to accost her.

She had no choice but to kick that person aside. "I've said it many times. Don't bother me."

Since she had had a few years of martial arts training, her swift response made others wary of approaching her.

With that, she regained her peace as she continued to drink, seeking solace in alcohol.

For some unknown reason, she suddenly pulled out her phone and couldn't resist calling him.

"Hello?" Hank immediately frowned when he heard the noisy background on the other end of the phone.

She hardly ever talked to him, let alone called him. Now that she had called him unexpectedly and the background

noise was so noisy, it was hard for him not to assume the worst.

"Can you come pick me up?" She slurred slightly as she had consumed a fair amount of liquor.

"Where are you? Are you at a bar?"

"Yes. I'm at the Luna Bar. Can you come pick me up? Pretty please." The intoxicated Yelena didn't resemble her

usual cold and fierce self. Instead, she seemed somewhat playful, like a little girl.

He couldn't bring himself to refuse her request, so he nodded and replied, "I'll be there in 30 minutes. Wait for me.

I'll head over now."

When he arrived at the scene, she had already gone completely wild, dancing on the stage.

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Suddenly, someone shouted a suggestion for a striptease. Yelena smiled seductively and took off her coat, throwing

it onto a man's face.

The man, seemingly intoxicated, took a deep whiff of the coat, then yelled, "Keep going! Keep going!"

Instantly, boisterous laughter erupted from the crowd.

When Hank saw the scene before him, he felt his blood boil. He walked up with determined steps and immediately

grabbed her, taking her hand to lead her away.

"What are you doing? I'm not done dancing." She couldn't see who it was and thought it was someone ruining her

fun, so she snorted dismissively.

"Did you call me over just to watch you strip?" He tried his best to control his temper but couldn't help it. A trace of

anger appeared in his tone, frightening Yelena. It also succeeded in sobering her up halfway.

"Why are you here?"

A cold smirk tugged on his lips at her question. "Didn't you ask me to come?"

She had already forgotten what she was doing just now. So, she hastily fumbled for her phone to check. Sure

enough, she had called Hank half an hour ago.

"Hehe, since you're here, why not continue drinking with me?" It was evident that she hadn't had enough just yet.

He had no intention of stopping her after what had happened earlier. So, he guided her back to her booth.

So, he poured a few glasses of alcohol and slammed them on the table. "Drink up."

His action surprised her. "What's wrong with you today? Why are you suddenly letting me drink?"

Hank's lips curled into a faint smile. "Nothing's wrong with me. Didn't you want to drink? I'll drink with you."

In the past, even if he allowed her to drink alone, he would remain seated with a frosty demeanor. There was no

chance in hell he would ever drink with her.

Has he had a change of heart today? Although Yelena was puzzled, she still picked up the glass and began drinking,

one glass after another.

Soon, she began losing track of time as the alcohol warmed her stomach. After a while, she couldn't even

distinguish the face of the person in front of her, and she started giggling.

"What are you laughing at?"

"Nothing. I just think you're hot, so I wanted to look at you more."

When Hank heard those words falling from Yelena's lips, he lowered his head slightly and reached out, pinching her

chin. "Do you know who you're looking at?"


As soon as she said his name, he immediately released his hold on her chin. "It seems you're not that drunk."

She tilted her blushing face upward with a bright smile. "How could I ever mistake you for someone else? I could

never make such a mistake."

"Hmph. Good." He felt a slight sense of joy in his heart.

"Oh, by the way, there's something I've never told you, and I still don't want to tell you."

He immediately felt like facepalming. "If you don't want to tell me, you shouldn't have brought it up in the first


"Well, I want to tell you something…"

"Go ahead."

For some reason, a sense of unease filled his heart when he saw how her complexion had turned pale in an instant.

He had a premonition that whatever she was about to say would not only affect him.

"I had a child once."

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Her words struck him like a bolt from the blue, leaving him utterly speechless.

After a long silence, he swallowed before saying, "Are you saying that you were with child?" His voice seemed

distant, as if he couldn't quite grasp reality.

"Yes, I was. It was my child with him."

It was obvious that she was drinking so heavily that her brain-to-mouth filter was utterly gone. Her gaze was distant

as she lost herself to her memories.

"What happened?"

"Then… I lost the child." As soon as she finished speaking, tears began to roll down her cheeks. "It's all my fault. I

failed to protect my baby. After that argument we had, I fell down the stairs."

Yelena touched her stomach, her eyes filled with longing and pain. There used to be a fruit of their love here.

Unfortunately, due to a terrible twist of fate, the child met his demise before he could even see the world. This had

also become an unforgettably painful memory for her.

"Don't beat yourself up over it. This has nothing to do with you." Hank's voice trembled slightly, for he knew the

child was his. He also knew he couldn't avoid any responsibility for what had happened to the child.

In that instant, he suddenly understood why she had been so determined to keep her distance from him. It was

because the life of that child stood as an insurmountable barrier between the two of them.

A deep pang of heartache surged within him, compelling him to step forward and embrace her without hesitation.

She was quite slender. Her figure was a result of her prolonged involvement in the entertainment industry. That was

why she kept her body in a consistently lean condition.

In fact, he hadn't embraced her with such abandon for a long time, mainly because she had consistently resisted

any form of contact with him. She would even turn away from him in disgust at the mere sight of him. Today was

the day he truly understood the extent of the suffering and torment she had endured.

Hank wasn't one to cry easily, yet at this moment, he couldn't help the tears streaming down his face. "Yelena, I'm

sorry. I'm so sorry."