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Love's Perfect Match

Chapter 728
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Chapter 728 Side Story: Efforts in Pursuing Her 10

Yelena bluntly rejected her father's proposal.

Francis felt somewhat disappointed as he shifted his hopeful gaze to Federick beside her. "What about you,

Federick? What do you think?"

Federick cleared his throat. "Mr. Sullivan, I think you're being a little too hasty. Perhaps we should discuss this some

other time."

Thus, Francis had no choice but to lower his eyes in dejection when he sensed that neither of them was interested

in his idea. "Alright, then. Since neither of you has made up your mind, just take some more time to get along with

each other. When the time is right, I'll bring up this question again. It seems I was indeed being too hasty."

When Wendy came over with two cups of tea, she was greeted by such an awkward scene. Yelena and Federick

were sitting there uneasily at a loss for what to do, whereas Francis turned his head away with tears in his eyes.

"What's going on here? How did you all end up like this while I went to pour the tea?" she joked with a smile while

placing the teacups in front of Yelena and Federick.

"It's nothing, Mom. By the way, when is Hex coming back?" Yelena immediately changed the subject, fearing that

the situation would get uncontrollably awkward if this conversation were to continue.

Just as she mentioned him, Hex pushed the door open and came in. "Wow, everyone's here today. And this is…" He

looked at Federick before him, his eyes narrowing slightly as he realized who this man was. "Is this Yelena's blind


Francis smacked his head at once. "What nonsense are you talking about? He's got a name! His name is Federick


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"Federick Seanzy, huh…" Hex nodded. "I see. You've had feelings for Yellie for a while, haven't you?"

Yelena didn't expect him to make such an astonishing remark as soon as he came home. "Hex, if you can't speak

properly, you should keep your mouth shut." She gnashed her teeth in vexation, wishing she could sew his mouth


Hex replied with a horrified expression, "Your blind date is still here, and yet you're acting like a shrew. Don't you

worry that you won't be able to find a husband?"

"Hex Sullivan!"

"Okay! Fine! I won't talk to you anymore. Geez." Hex yawned. "Well then, you all have a nice chat. I'm going to

sleep." Before he left, he shot Federick a meaningful look.

Naturally, Federick sensed his gaze and simply responded with a smile.

Their silent exchange occurred between them through eye contact in mere seconds.

Once Hex had disappeared into his man cave, Federick stood up, saying, "It's getting rather late, so I won't disturb

you any longer. I'll get going."

Francis and Wendy reluctantly saw him off. When they returned, they were greeted with the sight of Yelena

slumped on the couch, which made them sigh with frustration. "Yellie, he's such a good man. You really should seize

this opportunity!" implored Wendy.

Yelena was already dizzy from being drunk, and Wendy's words only exacerbated her poor condition. "Mom, there's

nothing going on between us right now. Why are you insisting that I marry him?"

Francis chimed in, "We're not saying that you have to marry him, but it's about time you find a good husband. I

happen to think Federick is a decent young man, plus I know his father well—"

"Dad! I really don't want to get married."

The moment she said that, a heavy silence enveloped the room.

Wendy let out a long sigh and retreated to her room. Meanwhile, Francis stayed behind, softening his voice as he

coaxed, "Yellie, can you tell me why you don't want to get married?"

Yelena grabbed a cushion to cover her face as tears seeped into the pillow. "There's no other reason. I simply don't

want to get married. Besides, I'm not interested in any man."

Needless to say, he didn't believe this explanation one whit. "If you're not interested in any man, you wouldn't have

been so hung up on Hank."

"Dad, you know that Hank and I are already a thing of the past."

"I know you two are a thing of the past. That is precisely why I want you to find someone new to heal the wounds

bothering your heart."

Yelena's state during the breakup was still vivid in Francis' memory. He had thought that Hank was a good young

man who could take care of Yelena for the rest of her life, so he had eagerly looked forward to their wedding after

their engagement. Yet, he hadn't expected that unforeseen circumstances would arise—Hank had forcibly broken

up with Yelena after somehow getting seriously ill. Naturally, Yelena had resisted Hank's decision and pleaded

earnestly for Hank to reconsider. Still, they ended up going their separate ways in the end.

He didn't know what had transpired between them. Regardless, he was aware that deep down, Yelena had always

held out hope that they might reconcile. Alas, they had never crossed paths with each other since then, and she

had gradually become the person she was today.

It went without saying that Francis felt heartbroken for his daughter. His heart panged as he saw her going about

her daily routine mechanically, devoid of her former liveliness and charm. Of course, he had long cursed Hank

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thousands of times in his heart for causing his daughter such agony. Had it not been for that brat, she would surely

be as healthy, lovely, and vivacious as she was before.

Yelena's voice interrupted his thoughts. "Dad, I don't have any wounds in my heart now, so you don't have to worry

about me. People don't necessarily have to get married to be happy, right?"

Francis had mixed feelings after hearing her thoughts, and his concern for her grew even stronger. "Yellie, it's not

that I want you to get married. I just want you to find someone who loves you genuinely." What parent on Earth

doesn't wish for their daughter to be loved by a good man? "It's not your fault that your previous relationship ended


The longer Yelena listened to him, the more she felt her mood dampen. So, she shook her head, saying, "Hank isn't

a bad person. I just don't think it's right for us to continue being together."

Francis knew that Yelena was unable to forget that man for now. Hence, he set his jaw before asking, "Yellie, if you

really love him, should I go and talk to him on your behalf and see if you two can continue being together?"

Yelena didn't expect her father to be willing to go to such lengths for her. Her eyes instantly welled up with tears,

utterly moved by his decision.

Francis wasn't aware of the situation that had transpired between her and Hank. So, he thought that it was Hank

who had refused to get back together with her. Therefore, when he suggested such a thing, he had practically set

aside his dignity. He was willing to beg Hank for her sake just so she could get back with the man she loved.

She stretched out her hands and embraced her father tightly, her voice choked with emotion as she murmured,

"Dad, you don't have to do these things for me. Hank and I will never get together."

He let out a deep sigh, his voice betraying a hint of weariness as he grumbled, "I just don't want to see you sad and


Eventually, she rubbed her eyes and wiped her tears as if finally making up her mind about something. "Dad, I'll try

to get along with Federick and see how things go."