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Love's Perfect Match

Chapter 722
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Chapter 722 Side Story: Efforts in Pursuing Her 4

Even though Simone was usually gentle and pleasant with Yelena, this was the first time Yelena ever had someone

begging her in such a meek and humble manner. Yelena quickly gave in, especially after she recalled how Simone

typically treated her like she was Simone's own daughter. "Alright, Ms. Balkan. Please stop this. I'll think about it,"

Yelena offered.

"Ah, alright."

After dinner, Yelena prepared to head home as usual. Simone suggested having Hank send Yelena home since it

was getting late, and Hank nodded in agreement with her suggestion. While they were on the way back, Yelena

turned her head away and gazed at the night view outside her window. She didn't bother speaking to the man at all.

Hank knew that there was a huge gulf between them, so he didn't initiate any conversations either.

They were halfway through the trip home when Yelena turned to look at Hank abruptly. There was a rather

exasperated look on her face. "Why didn't you speak up for me when Ms. Balkan was talking earlier today, Hank?"

Yelena asked. "You know that we're not together, yet you keep allowing Ms. Balkan to hold onto her existing beliefs.

She's only going to be sadder if she continues holding onto this misunderstanding."

Hank was in no rush to disagree with the woman. Instead, he pulled the car to a halt by the side of the road before

he turned sideways to look at her. "Why are you stopping the car?" Yelena was stunned.

"I'm worried that things might get dangerous if I lose control of my emotions," he explained. Yelena was silent for a

while after that. "Look, I know what you mean, Yelena. I know that I made a mistake, and I know that's why you've

been hiding away and rejecting me. I've never forced you to do anything over the years, and I've always tagged

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along behind you. I supported everything that you wanted to do. Even when I found out you were flirting with

someone else to push me away, I didn't give up on you. Don't you understand my feelings for you by now?" Hank


Yelena couldn't explain how she felt after hearing his words. Her mixed emotions made her feel helpless and lost

for a while. Hank's words made a lot of sense—it was true that she had been avoiding him in hopes that he would

give up on her. Yet, regardless of what she did, Hank stuck around like a loyal dog that she couldn't seem to get rid

of. As time went on, Yelena found herself getting used to her relationship with him.

Hank pressed his hands against her shoulders as he spoke in a cold and stern voice. "Well, I have a question for

you. If I give up on you and promise not to bother you from now on, would you really be happy?" he asked.

Yelena parted her lips to speak, but nothing came out. "I…"

"You can take your time to come up with your answer. There's no rush," the man added. She lowered her head and

contemplated his question for a while before looking up once more. Her eyes were brimming with tears at that

point. "I really would. I hope you never show up to bother me ever again," she uttered.

Hank's face turned pale. "Did that incident have such a huge impact on you?" He was aware of how he might not

have handled things in the most appropriate manner back then. I shouldn't have refused medication and treatment

just because I found out about Elspeth's death. I shouldn't have asked Yelena for a breakup back then. However, I

was too emotional to make any sane decisions then, Hank thought.

Yelena took a deep breath upon hearing his question. I know that he's aware of his mistakes, and I know that he has

been trying to make things right. Nonetheless, whatever happened back then has left a splinter in my heart, and I

can't seem to take it out, no matter how hard I try to do it. I can't remove it, even if he's here to do it with me. On

top of that, there's something even more unacceptable that I haven't told him about…

Yelena sniffed before she replied, "Yeah. I'm still stuck in the past, and I can't let go of it. You shouldn't waste any

more of your time with someone like me, alright?"

He responded with a bitter smile. "When are you ever going to forgive me, then?"

"I'll never forgive you." Since the car was parked by the side of the road, Yelena removed her seatbelt and opened

the door to let herself out. "This looks pretty close to where I stay, so I can just walk home. I don't want to trouble

you any further."

Hank didn't chase after her; he simply watched in silence as the woman's figure grew further away from him.

Yelena was somewhat surprised to see that the man hadn't come after her this time, and she noticed a slight sense

of disappointment within herself. Well, I'm the one who asked for this. He's just doing what he's supposed to do, she

thought to herself. The weather was rather chilly as fall had just arrived in Damoria. Yelena let out a sigh as she

rubbed her palms together.

After walking for a while more, she noticed a drunk man standing by the side of the road. She knew how dangerous

the streets could get at night, so she was cautious enough to walk around the man without getting too close to him.

To her surprise, the man leaped forward and held onto her wrist. The man's breath reeked of alcohol, and Yelena

frowned when she felt his breath on her face.

"Hey, young lady. What's a gorgeous little thing like you doing out on the streets at night? What's more, you're

exposing so much skin. Do you want to have some fun with me?" the man said while checking Yelena out. She felt

disgusted by the man's gaze, but she tried her best to contain her discomfort as she knew that it wouldn't do her

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good to start a fight with someone like him. "I'm sorry. I'm heading home now, and my house is right up the street,"

she replied gently.

The man let out a scoff before he turned to look in the direction she pointed at. The Sullivan Residence stood tall on

the street ahead. "You should tell me a better lie if you're going to lie to me at all, young lady. That's the Sullivan

Residence, and you…" The man sized her up with his eyes. "You have really thick makeup on, and I bet you just

came back from a club. Do you think you can pass as one of the Sullivans? What a joke!"

Yelena forgot about the thick makeup that she had on for her shooting earlier. She hadn't expected to be

misunderstood in such a manner, and she could no longer contain her anger at that point. "Who do you think you

are? How dare you talk about me like that!" Yelena hissed before spitting in the man's face. Even though she didn't

want to start a fight, Yelena wasn't a pushover at all. The events in the past years might have taught her to be more

patient, but she still had a temper.

The man hadn't expected to be shamed by the woman, and he was quickly triggered by her actions. "How dare you

mess with me, you young brat?! Don't you know who I am? I'm going to teach you a lesson tonight!" With that, he

grabbed Yelena's wrist before dragging her into an alleyway. Even though the man seemed like a homeless drunk,

he had a considerable amount of strength. Yelena tried to wriggle her way out of his grip, but she simply couldn't

get away from him. She began to panic just then.

"Hank!" Yelena shouted the man's name without thinking twice. However, a wave of helplessness surged through

her when she recalled all the heartless words she had said to him just moments ago. He must have left already, she
