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Love's Perfect Match

Chapter 713
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Chapter 713 Giving Birth

After hearing the conversation, Yelena laughed so hard that her stomach almost hurt. "Dami, let me tell you, your

dad's standing is the lowest in your family!"

At this, Damian looked at Callum with sympathy. "Dad, I really never thought you'd be in such a miserable state."

Callum's already gloomy expression turned even darker upon hearing that. Luckily, Damian was more

understanding. Seeing his father's displeasure, he thought he might have some painful secrets that he didn't want

to talk about, so he dropped his suspicions.

After a while, Margot came back with the fruit slices, and the four of them sat on the couch and chatted for a while.

They hadn't seen each other for a long time, so naturally, they had a lot to talk about.

A moment later, however, Margot's phone suddenly rang.

"Mom, Lisa is going into labor!"

Giving birth is no simple matter! Their expressions changed at once. Elspeth asked, "Which hospital is it? Let's hurry

over there now."

Margot nodded with a grave expression.

Soon, they arrived at the hospital anxiously. Seeing the red light above the operating room, they all had their hearts

in their mouths. "How many hours has it been?"

Blake paced back and forth at the door. "It's been three hours since she went in, but there's still nothing."

Elspeth's heart was also burning with anxiety. Under normal circumstances, the delivery of the child should have

been completed within two hours, just like when she gave birth to Damian back then. The longer it dragged on, the

less certain the safety of the woman in labor would be.

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Another two hours passed, but the light above the operating room didn't go out. Instead, a doctor came out, asking,

"Which of you is the pregnant patient's family?"

Blake came over at once, saying, "I-I'm her husband. Why is it taking so long? How is my wife?"

The doctor explained with a grave expression, "Well, the thing is, the baby's position in the womb isn't quite right, so

it might be necessary to perform a C-section as a last resort. Still, we need the family's consent before doing so."

Blake nodded immediately. "Perform the C-section, then. Just make sure that my wife is safe."

Upon hearing this, the doctor suddenly became hesitant. "Frankly speaking, her condition is quite critical at the

moment. She's getting physically exhausted. I was wondering if any of you are willing to go in and keep her

company to provide some moral support."

Blake stepped forward without the slightest hesitation. "I'll go!"

"Um… the scene inside might be a bit bloody. Are you sure you can handle it? Are you sure it won't affect your

relationship with your wife?" asked the doctor. He had seen many husbands who developed psychological trauma

after witnessing their wives' childbirth, which adversely impacted their marital harmony. This was why he was

cautious when dealing with such situations.

Blake was stunned upon hearing this. He wasn't worried that witnessing the situation would cause him to develop

some psychological trauma toward Lisa. It's just that… Still, he gritted his teeth and nodded. "I'm sure of that. Let

me go in."

Since he had insisted, the doctor didn't say anything else and had a nurse lead him to change into sterile clothing.

After that, he followed the doctor into the operating room.

The moment he went inside, Margot suddenly slapped her thigh. "B-Blake can't stand the sight of blood!"

Elspeth's eyes instantly widened. "What? He can't stand the sight of blood? Why did he go in, then?"

"Perhaps he's worried about his wife in there. It's okay. Since he's doing this, he must have his reasons. We don't

have to worry about him," replied Callum, comforting them.

Elspeth nodded, agreeing to the idea. "In that case, we'll wait here. If something unexpected happens to him inside,

at least we'll be prepared."

In the operating room, Lisa looked disheveled as she lay on the operating table. Sweat dripped from her

continuously, wetting her thin layer of clothing.

Blake's head started to spin at the sight of the blood that kept gushing out. He staggered a few steps, and the nurse

nearby noticed his abnormality. "Sir, are you okay? You don't seem quite right," she said.

Blake's lips turned pale, but he shook his head with a forced smile. "It's okay. I'm fine."

"Alright, but if something happens, please let me know immediately."

Blake nodded without saying anything further before coming to Lisa's side. "Lisa, how are you feeling now?" he

asked in a soft voice.

Lisa was already weak to the point that she could barely open her mouth. After hearing the familiar voice, however,

she opened her eyes in surprise. "Why did you come in?"

"I heard that you might not be safe in here, so I came in to check on you."

"Based on the current scene… I'm afraid it might scare you. You'd better go out," urged Lisa, feeling somewhat

embarrassed as she gently pushed him.

"The doctor said you feel exhausted. Is it because it hurts too much?" asked Blake. Then, recalling the scenes he

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had seen in TV dramas before, he stretched out his hand right away. "If it really hurts, you can bite me. Just don't

give up."

Lisa shook her head. "I'm not as fragile as you think I am. You can't stand the sight of blood, right? You'd better go

out quickly." Seeing how he insisted on staying by her side despite his pale lips, she felt a surge of emotions in her

heart. I didn't marry the wrong person.

Just then, another bout of pain struck, and she couldn't help but let out a scream of pain.

"Lisa, bite my hand now!" Blake quickly brought his hand to her mouth.

Lisa, her vision blurred with pain, instinctively bit down on it right away.

"Gasp…" Blake gasped in pain, but he endured it and didn't make a sound, fearing that Lisa might be startled by

him. After what seemed like an eternity, he started to feel the back of his hand go numb.

Finally, the doctor exclaimed, "The baby is out!"

Only then did Blake heave a sigh of relief.

Lisa weakly opened her mouth, panting softly while lying on the operating table.

Looking at his bloodied hand, Blake felt dizzy again for a moment. After taking the sanitary wipes from a nurse and

wiping the blood off his hand, he gently wiped the sweat from Lisa's forehead. "Thank you, Lisa," he said. "Thank

you for giving birth to our child."

Lisa was taken to the ward to rest, while the baby was placed in the incubator.

When Margot heard that it was a boy, she furrowed her brows. "I like both boys and girls, but I'd have preferred a

little girl. That way, she could be as pretty as Lisa. If it's a boy, I hope his dad won't be a bad influence on him."

Needless to say, having given birth to so many sons, she wished to have a little princess to dote on.

Blake smiled awkwardly at her comment. "Mom, why would I be a bad influence on my boy? Just rest assured that

I'll teach him well."