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Love's Perfect Match

Chapter 677
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Chapter 677 Let Her Go

On the other hand, Faith's countenance immediately contorted into an intensely unpleasant expression.

Nevertheless, she still wanted to preserve her fragile image in front of others. So, she retorted defiantly, "What

nonsense are you spouting? How could I possibly receive benefits from someone else?" While saying this, she

deliberately conjured two tears, making it appear she had endured a great grievance. Her performance was

executed with such convincing emotion that it could have easily deceived others.

Remaining unmoved by her tears, Callum disregarded the display of emotion and pressed on with his questioning.

Firmly, he reiterated, "I will ask you one final time, and it is in your best interest to tell me the truth. Whose benefits

did you receive?"

Despite this, Faith remained resolute in her position and persisted in withholding the truth. She maintained her

claim, stating, "I didn't receive any benefits."

"Fine. If you don't tell me, perhaps Hope will," he declared, redirecting his gaze toward her sister.

Meanwhile, Hope, initially thinking she had evaded scrutiny, began to feel a sense of unease upon witnessing

Callum's stern gaze fixed upon her. Gathering her courage, she recounted her recollection, "I can't provide all the

specific details, but on that particular night, Faith quietly left her room, claiming she needed to use the restroom.

Something felt amiss, so I decided to follow her. To my surprise, I discovered her engaged in a hushed conversation

with a stranger in the secluded corner of the Winthrop Family's garden."

"Where did they meet?"

"It was near a wall in a secluded corner of the garden. At that moment, I overheard fragments of their

conversation, which appeared to be about tampering with the food."

Raising an eyebrow, Callum shifted his gaze to Faith, whose pretense had begun to crumble. With a stern tone, he

confronted her again, "Are you still not admitting it?"

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"Fine. Since I've done it, I'll admit it," she declared, lifting her head and discarding her previous facade of

helplessness. Then, she boldly confessed, "Yes, I did it. So, what?"

She exuded a sense of certainty, seemingly convinced he wouldn't dare take drastic actions against her. While she

harbored some fear about facing his intense questioning, she was not entirely helpless or devoid of a plan.

Callum, keenly observant, took notice of her demeanor, and suspicions started to form in his mind. He inquired,

"You admitted it rather quickly. Is there someone supporting you from behind, influencing your actions?"

"No, but I want to clarify that you wouldn't dare lay a hand on me."

After witnessing Faith's unwavering confidence, he was on the verge of laughter. Suppressing the urge, he retorted,

"What status do you possess? Why do you assume I wouldn't dare confront you?"

"Only I possess the antidote."

When she mentioned the word "antidote," Callum's expression turned grim, and his demeanor grew even more

resolute. He swiftly approached her, gripping her collar firmly, and demanded, "What antidote? What did you put in

the food?"

"A simple food incompatibility wouldn't be enough to kill anyone. Food poisoning is just a cover on the surface. The

truth is that the food Mrs. Winthrop consumed was laced with drugs. So, if you dare lay a hand on me, she will die

with me."

Since she has revealed the incident's truth, it is plausible that she has made extensive preparations, and it is also

possible that she does not possess the alleged antidote.

Despite his anger, Callum recognized the importance of acting cautiously to ensure Elspeth's safety. He refrained

from recklessly searching Faith and released his grip, causing her to fall. However, he acknowledged her willingness

to reveal the truth indicated her desire to survive. Then, he asked, "So, what are your conditions?"

Even though she lay somewhat disheveled on the ground, Faith's smug smile revealed her satisfaction with the

outcome. She believed she had emerged victorious in the gamble, and her words were triumphant. "I knew it. Mr.

Winthrop, you're indeed a shrewd person."

"What do you want to do now?"

"I don't want to do anything. My actions were purely based on someone else's orders. Therefore, I sincerely hope

you won't take any action against me."

"Besides this condition, do you have any other requests?"

After hearing this, Faith gingerly rose to her feet, massaging her sore elbow. "I desire to depart from the Winthrop

Family without harm befalling me."

On the contrary, Callum's suspicion was stirred by the woman's words. "So, who exactly instructed you?"

Then, Faith shook her head, a hint of intrigue dancing on her face. "I can't tell you that, but you just need to know

that you have offended someone powerful."

"Slevin Damazio?" After careful consideration, Callum concluded that no other plausible candidate could

orchestrate such an act.

"You don't need to ask anymore. I won't tell you."

Since extracting the truth from the woman seemed futile, he decided not to pursue further questioning. He

acquiesced to her request without hesitation.

As Faith breathed a sigh of relief, Callum shifted the conversation toward Hope. "Would you like to take this woman

with you?"

Meanwhile, Hope found herself utterly dumbfounded at this unexpected turn of events. She had never anticipated

that, despite her sister's role in devising and executing the plan, she would be the one held accountable.

Furthermore, she couldn't fathom what her fate would be if left behind, which instilled a sense of fear within her.

Her eyes betrayed her apprehension as she pleaded, "Please, take me with you." I don't want to remain alone in

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this place. Considering Mr. Winthrop's inability to direct his frustration elsewhere, I am sure he will unleash his anger

on me. As she contemplated her fate, she felt a deep sense of fear.

"Take you with me? After you intentionally exposed all of my secrets, do you honestly believe I would still consider

taking you away?" Faith sneered, her face devoid of expression as if the woman standing before her had no

significance. Then, she shifted her attention to Callum and declared, "Mr. Winthrop, you may do as you please with

my sister. Henceforth, she has no connection to me."

In the meantime, he had already anticipated this answer from her. Without uttering another word, he promptly

directed the people beside him to escort Hope away. Due to her knowledge, deliberate concealment of information,

and malicious intent, he could not simply let her go.

Shortly after being taken away, the sound of Hope's cries resonated throughout the entire kitchen.

As the cries gradually subsided, Callum nodded at Faith, gesturing toward a waiting vehicle. "I have already made

arrangements for your transportation. Simply inform the driver of your desired destination."

Meanwhile, she was taken aback by his unexpected consideration, a touch of surprise evident on her face.

However, a hint of jealousy flickered in her eyes as she contemplated everything he had done out of concern for

Elspeth's safety. How could Mrs. Winthrop be so fortunate?

While observing Faith lost in her thoughts, Callum asked, "What's wrong? Do you have any other requests?"

"No. I'm fine," Faith responded. Given her circumstances, successfully departing from the Winthrop Family was the

most favorable outcome. Then, she smiled and walked out the door.

Nonetheless, Callum chose not to follow her. The assistant beside him glanced at his composed demeanor,

somewhat astonished by his reaction.

"Mr. Winthrop, are you truly letting her go just like that?" Regardless of how the assistant contemplated the

situation, he couldn't help but feel dissatisfied. This woman has perpetrated such actions, yet not only has she

managed to evade punishment, but she is also leaving the premises so effortlessly.

Still, Callum remained unaffected by any sense of displeasure.

This unusual reaction surprised the assistant.