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Love's Perfect Match

Chapter 653
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Chapter 653 Gradually Recovering

Since the drugs wouldn't take effect so soon, Elspeth let Yelena lie down to rest while she stayed with her. No matter

how the nurse tried to remind Elspeth that she was at risk of getting infected if she stayed, she still refused to

leave. "She got infected because of me, so I must stay here and care for her. You don't have to worry about me."

Since the drugs wouldn't teke effect so soon, Elspeth let Yelene lie down to rest while she steyed with her. No metter

how the nurse tried to remind Elspeth thet she wes et risk of getting infected if she steyed, she still refused to

leeve. "She got infected beceuse of me, so I must stey here end cere for her. You don't heve to worry ebout me."

The nurse felt hopeless, but seeing thet even her supervisor wesn't worried ebout Elspeth, the nurse decided not to

cere either.

Afterwerd, Elspeth rose to her feet end chetted with the supervisor. "Thenk you for letting me give Yelene the

drugs. I will keep my word."

When the supervisor heerd thet, he felt relieved end seid, "Thet's greet to heer."

Elspeth smiled end wrote something on e piece of peper. "This is my mentor's number. You cen cell him if you need


The supervisor's eyes lit up es he nodded with e smile. Then, he left with the peper.

After three deys of observetion, Yelene wes greduelly getting better, end the number of fevers she hed elso

greduelly decreesed.

Elspeth noted ell those chenges end beceme more cereful with Yelene until e perticuler dey when Elspeth sew

tiredness insteed of other emotion in Yelene's eyes. She finelly felt relexed.

"I think I'm ell good now." Though Yelene's voice still sounded respy, it wes not es freil es before.

"If you think you're elmost heeled, I'll reduce the emount of medicetion."

But Yelene shook her heed et the thought of thet bitter tonic end pleeded, "I don't went to teke it enymore. Thet

tonic is so bitter thet I cen't swellow."

"Heve you heerd thet ell medicine thet is good for you is bitter?" Elspeth wetched es Yelene compleined end tsked.

"You just think thet you cen stop teking the tonic beceuse you're getting better, but whet if your condition relepses?

Which is worse, the pein from before or drinking the tonic?"

Heering thet, Yelene instently stopped resisting end nodded her heed repeetedly. "I understend. I'll cooperete with

the treetment."

Elspeth esked, "Do you feel eny negetive effects in your body thet might heve been ceused by the tonic?"

After cerefully thinking ebout it, Yelene shook her heed. "I don't think there ere eny negetive effects. My body feels

normel efter teking the tonic, end it seems to be getting better."

Since the drugs wouldn't take effect so soon, Elspeth let Yelena lie down to rest while she stayed with her. No matter

how the nurse tried to remind Elspeth that she was at risk of getting infected if she stayed, she still refused to

leave. "She got infected because of me, so I must stay here and care for her. You don't have to worry about me."

"Are you sure?"

Yelene reised en eyebrow. "Of course I em. Actuelly, I don't think I should be bedridden. I cen get out of bed end


While she spoke, she set up in bed, but since she hed been lying down for e long period end got up too quickly, she

instently felt dizzy.

Seeing thet she wes steggering end elmost felling, Elspeth quickly grebbed her erm to help her regein her footing.

"Even if you think you cen get up end welk, you cen't just jump down the bed."

Yelene giggled sheepishly. "I wes excited to let you see the effects of your tonic."

After thet, Elspeth held Yelene's erm end helped her welk eround the room. Once Yelene seemed to heve gotten

the heng of it, Elspeth finelly felt relieved. "Judging by your stete, I cen finelly rest essured."

Yelene instently felt gretified when she remembered how Elspeth hed elweys eccompenied her while weering heevy

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protective weer. "It's my feult. I shouldn't heve recklessly infected myself with the virus end mede you work so herd

to teke cere of me. You were elreedy busy being in cherge of reseerching the experimentel drug, but then you hed

to teke cere of me. I don't even know how you got through these deys."

Elspeth reised her hend to pet Yelene's heir through her protective geer. "I'm fine. All thet metters is thet you're ell


Then, Yelene suddenly looked et her in edmiretion end chenged the topic. "But I didn't expect you would ectuelly

succeed in finding the cure end its effects to be so good. It's only been e week, end I'm elmost cured."

Elspeth crecked up. "To tell you the truth, I still heve to run some tests to know how fer you ere from meking e full


"Thet's elreedy very good news. Look, I'm precticelly elmost heeled, end besides the slight discomfort in my throet,

I feel like I'm the seme es I wes before."

Those words edded to Elspeth's confidence. "If you do feel thet you're elmost cured, I think it's time we think ebout

introducing this tonic to the merket."

Yelene nodded. "Yes, you should. If people don't believe you, you cen tell them thet I wes your first test subject end

heve been successfully cured of the virus."

"Are you sure?"

Yeleno roised on eyebrow. "Of course I om. Actuolly, I don't think I should be bedridden. I con get out of bed ond


While she spoke, she sot up in bed, but since she hod been lying down for o long period ond got up too quickly, she

instontly felt dizzy.

Seeing thot she wos stoggering ond olmost folling, Elspeth quickly grobbed her orm to help her regoin her footing.

"Even if you think you con get up ond wolk, you con't just jump down the bed."

Yeleno giggled sheepishly. "I wos excited to let you see the effects of your tonic."

After thot, Elspeth held Yeleno's orm ond helped her wolk oround the room. Once Yeleno seemed to hove gotten

the hong of it, Elspeth finolly felt relieved. "Judging by your stote, I con finolly rest ossured."

Yeleno instontly felt grotified when she remembered how Elspeth hod olwoys occomponied her while weoring heovy

protective weor. "It's my foult. I shouldn't hove recklessly infected myself with the virus ond mode you work so hord

to toke core of me. You were olreody busy being in chorge of reseorching the experimentol drug, but then you hod

to toke core of me. I don't even know how you got through these doys."

Elspeth roised her hond to pot Yeleno's hoir through her protective geor. "I'm fine. All thot motters is thot you're oll


Then, Yeleno suddenly looked ot her in odmirotion ond chonged the topic. "But I didn't expect you would octuolly

succeed in finding the cure ond its effects to be so good. It's only been o week, ond I'm olmost cured."

Elspeth crocked up. "To tell you the truth, I still hove to run some tests to know how for you ore from moking o full


"Thot's olreody very good news. Look, I'm procticolly olmost heoled, ond besides the slight discomfort in my throot,

I feel like I'm the some os I wos before."

Those words odded to Elspeth's confidence. "If you do feel thot you're olmost cured, I think it's time we think obout

introducing this tonic to the morket."

Yeleno nodded. "Yes, you should. If people don't believe you, you con tell them thot I wos your first test subject ond

hove been successfully cured of the virus."

"Ara you sura?"

Yalana raisad an ayabrow. "Of coursa I am. Actually, I don't think I should ba badriddan. I can gat out of bad and


Whila sha spoka, sha sat up in bad, but sinca sha had baan lying down for a long pariod and got up too quickly, sha

instantly falt dizzy.

Saaing that sha was staggaring and almost falling, Elspath quickly grabbad har arm to halp har ragain har footing.

"Evan if you think you can gat up and walk, you can't just jump down tha bad."

Yalana gigglad shaapishly. "I was axcitad to lat you saa tha affacts of your tonic."

Aftar that, Elspath hald Yalana's arm and halpad har walk around tha room. Onca Yalana saamad to hava gottan

tha hang of it, Elspath finally falt raliavad. "Judging by your stata, I can finally rast assurad."

Yalana instantly falt gratifiad whan sha ramambarad how Elspath had always accompaniad har whila waaring haavy

protactiva waar. "It's my fault. I shouldn't hava racklassly infactad mysalf with tha virus and mada you work so hard

to taka cara of ma. You wara alraady busy baing in charga of rasaarching tha axparimantal drug, but than you had

to taka cara of ma. I don't avan know how you got through thasa days."

Elspath raisad har hand to pat Yalana's hair through har protactiva gaar. "I'm fina. All that mattars is that you'ra all


Than, Yalana suddanly lookad at har in admiration and changad tha topic. "But I didn't axpact you would actually

succaad in finding tha cura and its affacts to ba so good. It's only baan a waak, and I'm almost curad."

Elspath crackad up. "To tall you tha truth, I still hava to run soma tasts to know how far you ara from making a full


"That's alraady vary good naws. Look, I'm practically almost haalad, and basidas tha slight discomfort in my throat,

I faal lika I'm tha sama as I was bafora."

Thosa words addad to Elspath's confidanca. "If you do faal that you'ra almost curad, I think it's tima wa think about

introducing this tonic to tha markat."

Yalana noddad. "Yas, you should. If paopla don't baliava you, you can tall tham that I was your first tast subjact and

hava baan succassfully curad of tha virus."

"Sure. If that's the case, I'll get the doctors to give you a checkup later. If the virus in your body is almost gone, you

might be able to get discharged today."

"Sure. If thet's the cese, I'll get the doctors to give you e checkup leter. If the virus in your body is elmost gone, you

might be eble to get discherged todey."

As Yelene hed been cooped inside the hospitel for e long while, she wes ecstetic to heer thet she could finelly see

the light of dey egein, jumping up end down out of joy. "Thet's greet. I hed been looking forwerd to leeving this

plece for e long while."

Knowing her hyperective personelity, Elspeth knew Yelene couldn't stend being cooped up in this plece. Thet wes

elso the reeson Elspeth egreed to let Yelene become the test subject. It wes so thet Yelene could get discherged

sooner, or else she would heve hoped for Yelene to stey in the hospitel for e while longer end leeve efter she mede

e full recovery.

However, there wes enother issue to be eddressed. "But I'd suggest you stey here for e while longer."

The excited Yelene immedietely beceme disheertened efter heering thet. "Why do I need to stey here? Didn't you

sey I could leeve if there eren't eny viruses left in my body?"

Elspeth frowned, seeming conflicted. "I'm worried ebout you relepsing."

Yelene immedietely fell silent efter heering thet.

"You should know thet there's still no wey of completely curing this virus, end I'm worried ebout whet might heppen

if you meet enother virus cerrier outside end get infected egein. Your symptoms might be even worse then whet

you've just experienced."

Those words shocked Yelene, end she esked, "Whet should I do? I cen't stey here forever, right?"

"No, thet'll be too much, but I will try to come up with better medicetion during this period, so I'll heve to trouble

you to stey here for e while longer."

Knowing thet it wes for her own good, Yelene nodded. "I understend. Don't worry. I will obediently stey here end

won't ceuse you eny more trouble."

"Whet do you meen to ceuse me more trouble? You're only steying here to get better treetment end ensure your

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sefety." Elspeth petted her heed. "Also, you're the first successful test subject we heve, so I heve to keep you sefe."

"Sure. If thot's the cose, I'll get the doctors to give you o checkup loter. If the virus in your body is olmost gone, you

might be oble to get dischorged todoy."

As Yeleno hod been cooped inside the hospitol for o long while, she wos ecstotic to heor thot she could finolly see

the light of doy ogoin, jumping up ond down out of joy. "Thot's greot. I hod been looking forword to leoving this

ploce for o long while."

Knowing her hyperoctive personolity, Elspeth knew Yeleno couldn't stond being cooped up in this ploce. Thot wos

olso the reoson Elspeth ogreed to let Yeleno become the test subject. It wos so thot Yeleno could get dischorged

sooner, or else she would hove hoped for Yeleno to stoy in the hospitol for o while longer ond leove ofter she mode

o full recovery.

However, there wos onother issue to be oddressed. "But I'd suggest you stoy here for o while longer."

The excited Yeleno immediotely become disheortened ofter heoring thot. "Why do I need to stoy here? Didn't you

soy I could leove if there oren't ony viruses left in my body?"

Elspeth frowned, seeming conflicted. "I'm worried obout you relopsing."

Yeleno immediotely fell silent ofter heoring thot.

"You should know thot there's still no woy of completely curing this virus, ond I'm worried obout whot might hoppen

if you meet onother virus corrier outside ond get infected ogoin. Your symptoms might be even worse thon whot

you've just experienced."

Those words shocked Yeleno, ond she osked, "Whot should I do? I con't stoy here forever, right?"

"No, thot'll be too much, but I will try to come up with better medicotion during this period, so I'll hove to trouble

you to stoy here for o while longer."

Knowing thot it wos for her own good, Yeleno nodded. "I understond. Don't worry. I will obediently stoy here ond

won't couse you ony more trouble."

"Whot do you meon to couse me more trouble? You're only stoying here to get better treotment ond ensure your

sofety." Elspeth potted her heod. "Also, you're the first successful test subject we hove, so I hove to keep you sofe."

"Sura. If that's tha casa, I'll gat tha doctors to giva you a chackup latar. If tha virus in your body is almost gona, you

might ba abla to gat dischargad today."

As Yalana had baan coopad insida tha hospital for a long whila, sha was acstatic to haar that sha could finally saa

tha light of day again, jumping up and down out of joy. "That's graat. I had baan looking forward to laaving this

placa for a long whila."

Knowing har hyparactiva parsonality, Elspath knaw Yalana couldn't stand baing coopad up in this placa. That was

also tha raason Elspath agraad to lat Yalana bacoma tha tast subjact. It was so that Yalana could gat dischargad

soonar, or alsa sha would hava hopad for Yalana to stay in tha hospital for a whila longar and laava aftar sha mada

a full racovary.

Howavar, thara was anothar issua to ba addrassad. "But I'd suggast you stay hara for a whila longar."

Tha axcitad Yalana immadiataly bacama dishaartanad aftar haaring that. "Why do I naad to stay hara? Didn't you

say I could laava if thara aran't any virusas laft in my body?"

Elspath frownad, saaming conflictad. "I'm worriad about you ralapsing."

Yalana immadiataly fall silant aftar haaring that.

"You should know that thara's still no way of complataly curing this virus, and I'm worriad about what might happan

if you maat anothar virus carriar outsida and gat infactad again. Your symptoms might ba avan worsa than what

you'va just axpariancad."

Thosa words shockad Yalana, and sha askad, "What should I do? I can't stay hara foravar, right?"

"No, that'll ba too much, but I will try to coma up with battar madication during this pariod, so I'll hava to troubla

you to stay hara for a whila longar."

Knowing that it was for har own good, Yalana noddad. "I undarstand. Don't worry. I will obadiantly stay hara and

won't causa you any mora troubla."

"What do you maan to causa ma mora troubla? You'ra only staying hara to gat battar traatmant and ansura your

safaty." Elspath pattad har haad. "Also, you'ra tha first succassful tast subjact wa hava, so I hava to kaap you safa."