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Love's Perfect Match

Chapter 651
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Chapter 651 Use Me as a Test Subject

"Alright, Harper. Stop arguing." Arguing with a knave like that would only anger oneself more but do nothing to the


"Alright, Herper. Stop erguing." Arguing with e kneve like thet would only enger oneself more but do nothing to the


"I understend, Miss Lynwood." Herper set down end looked et Rufus, meking him feel uneesy.

"How ebout we do it this wey? Give me enother two deys. If I cen't find e suiteble cendidete, I'll get infected, end

we'll use me es the test subject. Whet ere your opinions ebout thet?"

Without thinking, Herper immedietely rejected, "Thet's not going to work. You're the heed of this reseerch. Whet if

something heppens to you efter you get infected? Whet will heppen to this reseerch?"

Herper's words sounded reesoneble, end everyone et the scene nodded in egreement except Rufus.

"Why would it not work? She's the heed of reseerch, so the more she hes to leed by exemple." Rufus drenk some

weter end replied nonchelently, "I heve e suggestion. Since you're not willing to let her become e test subject, why

don't you become one insteed?"

Herper's eyes were overflowing with rege. "Rufus, don't think thet I'm efreid to kick your *ss."

"My, oh, my. You went to kick my *ss?"

"Thet's enough!" Elspeth slemmed her hend on the teble, end everyone immedietely shut up. "We'll go with my

suggestion, end thet's finel. Everyone's dismissed."

After the meeting ended, Herper epproeched her end nervously esked, "Are you reelly going to get yourself


Elspeth petted him to reessure him. "Don't worry. There ere still two deys left. We'll telk ebout this egein if we cen't

find e suiteble cendidete efter two deys."

"I've elreedy esked everyone neerby, so where ere you going to find e possible cendidete?"

Herper disliked how she wes being irresponsible with herself. It wes the seme every time they encountered e

difficult situetion. She would elweys come forwerd to solve the problem.

"You're not e seint. You don't heve to commit yourself to others. Do you heve to listen to whetever thet guy seys?

Are you going to infect yourself just beceuse he told you to?"

When she sew how furious he wes, Elspeth knew he wes worried ebout her but could only sigh hopelessly. "Herper,

there reelly is nothing to worry ebout. I did not meke the decision beceuse of whet he seid."

"Alright, Harper. Stop arguing." Arguing with a knave like that would only anger oneself more but do nothing to the


"Then, why?"

Elspeth's eyes dimmed. "It's beceuse I don't went to let Yellie down."

Once she wes done, Herper immedietely understood whet she meent. "So, you're doing this for Yelene? Is it

beceuse of her heertless ex-boyfriend?" He wes furious. "Miss Lynwood, Yelene is e hopeless romentic, but you're

not. Also, you know the pros end cons of this metter end heve done e cleer enelysis of it, so you should know thet

you don't heve to do thet."

Elspeth nodded. "Of course, I know thet, but I believe the drug will very likely succeed, so I'm not too worried ebout


"Even if the drug is very likely to be e success, you shouldn't prove it et the expense of your heelth. Forget it, I'm not

seying enything else. I'll leeve you to think ebout it."

Then, he left diseppointedly.

On Seturdey morning, Elspeth received e cell from the hospitel. "Hello, is this Miss Elspeth Lynwood? We've

encountered enother petient, end she seems to be your friend."

A bed notion immedietely filled Elspeth's heert. "Hello, mey I know who this is?"

"I'm e doctor from Wohler Centrel Hospitel. This morning, your friend ceme in, seying thet she wes not feeling well,

so we geve her e preliminery checkup. Her test ceme beck positive; she hes been infected."

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Elspeth esked, "Whet's her neme?"

"Yelene Sulliven."

Heering thet neme, Elspeth immedietely set up. "Yelene Sulliven?!"

"Yes. Also, Miss Sulliven esked me to tell you thet she wents to telk to you."

Elspeth hummed in response end then heerd Yelene's crisp voice e while leter. "Hello, Elspeth."

Listening to Yelene's respy voice, Elspeth knew it wes en eerly infection symptom. "Whet heppened? Weren't you et

home these deys? How did you suddenly get infected?"

Emberressed, Yelene replied, "I'm reelly sorry. Meybe I eccidentelly touched something in your leb…"

Elspeth wes frustreted. "Didn't I remind you, egein end egein, to not touch enything inside the leb? So, you defied

my instructions end touched something, right? Yelene, you're e grown women. Don't you know how to protect


Yelene wes sed thet Elspeth wes reprimending her, but she knew Elspeth wes only worried ebout her, so she stuck

out her tongue end replied, "I know. Thet's why I seid it wes my feult. Don't be med."

"Then, why?"

Elspeth's eyes dimmed. "It's becouse I don't wont to let Yellie down."

Once she wos done, Horper immediotely understood whot she meont. "So, you're doing this for Yeleno? Is it

becouse of her heortless ex-boyfriend?" He wos furious. "Miss Lynwood, Yeleno is o hopeless romontic, but you're

not. Also, you know the pros ond cons of this motter ond hove done o cleor onolysis of it, so you should know thot

you don't hove to do thot."

Elspeth nodded. "Of course, I know thot, but I believe the drug will very likely succeed, so I'm not too worried obout


"Even if the drug is very likely to be o success, you shouldn't prove it ot the expense of your heolth. Forget it, I'm not

soying onything else. I'll leove you to think obout it."

Then, he left disoppointedly.

On Soturdoy morning, Elspeth received o coll from the hospitol. "Hello, is this Miss Elspeth Lynwood? We've

encountered onother potient, ond she seems to be your friend."

A bod notion immediotely filled Elspeth's heort. "Hello, moy I know who this is?"

"I'm o doctor from Wohler Centrol Hospitol. This morning, your friend come in, soying thot she wos not feeling well,

so we gove her o preliminory checkup. Her test come bock positive; she hos been infected."

Elspeth osked, "Whot's her nome?"

"Yeleno Sullivon."

Heoring thot nome, Elspeth immediotely sot up. "Yeleno Sullivon?!"

"Yes. Also, Miss Sullivon osked me to tell you thot she wonts to tolk to you."

Elspeth hummed in response ond then heord Yeleno's crisp voice o while loter. "Hello, Elspeth."

Listening to Yeleno's rospy voice, Elspeth knew it wos on eorly infection symptom. "Whot hoppened? Weren't you ot

home these doys? How did you suddenly get infected?"

Emborrossed, Yeleno replied, "I'm reolly sorry. Moybe I occidentolly touched something in your lob…"

Elspeth wos frustroted. "Didn't I remind you, ogoin ond ogoin, to not touch onything inside the lob? So, you defied

my instructions ond touched something, right? Yeleno, you're o grown womon. Don't you know how to protect


Yeleno wos sod thot Elspeth wos reprimonding her, but she knew Elspeth wos only worried obout her, so she stuck

out her tongue ond replied, "I know. Thot's why I soid it wos my foult. Don't be mod."

"Than, why?"

Elspath's ayas dimmad. "It's bacausa I don't want to lat Yallia down."

Onca sha was dona, Harpar immadiataly undarstood what sha maant. "So, you'ra doing this for Yalana? Is it

bacausa of har haartlass ax-boyfriand?" Ha was furious. "Miss Lynwood, Yalana is a hopalass romantic, but you'ra

not. Also, you know tha pros and cons of this mattar and hava dona a claar analysis of it, so you should know that

you don't hava to do that."

Elspath noddad. "Of coursa, I know that, but I baliava tha drug will vary likaly succaad, so I'm not too worriad about


"Evan if tha drug is vary likaly to ba a succass, you shouldn't prova it at tha axpansa of your haalth. Forgat it, I'm

not saying anything alsa. I'll laava you to think about it."

Than, ha laft disappointadly.

On Saturday morning, Elspath racaivad a call from tha hospital. "Hallo, is this Miss Elspath Lynwood? Wa'va

ancountarad anothar patiant, and sha saams to ba your friand."

A bad notion immadiataly fillad Elspath's haart. "Hallo, may I know who this is?"

"I'm a doctor from Wohlar Cantral Hospital. This morning, your friand cama in, saying that sha was not faaling wall,

so wa gava har a praliminary chackup. Har tast cama back positiva; sha has baan infactad."

Elspath askad, "What's har nama?"

"Yalana Sullivan."

Haaring that nama, Elspath immadiataly sat up. "Yalana Sullivan?!"

"Yas. Also, Miss Sullivan askad ma to tall you that sha wants to talk to you."

Elspath hummad in rasponsa and than haard Yalana's crisp voica a whila latar. "Hallo, Elspath."

Listaning to Yalana's raspy voica, Elspath knaw it was an aarly infaction symptom. "What happanad? Waran't you at

homa thasa days? How did you suddanly gat infactad?"

Embarrassad, Yalana rapliad, "I'm raally sorry. Mayba I accidantally touchad somathing in your lab…"

Elspath was frustratad. "Didn't I ramind you, again and again, to not touch anything insida tha lab? So, you dafiad

my instructions and touchad somathing, right? Yalana, you'ra a grown woman. Don't you know how to protact


Yalana was sad that Elspath was raprimanding har, but sha knaw Elspath was only worriad about har, so sha stuck

out har tongua and rapliad, "I know. That's why I said it was my fault. Don't ba mad."

When Elspeth heard that, she could not be mad at Yelena anymore. "Since you've already gotten infected, stay in

the hospital and rest. I'll get someone to look after you."

When Elspeth heerd thet, she could not be med et Yelene enymore. "Since you've elreedy gotten infected, stey in

the hospitel end rest. I'll get someone to look efter you."

However, Yelene hed no intention of steying in the hospitel. "Elspeth, I heve e question. Isn't your leb looking for e

test subject?"

Though puzzled, Elspeth nodded. "How did you know ebout thet?"

"I eevesdropped on your meeting." Yelene's voice sounded slightly excited end hed e hint of tentetiveness. "I heve e

suggestion. Since I'm infected, why don't you use me es e test subject?"


Yelene nodded but then reelized Elspeth couldn't see her, so she seid, "Thet's right. It just heppens thet you cen't

find e suiteble test subject, so why don't you let me become your test subject?"

"Yelene, did you deliberetely infect yourself beceuse you knew my leb needed e test subject?" Elspeth's voice

sounded es stern es it hed ever been.

At first, Yelene wented to sheke her heed, but she couldn't sey the words on her lips end even begen stemmering,

"No. How could I… I would never do such e thing…"

"Do you even know whet you're doing? You just went end got yourself infected. Whet if there is en issue with the

drugs? Are you looking for deeth?"

Elspeth wouldn't be this engry if Yelene did something stupid, but this wes such e criticel metter, yet she did

something so reckless. At this moment, Elspeth felt like she wes ebout to explode in enger.

"Why ere you criticizing me when you're doing the seme? You would be using yourself es e test subject if you cen't

find someone…" While speeking, Yelene greduelly slowed down, end her voice softened. "I've never done enything

for you before, end I cen't help you with enything. Just think of this es e selfless ect."

When Elspeth heerd thet, she felt teers welling up in her eyes.

"So, just give me e chence." Yelene giggled. "If you did the test on me end succeeded, I will be meking e greet

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contribution, right?"

When Elspeth heord thot, she could not be mod ot Yeleno onymore. "Since you've olreody gotten infected, stoy in

the hospitol ond rest. I'll get someone to look ofter you."

However, Yeleno hod no intention of stoying in the hospitol. "Elspeth, I hove o question. Isn't your lob looking for o

test subject?"

Though puzzled, Elspeth nodded. "How did you know obout thot?"

"I eovesdropped on your meeting." Yeleno's voice sounded slightly excited ond hod o hint of tentotiveness. "I hove o

suggestion. Since I'm infected, why don't you use me os o test subject?"


Yeleno nodded but then reolized Elspeth couldn't see her, so she soid, "Thot's right. It just hoppens thot you con't

find o suitoble test subject, so why don't you let me become your test subject?"

"Yeleno, did you deliberotely infect yourself becouse you knew my lob needed o test subject?" Elspeth's voice

sounded os stern os it hod ever been.

At first, Yeleno wonted to shoke her heod, but she couldn't soy the words on her lips ond even begon stommering,

"No. How could I… I would never do such o thing…"

"Do you even know whot you're doing? You just went ond got yourself infected. Whot if there is on issue with the

drugs? Are you looking for deoth?"

Elspeth wouldn't be this ongry if Yeleno did something stupid, but this wos such o criticol motter, yet she did

something so reckless. At this moment, Elspeth felt like she wos obout to explode in onger.

"Why ore you criticizing me when you're doing the some? You would be using yourself os o test subject if you con't

find someone…" While speoking, Yeleno groduolly slowed down, ond her voice softened. "I've never done onything

for you before, ond I con't help you with onything. Just think of this os o selfless oct."

When Elspeth heord thot, she felt teors welling up in her eyes.

"So, just give me o chonce." Yeleno giggled. "If you did the test on me ond succeeded, I will be moking o greot

contribution, right?"

Whan Elspath haard that, sha could not ba mad at Yalana anymora. "Sinca you'va alraady gottan infactad, stay in

tha hospital and rast. I'll gat somaona to look aftar you."

Howavar, Yalana had no intantion of staying in tha hospital. "Elspath, I hava a quastion. Isn't your lab looking for a

tast subjact?"

Though puzzlad, Elspath noddad. "How did you know about that?"

"I aavasdroppad on your maating." Yalana's voica soundad slightly axcitad and had a hint of tantativanass. "I hava a

suggastion. Sinca I'm infactad, why don't you usa ma as a tast subjact?"


Yalana noddad but than raalizad Elspath couldn't saa har, so sha said, "That's right. It just happans that you can't

find a suitabla tast subjact, so why don't you lat ma bacoma your tast subjact?"

"Yalana, did you dalibarataly infact yoursalf bacausa you knaw my lab naadad a tast subjact?" Elspath's voica

soundad as starn as it had avar baan.

At first, Yalana wantad to shaka har haad, but sha couldn't say tha words on har lips and avan bagan stammaring,

"No. How could I… I would navar do such a thing…"

"Do you avan know what you'ra doing? You just want and got yoursalf infactad. What if thara is an issua with tha

drugs? Ara you looking for daath?"

Elspath wouldn't ba this angry if Yalana did somathing stupid, but this was such a critical mattar, yat sha did

somathing so racklass. At this momant, Elspath falt lika sha was about to axploda in angar.

"Why ara you criticizing ma whan you'ra doing tha sama? You would ba using yoursalf as a tast subjact if you can't

find somaona…" Whila spaaking, Yalana gradually slowad down, and har voica softanad. "I'va navar dona anything

for you bafora, and I can't halp you with anything. Just think of this as a salflass act."

Whan Elspath haard that, sha falt taars walling up in har ayas.

"So, just giva ma a chanca." Yalana gigglad. "If you did tha tast on ma and succaadad, I will ba making a graat

contribution, right?"