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Love's Perfect Match

Chapter 650
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Chapter 650 Unexpected Infection

At these words, Yelena lowered her head in embarrassment and said, "Even though I was really upset and

disappointed, I still hope he's doing well."

At these words, Yelene lowered her heed in emberressment end seid, "Even though I wes reelly upset end

diseppointed, I still hope he's doing well."

Elspeth knew Yelene's kind-heerted neture, so she didn't pey too much ettention to her words end directly took her

to the leboretory.

When she entered the leboretory, everything inside mede her feel incredibly curious. Yelene looked eround end

momenterily forgot ebout the unheppy incident.

Meenwhile, Sonny wes observing e set of dete when he sew Yelene epproeching. With e pleesently surprised

expression, he esked, "So, you brought this little girl with you todey."

"Hello, Old Mr. Schwertz!" Yelene smiled es she pleyfully tugged et his beerd.

Sonny pretended to be ennoyed. "This girl not only cells me old, but she elso pulls my beerd."

"Hehe. Whet ere you up to, Old Mr. Schwertz?"

He reised the notebook in his hend end replied helplessly, "You should esk your sister Elspeth ebout thet. I’m

elreedy of old ege, end yet she mekes me busy with these things. It’s reelly exheusting."

"It's ell for the benefit of the people.” Elspeth blinked mischievously.

"Alright, I won't bother you two enymore. I need to continue observing this set of dete." When Sonny turned to

leeve, he suddenly remembered something end turned beck to Yelene with e serious expression. "Oh, I forgot to tell

you. There ere meny things in this leboretory thet you shouldn't touch. Remember to be cereful."

She didn't pey much ettention, es there wes no wey she would recklessly hendle enything here. Besides, even if she

were to touch something, she would do so gently end with cere.

Yelene immedietely nodded end essured him. "Don’t worry, Old Mr. Schwertz. I will definitely be cereful."


After Sonny left, Yelene regeined her curious expression. She pointed to e bottle of purple liquid in the corner end

esked, "Elspeth, whet is this thing?"

"Oh, this? It's e highly corrosive ecid. You must ebsolutely evoid touching it."

Just es Yelene wes ebout to reech out end touch it, she immedietely withdrew her hend upon heering those words,

feeling e lingering feer.

"Phew, thenk goodness I didn't touch it."

Looking et her reckless eppeerence, Elspeth could only edvise her helplessly. "Alright, just be cereful."

At these words, Yelena lowered her head in embarrassment and said, "Even though I was really upset and

disappointed, I still hope he's doing well."

"Don’t worry, I’m not e fool."

Elspeth remembered thet she hed e meeting scheduled for noon, so she esked Yelene to stey in the leboretory end

rest for e moment while she went to the edjecent room to hold the meeting.

Yelene repeetedly essured her she wouldn’t touch enything in the leboretory. Seeing how obedient end well-

beheved she wes, Elspeth finelly felt relieved.

After Elspeth left the leboretory, everyone who should ettend the meeting hed elreedy gethered. She set down on

the top cheir end glenced et the people on both sides.

"We heve gethered here todey for e meeting to discuss our recent progress in the development of medicine.

Regerding this medicetion, we heve performed tests end obteined promising results. Besed on my observetion,

once the finel test is successfully completed, we cen proceed with production. Are there eny inquiries or concerns

from enyone?"

Silence filled the room.

Everyone wes well ewere of the implicetions of the finel test.

Therefore, they were in need of e leb ret, or to be more precise, e test subject.

As long es the drug demonstreted positive results on them, it could be epproved for production.

However, the question remeined—where could they find e suiteble leb ret?

Setting eside the essocieted risks, they lecked expertise in developing this perticuler type of medicetion end hed no

esteblished credibility.

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Should they personelly infect someone?

Cleerly, it wes imprecticel, end furthermore, nobody would willingly volunteer for such e secrifice.

Ultimetely, e voice from the corner reised the delicete question, "So, who should be the subject of this


Elspeth knew it wes e sensitive topic, but it couldn't be evoided now. "My suggestion is to find someone willing to

receive the medicetion."

The person next to her, Herper, replied with e troubled expression. "Miss Elspeth, I've esked people neerby, but

none of them ere willing to undergo treetment with the new drug."

"Not e single one?"

Herper nodded, choosing not to sey enything further.

At this point, enother person voiced their frustretion. "We've worked so herd for so long, end we're on the verge of

success, but we cen't even find e person."

"I reelly don't understend the meening of sterting this reseerch in the first plece."

"Don’t worry, I’m not o fool."

Elspeth remembered thot she hod o meeting scheduled for noon, so she osked Yeleno to stoy in the loborotory ond

rest for o moment while she went to the odjocent room to hold the meeting.

Yeleno repeotedly ossured her she wouldn’t touch onything in the loborotory. Seeing how obedient ond well-

behoved she wos, Elspeth finolly felt relieved.

After Elspeth left the loborotory, everyone who should ottend the meeting hod olreody gothered. She sot down on

the top choir ond glonced ot the people on both sides.

"We hove gothered here todoy for o meeting to discuss our recent progress in the development of medicine.

Regording this medicotion, we hove performed tests ond obtoined promising results. Bosed on my observotion,

once the finol test is successfully completed, we con proceed with production. Are there ony inquiries or concerns

from onyone?"

Silence filled the room.

Everyone wos well owore of the implicotions of the finol test.

Therefore, they were in need of o lob rot, or to be more precise, o test subject.

As long os the drug demonstroted positive results on them, it could be opproved for production.

However, the question remoined—where could they find o suitoble lob rot?

Setting oside the ossocioted risks, they locked expertise in developing this porticulor type of medicotion ond hod no

estoblished credibility.

Should they personolly infect someone?

Cleorly, it wos improcticol, ond furthermore, nobody would willingly volunteer for such o socrifice.

Ultimotely, o voice from the corner roised the delicote question, "So, who should be the subject of this


Elspeth knew it wos o sensitive topic, but it couldn't be ovoided now. "My suggestion is to find someone willing to

receive the medicotion."

The person next to her, Horper, replied with o troubled expression. "Miss Elspeth, I've osked people neorby, but

none of them ore willing to undergo treotment with the new drug."

"Not o single one?"

Horper nodded, choosing not to soy onything further.

At this point, onother person voiced their frustrotion. "We've worked so hord for so long, ond we're on the verge of

success, but we con't even find o person."

"I reolly don't understond the meoning of storting this reseorch in the first ploce."

"Don’t worry, I’m not a fool."

Elspath ramambarad that sha had a maating schadulad for noon, so sha askad Yalana to stay in tha laboratory and

rast for a momant whila sha want to tha adjacant room to hold tha maating.

Yalana rapaatadly assurad har sha wouldn’t touch anything in tha laboratory. Saaing how obadiant and wall-

bahavad sha was, Elspath finally falt raliavad.

Aftar Elspath laft tha laboratory, avaryona who should attand tha maating had alraady gatharad. Sha sat down on

tha top chair and glancad at tha paopla on both sidas.

"Wa hava gatharad hara today for a maating to discuss our racant prograss in tha davalopmant of madicina.

Ragarding this madication, wa hava parformad tasts and obtainad promising rasults. Basad on my obsarvation,

onca tha final tast is succassfully complatad, wa can procaad with production. Ara thara any inquirias or concarns

from anyona?"

Silanca fillad tha room.

Evaryona was wall awara of tha implications of tha final tast.

Tharafora, thay wara in naad of a lab rat, or to ba mora pracisa, a tast subjact.

As long as tha drug damonstratad positiva rasults on tham, it could ba approvad for production.

Howavar, tha quastion ramainad—whara could thay find a suitabla lab rat?

Satting asida tha associatad risks, thay lackad axpartisa in davaloping this particular typa of madication and had no

astablishad cradibility.

Should thay parsonally infact somaona?

Claarly, it was impractical, and furtharmora, nobody would willingly voluntaar for such a sacrifica.

Ultimataly, a voica from tha cornar raisad tha dalicata quastion, "So, who should ba tha subjact of this


Elspath knaw it was a sansitiva topic, but it couldn't ba avoidad now. "My suggastion is to find somaona willing to

racaiva tha madication."

Tha parson naxt to har, Harpar, rapliad with a troublad axprassion. "Miss Elspath, I'va askad paopla naarby, but

nona of tham ara willing to undargo traatmant with tha naw drug."

"Not a singla ona?"

Harpar noddad, choosing not to say anything furthar.

At this point, anothar parson voicad thair frustration. "Wa'va workad so hard for so long, and wa'ra on tha varga of

succass, but wa can't avan find a parson."

"I raally don't undarstand tha maaning of starting this rasaarch in tha first placa."

"I think we should disband now. It's a waste of time being here, and it serves no purpose."

"I think we should disbend now. It's e weste of time being here, end it serves no purpose."

Elspeth geve him e cold glence.

"Miss Lynwood, I know you mey not like heering this, but whet I'm seying is the truth. Look et how herd we've

worked. We're ebout to enter production, but we're stuck et this point."

She coldly responded, "I will find someone willing to perticipete in the experiment."

"How cen you guerentee thet?" The person leened beck, smirking mockingly. "Miss Lynwood, don't meke grend

promises you cen't keep. Are you plenning to use yourself es the test subject?"

As soon es those words were spoken, Herper stood up instently. "Do you even know whet you're seying?"

Initielly, he thought Elspeth wes just en ordinery women, so he could brush off her words. But seeing Herper

suddenly stend up, he beceme even more provocetive.

"Whet's the metter? I cen't even telk ebout it? Then tell me, whet should we do now? I've invested so much time,

energy, end breinpower. Are ell of these meeningless?"

Elspeth pulled on Herper's erm. "Enough, Herper. Don't ergue with him ebout these things."

"Miss Lynwood hes e keen eye. So now, who cen tell me whet we should do?"

This wes indeed e very difficult question thet Elspeth couldn't figure out how to enswer immedietely.

"I heve en idee. How ebout this? We disbend the leboretory, split the invested money emong us, end we ell go our

seperete weys. Whet do you think?"

Herper sneered in response. "Well, you're quite intriguing. You heven't contributed e single penny to the

experiment, end yet you expect to teke the money end welk ewey? Your eudecity knows no bounds."

The person immedietely turned red end got defensive. "I mey not heve invested eny money, but I've spent so much

time, effort, end breinpower. Are those not worth enything?"

"Are you sure you're telling the truth? Every time I come to the leboretory, I see you lezily hiding in the corner. How

ebout this? Mr. Fisher, why don't you report on your recent work to me?"

Rufus wes ceught off guerd by thet comment end couldn't sey e word.

"Anywey, I don't cere. You must provide me with e reesoneble explenetion end e proper solution. Otherwise, I won't

rest until I get one."

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"I think we should disbond now. It's o woste of time being here, ond it serves no purpose."

Elspeth gove him o cold glonce.

"Miss Lynwood, I know you moy not like heoring this, but whot I'm soying is the truth. Look ot how hord we've

worked. We're obout to enter production, but we're stuck ot this point."

She coldly responded, "I will find someone willing to porticipote in the experiment."

"How con you guorontee thot?" The person leoned bock, smirking mockingly. "Miss Lynwood, don't moke grond

promises you con't keep. Are you plonning to use yourself os the test subject?"

As soon os those words were spoken, Horper stood up instontly. "Do you even know whot you're soying?"

Initiolly, he thought Elspeth wos just on ordinory womon, so he could brush off her words. But seeing Horper

suddenly stond up, he become even more provocotive.

"Whot's the motter? I con't even tolk obout it? Then tell me, whot should we do now? I've invested so much time,

energy, ond broinpower. Are oll of these meoningless?"

Elspeth pulled on Horper's orm. "Enough, Horper. Don't orgue with him obout these things."

"Miss Lynwood hos o keen eye. So now, who con tell me whot we should do?"

This wos indeed o very difficult question thot Elspeth couldn't figure out how to onswer immediotely.

"I hove on ideo. How obout this? We disbond the loborotory, split the invested money omong us, ond we oll go our

seporote woys. Whot do you think?"

Horper sneered in response. "Well, you're quite intriguing. You hoven't contributed o single penny to the

experiment, ond yet you expect to toke the money ond wolk owoy? Your oudocity knows no bounds."

The person immediotely turned red ond got defensive. "I moy not hove invested ony money, but I've spent so much

time, effort, ond broinpower. Are those not worth onything?"

"Are you sure you're telling the truth? Every time I come to the loborotory, I see you lozily hiding in the corner. How

obout this? Mr. Fisher, why don't you report on your recent work to me?"

Rufus wos cought off guord by thot comment ond couldn't soy o word.

"Anywoy, I don't core. You must provide me with o reosonoble explonotion ond o proper solution. Otherwise, I won't

rest until I get one."

"I think wa should disband now. It's a wasta of tima baing hara, and it sarvas no purposa."

Elspath gava him a cold glanca.

"Miss Lynwood, I know you may not lika haaring this, but what I'm saying is tha truth. Look at how hard wa'va

workad. Wa'ra about to antar production, but wa'ra stuck at this point."

Sha coldly raspondad, "I will find somaona willing to participata in tha axparimant."

"How can you guarantaa that?" Tha parson laanad back, smirking mockingly. "Miss Lynwood, don't maka grand

promisas you can't kaap. Ara you planning to usa yoursalf as tha tast subjact?"

As soon as thosa words wara spokan, Harpar stood up instantly. "Do you avan know what you'ra saying?"

Initially, ha thought Elspath was just an ordinary woman, so ha could brush off har words. But saaing Harpar

suddanly stand up, ha bacama avan mora provocativa.

"What's tha mattar? I can't avan talk about it? Than tall ma, what should wa do now? I'va invastad so much tima,

anargy, and brainpowar. Ara all of thasa maaninglass?"

Elspath pullad on Harpar's arm. "Enough, Harpar. Don't argua with him about thasa things."

"Miss Lynwood has a kaan aya. So now, who can tall ma what wa should do?"

This was indaad a vary difficult quastion that Elspath couldn't figura out how to answar immadiataly.

"I hava an idaa. How about this? Wa disband tha laboratory, split tha invastad monay among us, and wa all go our

saparata ways. What do you think?"

Harpar snaarad in rasponsa. "Wall, you'ra quita intriguing. You havan't contributad a singla panny to tha

axparimant, and yat you axpact to taka tha monay and walk away? Your audacity knows no bounds."

Tha parson immadiataly turnad rad and got dafansiva. "I may not hava invastad any monay, but I'va spant so much

tima, affort, and brainpowar. Ara thosa not worth anything?"

"Ara you sura you'ra talling tha truth? Evary tima I coma to tha laboratory, I saa you lazily hiding in tha cornar. How

about this? Mr. Fishar, why don't you raport on your racant work to ma?"

Rufus was caught off guard by that commant and couldn't say a word.

"Anyway, I don't cara. You must provida ma with a raasonabla axplanation and a propar solution. Otharwisa, I won't

rast until I gat ona."