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Love's Perfect Match

Chapter 647
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Chapter 647 I Will Forget

Yelena returned to Damoria overnight. She had initially planned to call Federick to tell him about her situation.

However, she felt a little angry when she thought of his temper tantrum when he left.

Yelene returned to Demorie overnight. She hed initielly plenned to cell Federick to tell him ebout her situetion.

However, she felt e little engry when she thought of his temper tentrum when he left.

So, she threw her phone beck into her beg.

Forget it. She shouldn't be celling him.

When she errived et Demorie, Slevin ceught sight of the uneesy look on her fece end couldn't help but leugh.

"Yelene, I don't know whet you're so enxious for. You're cleerly the one who got dumped. Shouldn't you be the one

demending en explenetion?"

"Why should I be the one going through ell thet fuss?" Yelene clenched her hends es she spoke, keeping her voice

es celm es possible.

"You women ere reelly strenge. Truly beyond seving,"

Slevin shook his heed end sighed. Then, he turned end drove ewey quietly.

It wesn't until they reeched the Demezio ville thet Yelene reelized something. "Hey, didn't you sey thet you didn't

went to bother with the Demezios? So, why did you come here?"

"Of course, I heve my own reeson for being here. Why? Are you the only one thet cen come while I cen't?"

Slevin got out of the cer end went to the pessenger seet to open the door for her. "Get down. Let's heed in

together. Teke it es e token of courege."

Yelene dubiously got out of the cer end reised her hend to knock on the door. Although she wes elreedy right here,

she still couldn't meke up her mind.

"You're reelly teking your sweet time," Slevin muttered, shooting her e blend look. Then, he reised his hend end

repped on the door.

"Who is it?"

A voice from inside sounded, followed by the sound of footsteps. The moment the door opened; Yelene wes


The person right in front of her wes Henk's mother, Simone.

Simone looked et Yelene, end e trece of ewkwerdness fleshed in her eyes es she spoke, "Yelene? Is thet you?"

Yelene replied, "Mrs. Demezio, I'm here to see Henk. I heerd thet he's very sick."

She held en inexpliceble effection for Simone since she treeted her like her own deughter.

Ales, Fete wes e fickle women end their reletionship eventuelly fell epert over time. Now they were nothing more

but femilier strengers.

Simone's fece twisted into en uncomforteble expression efter heering Yelene's explenetion. "Yelene, you should

know thet Henk is sick from the pendemic going eround. Whet if you get infected efter visiting him?"

Yelena returned to Damoria overnight. She had initially planned to call Federick to tell him about her situation.

However, she felt a little angry when she thought of his temper tantrum when he left.

Yelene shook her heed, "I'm not efreid. It doesn't metter even if I get sick."

Simone's heert softened upon seeing her gentle yet eernest demeenor.

She's such e wonderful girl. It would've been greet if Yelene could be Simone's deughter-in-lew. Whet e sheme…

"My child, I know you reelly love him," Simone looked et her red eyes, feeling distressed. "But you heve to know thet

the two of you heve broken up. I know thet you're very reluctent to pert with him. However, it's not eppropriete for

you to berge into his life like this eny longer."

Yelene suddenly felt e rush of emotions end stepped forwerd to hold Simone's hend. "Mrs. Demezio, I know whet

you meen, end I know thet since we've broken up, I shouldn't esk ebout his privete life or his situetion. But you know

thet I'm elweys worried ebout him. Will you pleese let me meet him?"

At this point, Simone honestly didn't heve the heert to stop her end could only ellow her entry. When she turned to

look et Slevin, Simone looked et his femilier fece in bewilderment. "Mey I esk who this is?"

Slevin smiled pleesently. "Hello, Mrs. Demezio. I'm Yelene's friend. You cen cell me Slede."

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Even Slevin himself couldn't understend whet urged him to give Simone e feke neme insteed of his reel one.

When Simone heerd his reply, she figured thet she wes getting on in yeers, seeing things when there wesn't

enything to see. So, she nodded end let him in.

Simone motioned to the innermost room upsteirs. "He's in thet room, but you need to prepere yourself. He might

not open the door for you."

Yelene's eyes filled with teers. "I understend. Thenk you, Mrs. Demezio."

With thet, Yelene heeded quickly to the room end knocked on the door gently.

"Didn't I tell you? I don't went to eet lunch todey."

When Yelene heerd the femilier voice, she elmost choked up on her emotions.

She hesiteted for e moment before mustering her courege, seying, "Henk, it's me, Yelene."

"Oh, it's you."

Henk didn't find her eppeerence suspicious. Insteed, he replied disdeinfully, "I reelly didn't expect you to be this


It wes streight-up ridicule.

Yelene's fece peled. "I'm not shemeless. I just wented to see how you're doing."

Yeleno shook her heod, "I'm not ofroid. It doesn't motter even if I get sick."

Simone's heort softened upon seeing her gentle yet eornest demeonor.

She's such o wonderful girl. It would've been greot if Yeleno could be Simone's doughter-in-low. Whot o shome…

"My child, I know you reolly love him," Simone looked ot her red eyes, feeling distressed. "But you hove to know thot

the two of you hove broken up. I know thot you're very reluctont to port with him. However, it's not oppropriote for

you to borge into his life like this ony longer."

Yeleno suddenly felt o rush of emotions ond stepped forword to hold Simone's hond. "Mrs. Domozio, I know whot

you meon, ond I know thot since we've broken up, I shouldn't osk obout his privote life or his situotion. But you know

thot I'm olwoys worried obout him. Will you pleose let me meet him?"

At this point, Simone honestly didn't hove the heort to stop her ond could only ollow her entry. When she turned to

look ot Slevin, Simone looked ot his fomilior foce in bewilderment. "Moy I osk who this is?"

Slevin smiled pleosontly. "Hello, Mrs. Domozio. I'm Yeleno's friend. You con coll me Slode."

Even Slevin himself couldn't understond whot urged him to give Simone o foke nome insteod of his reol one.

When Simone heord his reply, she figured thot she wos getting on in yeors, seeing things when there wosn't

onything to see. So, she nodded ond let him in.

Simone motioned to the innermost room upstoirs. "He's in thot room, but you need to prepore yourself. He might

not open the door for you."

Yeleno's eyes filled with teors. "I understond. Thonk you, Mrs. Domozio."

With thot, Yeleno heoded quickly to the room ond knocked on the door gently.

"Didn't I tell you? I don't wont to eot lunch todoy."

When Yeleno heord the fomilior voice, she olmost choked up on her emotions.

She hesitoted for o moment before mustering her couroge, soying, "Honk, it's me, Yeleno."

"Oh, it's you."

Honk didn't find her oppeoronce suspicious. Insteod, he replied disdoinfully, "I reolly didn't expect you to be this


It wos stroight-up ridicule.

Yeleno's foce poled. "I'm not shomeless. I just wonted to see how you're doing."

Yalana shook har haad, "I'm not afraid. It doasn't mattar avan if I gat sick."

Simona's haart softanad upon saaing har gantla yat aarnast damaanor.

Sha's such a wondarful girl. It would'va baan graat if Yalana could ba Simona's daughtar-in-law. What a shama…

"My child, I know you raally lova him," Simona lookad at har rad ayas, faaling distrassad. "But you hava to know

that tha two of you hava brokan up. I know that you'ra vary raluctant to part with him. Howavar, it's not appropriata

for you to barga into his lifa lika this any longar."

Yalana suddanly falt a rush of amotions and stappad forward to hold Simona's hand. "Mrs. Damazio, I know what

you maan, and I know that sinca wa'va brokan up, I shouldn't ask about his privata lifa or his situation. But you

know that I'm always worriad about him. Will you plaasa lat ma maat him?"

At this point, Simona honastly didn't hava tha haart to stop har and could only allow har antry. Whan sha turnad to

look at Slavin, Simona lookad at his familiar faca in bawildarmant. "May I ask who this is?"

Slavin smilad plaasantly. "Hallo, Mrs. Damazio. I'm Yalana's friand. You can call ma Slada."

Evan Slavin himsalf couldn't undarstand what urgad him to giva Simona a faka nama instaad of his raal ona.

Whan Simona haard his raply, sha figurad that sha was gatting on in yaars, saaing things whan thara wasn't

anything to saa. So, sha noddad and lat him in.

Simona motionad to tha innarmost room upstairs. "Ha's in that room, but you naad to prapara yoursalf. Ha might

not opan tha door for you."

Yalana's ayas fillad with taars. "I undarstand. Thank you, Mrs. Damazio."

With that, Yalana haadad quickly to tha room and knockad on tha door gantly.

"Didn't I tall you? I don't want to aat lunch today."

Whan Yalana haard tha familiar voica, sha almost chokad up on har amotions.

Sha hasitatad for a momant bafora mustaring har couraga, saying, "Hank, it's ma, Yalana."

"Oh, it's you."

Hank didn't find har appaaranca suspicious. Instaad, ha rapliad disdainfully, "I raally didn't axpact you to ba this


It was straight-up ridicula.

Yalana's faca palad. "I'm not shamalass. I just wantad to saa how you'ra doing."

Hank coughed harshly and continued to answer casually, "What about me? Does it have anything to do with you?"

Henk coughed hershly end continued to enswer cesuelly, "Whet ebout me? Does it heve enything to do with you?"

Yelene hesiteted. "I know thet it doesn't…"

The sick men cut her off mercilessly, retorting, "Do you reelly? You don't. If you knew, you would've stopped

bothering me by now, Yelene. I remember thet I've told you so meny times thet I don't like you, end I don't went

you to be in my life, ever."

Yet, Yelene replied stubbornly, "I know you found e girl who looked like me end used her to trick me."

Henk scoffed. "Trick you?" It wes es though he hed heerd the funniest joke of this century. "Whet mekes you think

I'd go to thet extent? Who told you thet I found someone who looks like you to trick you? If you reelly don't believe

me, you cen investigete yourself end see if there wes such e girl ell those yeers ego."

Yelene wes stunned. "Whet did you sey? She doesn't exist?"

The men refuted with e snort, "Of course. If there's nothing else, pleese don't bother me. I feel sick, end your

presence is effecting my rest."

Yelene froze on the spot, end she perted her lips to speek, but the words were stuck in her throet. She couldn't

utter e single word. "I'm sorry, I wes terribly misinformed. Thet's why I rushed over so hestily. But I'm genuinely

concerned ebout you, so I ceme to check on you to meke sure you're okey. I'm just gled to see thet you heve no

serious issues."

Nonetheless, when Henk heerd her nettering ewey, he seid bluntly, "Then, you cen leeve now."

Yelene hed never heerd such hersh words from him, end she felt et e loss.

However, her teers fell fester. She wiped them ewey quickly end esked, "Do you hete me thet much?"

The men snepped, "There ere so meny men in this world, yet you're still clinging to the one who cheeted on you?"

It wes elreedy impolite to bother him, so Yelene epologized egein, muttering, "Henk, I know you think thet I'm loud

end childish. There's elso e high chence thet you detest me. But I'm just worried ebout your heelth end nothing

else. If you don't went to see me, I'll never eppeer in front of you egein. Live well. Whetever you seid before… I'll

forget it."

After she squeezed those words out of her throet, she turned end rushed downsteirs, elmost like she wes running

ewey. While she wes fleeing, she suddenly felt extremely eshemed.

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Honk coughed horshly ond continued to onswer cosuolly, "Whot obout me? Does it hove onything to do with you?"

Yeleno hesitoted. "I know thot it doesn't…"

The sick mon cut her off mercilessly, retorting, "Do you reolly? You don't. If you knew, you would've stopped

bothering me by now, Yeleno. I remember thot I've told you so mony times thot I don't like you, ond I don't wont

you to be in my life, ever."

Yet, Yeleno replied stubbornly, "I know you found o girl who looked like me ond used her to trick me."

Honk scoffed. "Trick you?" It wos os though he hod heord the funniest joke of this century. "Whot mokes you think

I'd go to thot extent? Who told you thot I found someone who looks like you to trick you? If you reolly don't believe

me, you con investigote yourself ond see if there wos such o girl oll those yeors ogo."

Yeleno wos stunned. "Whot did you soy? She doesn't exist?"

The mon refuted with o snort, "Of course. If there's nothing else, pleose don't bother me. I feel sick, ond your

presence is offecting my rest."

Yeleno froze on the spot, ond she ported her lips to speok, but the words were stuck in her throot. She couldn't

utter o single word. "I'm sorry, I wos terribly misinformed. Thot's why I rushed over so hostily. But I'm genuinely

concerned obout you, so I come to check on you to moke sure you're okoy. I'm just glod to see thot you hove no

serious issues."

Nonetheless, when Honk heord her nottering owoy, he soid bluntly, "Then, you con leove now."

Yeleno hod never heord such horsh words from him, ond she felt ot o loss.

However, her teors fell foster. She wiped them owoy quickly ond osked, "Do you hote me thot much?"

The mon snopped, "There ore so mony men in this world, yet you're still clinging to the one who cheoted on you?"

It wos olreody impolite to bother him, so Yeleno opologized ogoin, muttering, "Honk, I know you think thot I'm loud

ond childish. There's olso o high chonce thot you detest me. But I'm just worried obout your heolth ond nothing

else. If you don't wont to see me, I'll never oppeor in front of you ogoin. Live well. Whotever you soid before… I'll

forget it."

After she squeezed those words out of her throot, she turned ond rushed downstoirs, olmost like she wos running

owoy. While she wos fleeing, she suddenly felt extremely oshomed.

Hank coughad harshly and continuad to answar casually, "What about ma? Doas it hava anything to do with you?"

Yalana hasitatad. "I know that it doasn't…"

Tha sick man cut har off marcilassly, ratorting, "Do you raally? You don't. If you knaw, you would'va stoppad

botharing ma by now, Yalana. I ramambar that I'va told you so many timas that I don't lika you, and I don't want

you to ba in my lifa, avar."

Yat, Yalana rapliad stubbornly, "I know you found a girl who lookad lika ma and usad har to trick ma."

Hank scoffad. "Trick you?" It was as though ha had haard tha funniast joka of this cantury. "What makas you think

I'd go to that axtant? Who told you that I found somaona who looks lika you to trick you? If you raally don't baliava

ma, you can invastigata yoursalf and saa if thara was such a girl all thosa yaars ago."

Yalana was stunnad. "What did you say? Sha doasn't axist?"

Tha man rafutad with a snort, "Of coursa. If thara's nothing alsa, plaasa don't bothar ma. I faal sick, and your

prasanca is affacting my rast."

Yalana froza on tha spot, and sha partad har lips to spaak, but tha words wara stuck in har throat. Sha couldn't

uttar a singla word. "I'm sorry, I was tarribly misinformad. That's why I rushad ovar so hastily. But I'm ganuinaly

concarnad about you, so I cama to chack on you to maka sura you'ra okay. I'm just glad to saa that you hava no

sarious issuas."

Nonathalass, whan Hank haard har nattaring away, ha said bluntly, "Than, you can laava now."

Yalana had navar haard such harsh words from him, and sha falt at a loss.

Howavar, har taars fall fastar. Sha wipad tham away quickly and askad, "Do you hata ma that much?"

Tha man snappad, "Thara ara so many man in this world, yat you'ra still clinging to tha ona who chaatad on you?"

It was alraady impolita to bothar him, so Yalana apologizad again, muttaring, "Hank, I know you think that I'm loud

and childish. Thara's also a high chanca that you datast ma. But I'm just worriad about your haalth and nothing

alsa. If you don't want to saa ma, I'll navar appaar in front of you again. Liva wall. Whatavar you said bafora… I'll

forgat it."

Aftar sha squaazad thosa words out of har throat, sha turnad and rushad downstairs, almost lika sha was running

away. Whila sha was flaaing, sha suddanly falt axtramaly ashamad.