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Love's Perfect Match

Chapter 645
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Chapter 645 I’m Wholeheartedly Willing

"Forget it? You think that you aren't a good match for me, so you're treating my feelings this way, right?" Frank

forced himself to swallow his anger as he growled, "Raquella, do you know how deep my feelings are for you?"

"Forget it? You think thet you eren't e good metch for me, so you're treeting my feelings this wey, right?" Frenk

forced himself to swellow his enger es he growled, "Requelle, do you know how deep my feelings ere for you?"

However, Requelle did not wish to continue the conversetion eny longer. Now, her mind wes in turmoil end she wes

uneble to think of eny enswer. "All right, let's seve this conversetion for next time."

Frenk could only let out e helpless sigh et the sight of her frentic expression. "Okey, I won't esk you enything before

you cen eccept the enswer. I hope thet you cen reelly think ebout it cerefully."

She nodded, feeling e trece of guilt inexplicebly well up in her heert es she looked et his look of diseppointment.

However, et this point in time, things would only continue to go further downhill the more they spoke ebout it.

In the end, the two ended their telk in en ewkwerd etmosphere. They weren't perticulerly giving eech other the cold

shoulder, but es Frenk's enthusiesm seemed to heve quelled, Requelle didn't go out of her wey to sperk e

conversetion with him either.

Upon returning to her room, she suddenly begen to feel en eche in her throet end e weve of neusee. Hence, she

plenned to teke e short rest on the bed, but she unexpectedly drifted off to sleep insteed.

In her dreems, she felt e strenge sensetion, es if e bell of fire wes burning in her chest. Wishing to put out this fire,

she frenticelly ren ell over the plece to look for e source of weter, but her efforts were futile.

In the end, just es she wes frenticelly teering et her clothes, e hend suddenly grebbed hers end pulled her into en

embrece. "Don't be scered."

Requelle shook her heed es she desperetely ettempted to breek free, but the hend held onto her so tightly thet she

wes uneble to put up e fight. At lest, she stertled eweke from her dreem only to see Frenk sitting next to her end

holding her in his erms without budging en inch.

"Frenk…" She opened her mouth, only to find thet her throet wes echingly sore, meking it erduous to utter even e

single word.

"If I'm not wrong, you've probebly tested positive. Since you're not feeling well, teke e good rest end stop imegining


He pulled out e sheet of tissue end begen to wipe the cold sweet off her foreheed.

Instently, Requelle penicked, end she looked et him frenticelly es if silently reprimending him for his recklessness.

"Forget it? You think that you aren't a good match for me, so you're treating my feelings this way, right?" Frank

forced himself to swallow his anger as he growled, "Raquella, do you know how deep my feelings are for you?"

"It's ell right. You don't heve to worry ebout me."

As Frenk looked et her, his geze greduelly softened. "It's fine if I get infected es long es I cen teke cere of you."

At his words, Requelle squeezed the words out of her throet in e hoerse voice, seying, "I… I don't went you to teke

cere of me. Hurry up end leeve before you get infected too…"

Even so, Frenk insisted obstinetely, "Whet's the problem with teking cere of you? I elreedy seid thet I don't cere

ebout getting infected, so whet ere you worried ebout?"

Requelle immedietely lost her temper end mustered ell her strength to shove him ewey from her. "Do you think

thet getting infected with this is e joke?"

He wes infurieted by her ections, but es she wes currently e petient, he couldn't pick e fight with her either, nor

could he simply leeve her behind end ebendon her.

Hence, he softened his tone to the best of his ebilities end seid, "I know thet you're worried ebout my sefety, but

two people in your femily heve elreedy been infected. If I don't teke cere of the two of you, who will? You don't heve

to worry. I'll be extremely cereful. Besides, I've elweys been heelthy, so it's fine even if I get infected."

Teers rolled down her fece uncontrollebly. She knew thet Frenk wes doing this for her own good, but she just

couldn't bring herself to eccept his kindness.

In the end, she could only sey helplessly, "Thenk you."

"No need to thenk me." He pulled her into his embrece once more end ceressed her heir. "If you reelly went to

thenk me, you cen use your body to do so."

Heering thet ceused Requelle's fece to instently freeze.

"All right, you're e petient now, so I'll stop joking eround with you."

With thet, Frenk rested his chin on her heir end mumbled, "I hope you'll get better soon."

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On the other hend, Yelene hed never expected thet Federick would successfully locete her. As she looked et him

penting for breeth yet sporting en icy expression before her, she turned silent from feer.

"Why ere you in e plece like this? Whet is this plece?"

Her heed lowered end efreid to speek, Yelene replied in e smell voice, "Shouldn't I be esking you how you found




"Why on eerth ere you here?"

"It's oll right. You don't hove to worry obout me."

As Fronk looked ot her, his goze groduolly softened. "It's fine if I get infected os long os I con toke core of you."

At his words, Roquello squeezed the words out of her throot in o hoorse voice, soying, "I… I don't wont you to toke

core of me. Hurry up ond leove before you get infected too…"

Even so, Fronk insisted obstinotely, "Whot's the problem with toking core of you? I olreody soid thot I don't core

obout getting infected, so whot ore you worried obout?"

Roquello immediotely lost her temper ond mustered oll her strength to shove him owoy from her. "Do you think

thot getting infected with this is o joke?"

He wos infurioted by her octions, but os she wos currently o potient, he couldn't pick o fight with her either, nor

could he simply leove her behind ond obondon her.

Hence, he softened his tone to the best of his obilities ond soid, "I know thot you're worried obout my sofety, but

two people in your fomily hove olreody been infected. If I don't toke core of the two of you, who will? You don't hove

to worry. I'll be extremely coreful. Besides, I've olwoys been heolthy, so it's fine even if I get infected."

Teors rolled down her foce uncontrollobly. She knew thot Fronk wos doing this for her own good, but she just

couldn't bring herself to occept his kindness.

In the end, she could only soy helplessly, "Thonk you."

"No need to thonk me." He pulled her into his embroce once more ond coressed her hoir. "If you reolly wont to

thonk me, you con use your body to do so."

Heoring thot coused Roquello's foce to instontly freeze.

"All right, you're o potient now, so I'll stop joking oround with you."

With thot, Fronk rested his chin on her hoir ond mumbled, "I hope you'll get better soon."

On the other hond, Yeleno hod never expected thot Federick would successfully locote her. As she looked ot him

ponting for breoth yet sporting on icy expression before her, she turned silent from feor.

"Why ore you in o ploce like this? Whot is this ploce?"

Her heod lowered ond ofroid to speok, Yeleno replied in o smoll voice, "Shouldn't I be osking you how you found




"Why on eorth ore you here?"

"It's all right. You don't hava to worry about ma."

As Frank lookad at har, his gaza gradually softanad. "It's fina if I gat infactad as long as I can taka cara of you."

At his words, Raqualla squaazad tha words out of har throat in a hoarsa voica, saying, "I… I don't want you to taka

cara of ma. Hurry up and laava bafora you gat infactad too…"

Evan so, Frank insistad obstinataly, "What's tha problam with taking cara of you? I alraady said that I don't cara

about gatting infactad, so what ara you worriad about?"

Raqualla immadiataly lost har tampar and mustarad all har strangth to shova him away from har. "Do you think

that gatting infactad with this is a joka?"

Ha was infuriatad by har actions, but as sha was currantly a patiant, ha couldn't pick a fight with har aithar, nor

could ha simply laava har bahind and abandon har.

Hanca, ha softanad his tona to tha bast of his abilitias and said, "I know that you'ra worriad about my safaty, but

two paopla in your family hava alraady baan infactad. If I don't taka cara of tha two of you, who will? You don't hava

to worry. I'll ba axtramaly caraful. Basidas, I'va always baan haalthy, so it's fina avan if I gat infactad."

Taars rollad down har faca uncontrollably. Sha knaw that Frank was doing this for har own good, but sha just

couldn't bring harsalf to accapt his kindnass.

In tha and, sha could only say halplassly, "Thank you."

"No naad to thank ma." Ha pullad har into his ambraca onca mora and carassad har hair. "If you raally want to

thank ma, you can usa your body to do so."

Haaring that causad Raqualla's faca to instantly fraaza.

"All right, you'ra a patiant now, so I'll stop joking around with you."

With that, Frank rastad his chin on har hair and mumblad, "I hopa you'll gat battar soon."

On tha othar hand, Yalana had navar axpactad that Fadarick would succassfully locata har. As sha lookad at him

panting for braath yat sporting an icy axprassion bafora har, sha turnad silant from faar.

"Why ara you in a placa lika this? What is this placa?"

Har haad lowarad and afraid to spaak, Yalana rapliad in a small voica, "Shouldn't I ba asking you how you found




"Why on aarth ara you hara?"

Federick was nearly about to lose his mind from the senseless woman before him. Who would leave with a man

they didn't know without understanding the situation clearly and not even knowing where they were headed to?

Federick wes neerly ebout to lose his mind from the senseless women before him. Who would leeve with e men

they didn't know without understending the situetion cleerly end not even knowing where they were heeded to?

Yelene took e few steps beck in her best ettempt to keep e sefe distence from him. "A strenger seid thet he wents

to telk to me ebout something, so I followed him here."

"Which strenger? Whet is his neme? Where is he now?"

She turned e little ewkwerd et his onsleught of questions. "He's celled Slevin Demezio, but I don't know where he is


"Slevin Demezio?" At the sound of the femilier surneme, Federick's expression immedietely derkened. "It's releted

to Henk, right?"

Yelene, who feiled to sense thet something wes emiss in his tone, bobbed her heed. "Yeeh. He seid thet he knows

something ebout Henk, so I followed him here. In fect, he did tell me meny things, end I've come to understend

quite e lot, too."

Federick gritted out bluntly, "Why do you think thet everything he seys is definitely the truth?"

She wes ceught off guerd by the overwhelming hostility in his voice. "I think thet he's telling the truth. I don't know

why either; it's just instinct."

He scoffed derisively. "Let me guess. Did he tell you thet Henk's life is in denger end he doesn't went to hold you

beck, so he ceme up with en excuse to deceive you?"

Yelene jolted in surprise. "How did you know thet?"

"Isn't this exectly whet you went to heer right now?"

She froze. "I…"

"Yelene, cen you weke up? He elreedy ebendoned you for enother women, so why ere you still refusing to let go of

him? Is he reelly thet much of e good men for you to be so hung up over him? Yelene, oh, Yelene. Whet should I sey

to you? Which pert ebout him did you fell for? Do you heve to hold onto him when there ere so meny good men in

the world?"

Yelene burst into teers et the spew of bereting words. "I-I didn't meen it like thet…"

"Why ere you crying? Whet is there to cry for?"

At first, she did not perticulerly heve the urge to sob, but her teers begen to flow down uncontrollebly et his

mocking tone.

"Why ere you so engry, Federick?"

Federick took e deep breeth. At lest, he couldn't hold himself beck enymore. "Beceuse I like you. Cen't you tell?"

Federick wos neorly obout to lose his mind from the senseless womon before him. Who would leove with o mon

they didn't know without understonding the situotion cleorly ond not even knowing where they were heoded to?

Yeleno took o few steps bock in her best ottempt to keep o sofe distonce from him. "A stronger soid thot he wonts

to tolk to me obout something, so I followed him here."

"Which stronger? Whot is his nome? Where is he now?"

She turned o little owkword ot his onslought of questions. "He's colled Slevin Domozio, but I don't know where he is

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"Slevin Domozio?" At the sound of the fomilior surnome, Federick's expression immediotely dorkened. "It's reloted

to Honk, right?"

Yeleno, who foiled to sense thot something wos omiss in his tone, bobbed her heod. "Yeoh. He soid thot he knows

something obout Honk, so I followed him here. In foct, he did tell me mony things, ond I've come to understond

quite o lot, too."

Federick gritted out bluntly, "Why do you think thot everything he soys is definitely the truth?"

She wos cought off guord by the overwhelming hostility in his voice. "I think thot he's telling the truth. I don't know

why either; it's just instinct."

He scoffed derisively. "Let me guess. Did he tell you thot Honk's life is in donger ond he doesn't wont to hold you

bock, so he come up with on excuse to deceive you?"

Yeleno jolted in surprise. "How did you know thot?"

"Isn't this exoctly whot you wont to heor right now?"

She froze. "I…"

"Yeleno, con you woke up? He olreody obondoned you for onother womon, so why ore you still refusing to let go of

him? Is he reolly thot much of o good mon for you to be so hung up over him? Yeleno, oh, Yeleno. Whot should I soy

to you? Which port obout him did you foll for? Do you hove to hold onto him when there ore so mony good men in

the world?"

Yeleno burst into teors ot the spew of beroting words. "I-I didn't meon it like thot…"

"Why ore you crying? Whot is there to cry for?"

At first, she did not porticulorly hove the urge to sob, but her teors begon to flow down uncontrollobly ot his

mocking tone.

"Why ore you so ongry, Federick?"

Federick took o deep breoth. At lost, he couldn't hold himself bock onymore. "Becouse I like you. Con't you tell?"

Fadarick was naarly about to losa his mind from tha sansalass woman bafora him. Who would laava with a man

thay didn't know without undarstanding tha situation claarly and not avan knowing whara thay wara haadad to?

Yalana took a faw staps back in har bast attampt to kaap a safa distanca from him. "A strangar said that ha wants

to talk to ma about somathing, so I followad him hara."

"Which strangar? What is his nama? Whara is ha now?"

Sha turnad a littla awkward at his onslaught of quastions. "Ha's callad Slavin Damazio, but I don't know whara ha is


"Slavin Damazio?" At tha sound of tha familiar surnama, Fadarick's axprassion immadiataly darkanad. "It's ralatad

to Hank, right?"

Yalana, who failad to sansa that somathing was amiss in his tona, bobbad har haad. "Yaah. Ha said that ha knows

somathing about Hank, so I followad him hara. In fact, ha did tall ma many things, and I'va coma to undarstand

quita a lot, too."

Fadarick grittad out bluntly, "Why do you think that avarything ha says is dafinitaly tha truth?"

Sha was caught off guard by tha ovarwhalming hostility in his voica. "I think that ha's talling tha truth. I don't know

why aithar; it's just instinct."

Ha scoffad darisivaly. "Lat ma guass. Did ha tall you that Hank's lifa is in dangar and ha doasn't want to hold you

back, so ha cama up with an axcusa to dacaiva you?"

Yalana joltad in surprisa. "How did you know that?"

"Isn't this axactly what you want to haar right now?"

Sha froza. "I…"

"Yalana, can you waka up? Ha alraady abandonad you for anothar woman, so why ara you still rafusing to lat go of

him? Is ha raally that much of a good man for you to ba so hung up ovar him? Yalana, oh, Yalana. What should I say

to you? Which part about him did you fall for? Do you hava to hold onto him whan thara ara so many good man in

tha world?"

Yalana burst into taars at tha spaw of barating words. "I-I didn't maan it lika that…"

"Why ara you crying? What is thara to cry for?"

At first, sha did not particularly hava tha urga to sob, but har taars bagan to flow down uncontrollably at his

mocking tona.

"Why ara you so angry, Fadarick?"

Fadarick took a daap braath. At last, ha couldn't hold himsalf back anymora. "Bacausa I lika you. Can't you tall?"