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Love's Perfect Match

Chapter 159
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Chapter 159

On the first day Elspeth moved in, Michael told Frank to take her to the best mall in town for a shopping spree.

Frank wanted to refuse, but Michael promised to raise his allowance if he brought Elspeth around town, so he

reluctantly took the job. The old man grinned and whipped out a card from his pocket before giving it to Elspeth.

“You’re part of the family now, so you too get some allowance. Spend it how you like. Tell me if you need more.”

The card was black in color, but the words on it were golden. Elspeth had the same card, and it wasn’t the kind of

card that was given away freely, not even to those with power. Michael might be a git, but he was generous with his

money. Elspeth was about to refuse, but the old man could be stubborn and sneaky when he wanted to, so she took

it. You owe me, old man. Just taking what’s mine.

They went to the mall, and Elspeth walked around. Frank followed her with his hands in his pockets. He was also


There weren’t any clothes she liked after visiting several shops, so she bought none. “You can take a rest if you

want, Frank. I’ll holler at you once I’m done.” She smiled. Oh, he’s wobbling. She clicked her tongue, “Honestly, your

stamina sucks.”

Frank was about to take her up on the offer, but he wouldn’t take that insult from her quietly. “What did you say?

Keep walking. We’re not going back until nighttime.”

Oh good. He’s annoyed. Delighted, she walked away and came to a boutique. One of the dresses inside caught her

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eye. It was a long fitted black dress with diamonds embedded along its hem, and the bottom of the dress was

pleated to resemble flowers. Its sleeves and collar were connected by nothing but beautiful strips of fabric,

revealing the skin of its wearer.

Noticing her interest, the retail assistant approached her with a smile. “Good eye, miss. This is our store’s pride and

joy. Only three of its kind in the world, and this is the last one. You look perfect in the dress. Would you like to try it


Elspeth wasn’t interested. She was just observing the dress. This looks familiar.

The retail assistant wouldn’t give up and continued, “It’s a nice dress, miss. Why don’t you try it on? You won’t

regret it.” Then she saw Frank, and her eyes shone. “You can ask your boyfriend. I bet he thinks you look great in

this dress too.”

Elspeth cocked her eyebrow. “He’s not my boyfriend.”

Frank rolled his eyes. “I would never fall for a woman like her.”

The retail assistant stood there in awkward silence. Okay, this is interesting.

Then, a sickly-sweet voice said, “I like that one. Let me try it on.”

Elspeth turned around and was met with a girl in expensive clothes, though it couldn’t hide her lack of grace and

class. Elspeth took a step back.

Thinking that Elspeth was scared of her, the girl raised her head like a proud little peacock. “Good. Don’t even try to

get in my way, peasant.”

Excuse me? Elspeth was about to leave, but then she turned back around. “What did you say?”

What? Is this peasant talking to me? A frown creased the woman’s forehead and she snapped, “I want this dress,

so you’d better stay out of my way, peasant.”

“You really ought to get your head checked, woman.”

Wait, why did she say that? A long, long while later, she realized that Elspeth was mocking her, and it made her

anger flare. “Do you have any idea who I am? I’m Jordan of the Weiss Family. Nobody talks to me like that.”

How dare this peasant talk to me like that? She’s dead! Jordan no longer cared about her image and was about to

slap Elspeth when Elspeth held her hand in a vice grip. No matter what she did, Jordan couldn’t escape, and she

shot Elspeth a nasty glare. “Nobody stops me, peasant! My father will hear of this! And he’s going to exile you and

your family from this city!”

Just then, Frank stood up and approached Elspeth. “Is that right, Miss Weiss? Did you just say your father would

exile my family?” He had a smile on his face, but the fury in his voice was unmistakable. “Should I call your father

right now and ask him how he’s planning to exile us?”

Jordan was flabbergasted. Frank? Why is he here? Frank was no troublemaker, but anyone who got on his nerves

would meet a grisly end. Wait. She’s part of the Jonesons? Jordan wouldn’t even have talked like that to Elspeth if

she knew Elspeth was a Joneson. “She’s your family?”

Jordan knew most of the Jonesons, but she had never seen Elspeth. Elspeth wasn’t part of Blaydal’s upper society,

which was why Jordan dared to talk down to her.

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“She’s my sister and my grandfather’s grandkid. You have a problem with that?”

Jordan shook her head as hard as she could. “No. No problem at all. She’s perfect for the dress. It’s all yours, Miss


Do not call me that. Elspeth said, “Lynwood. My name is Lynwood.”

“I’m sorry for crossing you, Miss Lynwood. Please, forgive me.”

Jordan might be a spoiled brat, but she would never offend the Jonesons. Now, she had no choice but to beg for

mercy. If her family was ruined because of this, she would be done for.

Elspeth was about to shrug things off, but Frank wanted to be cheeky. “Trying to save your skin?” He was up to

another prank. “Then you’re paying for the dress.”

Wow. He looks like a scammer now. For some reason, Elspeth thought it was amusing.

Jordan thought her apology was enough, but she was wrong. She grimaced at the thought of the hefty price tag on

the dress. The last time she was here, she saw that this dress cost about seven hundred and fifty grand, which was

about five months’ worth of her allowance. She saved up for a long time and begged her father to chip in just so

she could buy it, but now she had to give it all up and get nothing in return. Oh my god…

She’s hesitating. “What? You won’t do it?” Frank sighed. “I’ll call your father then. See if he can explain himself.”

Panicked, Jordan said, “I’ll do it! Don’t call my father.” She took out a card from her bag and reluctantly gave it to

the retail assistant.

The lady swiped the card and returned it to Jordan. “Your remaining balance is seven dollars and thirty-eight cents,

Miss Weiss.”

Elspeth burst into laughter.