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Love's Perfect Match

Chapter 106
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Chapter 106

Since she was in the hospital, Elspeth couldn’t do a lot of work, so Callum handed her job over to Alaina. When she

heard of that, all she did was smile bitterly. So, he’s kicking me away in favor of Alaina, huh? It was a frustrating

thought, so she put it aside and focused on recovery.

Once news of Elspeth’s hospitalization reached Theodore, he asked all his sons to take care of her until she was

healthy again. She had no one else taking care of her after all.

Margot was absolutely attentive when it came to Elspeth. She paid her a visit of her own volition and agreed with

her husband’s suggestion.

Callum was the first one to go, but his appearance only made Elspeth furious. She wouldn’t even look at him.

“You’re a busy man, Mr. Winthrop. No need to come.”

Callum looked at her calmly. “Dad told me to take care of you.

That almost made Elspeth laugh. “He wasn’t holding you at gunpoint. You don’t have to force yourself.”

Coolly, he said, “I am not forcing myself. I’m doing this willingly.”

“Not the point. Point is, you should go back to work and show the new girl the ropes. You can drop the act now.” The

fact that Callum cared for Alaina so much hurt Elspeth, and she was spiteful over that.

“We’re innocent.”

“Says you.” Elspeth smiled. “But I know you like a kind, gentle, and hardworking woman like her. Everyone


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A hint of frustration welled in Callum’s eyes. “That is enough.” Gods, must she bring that woman up? This is

upsetting. Oh, he’s getting impatient. A smirk curled Elspeth’s lips. “Embarrassed? Why the overreaction?”

A long silence ensued. “I wasn’t overreacting.”

“Good. I thought I caught a glimpse of your true, ugly self just now,” she snapped. Ah damn. I should not have said

that. Okay. She killed the conversation. Callum stood up. “I have work to do. Take care now,” said Callum coldly.

“Good day.” She saw him off and covered her head with the blanket. Then she forced herself to sleep.

It was Edmund’s turn the next day. News of the spat between Callum and Elspeth reached him, and he asked, “Did

you guys fight? You and Callum, I mean.”

It was surprising to find out that Elspeth wasn’t the one who sabotaged his mother. And after all the help she lent to

his company, Edmund thought he should show the lady some concern as thanks, to say the least.

Still feeling snappish, Elspeth answered curtly, “No.”

“As if you didn’t. I can smell the storm just from seeing you two stand in the same room.” He smiled. “Finally

realized he’s not worth your time, huh? Do you feel like coming back to me?”

why don’t you go back to work? I really don’t want to hear you talk. You never stop talking.”

“Really? Oh, here’s a tip. Callum’s heartless. Not even his ex could rein him in. I don’t think you’ll be able to keep

him in check.”

It was harsh, but it was the truth. A truth she had to accept. Then Edmund made a few more remarks snide

ones- before he left.

Arthur came on the third day. In case he went off on another lecture about why she should date him, every time

Arthur showed up in her room) she would pretend to be asleep and avoid talking to him.

The fourth day came, and Blake arrived despite his busy schedule. He set aside a whole day just for her. When he

saw with his own eyes that she was in the hospital, he asked, “Why’d you catch a fever all of a sudden?”

“I dunno. Work, the cold. Could be anything. But I think I’ll be fine soon.” She assured him. Elspeth didn’t want

him to worry.

But Blake kept frowning. “You would’ve been discharged by now if it were a normal fever. What’s the doctor’s


“Said I needed to rest for a few days. Overworking has taken its toll on me, Fever, low blood sugar level, and my

body’s going to break if I don’t rest.”

In most cases, she would love to get out of the hospital right away. The hospital was a boring place, and it set work

back a lot. She was almost out of ideas to entertain herself, but her physician told her she would have to rest for a

week before she could be discharged.

A long sigh escaped Blake’s lips. “The doctor’s right. You need some rest.” And then his eyes glinted. “But how do

you feel right now?”

“I think I’m fine. Mostly. Don’t feel sick now,” answered Elspeth honestly.

A smirk carved its path across Blake’s lips. “Why don’t I take you around? It’s almost Christmas, and the shopping

area is awesome.”

She was about to say no, but then she was reminded of the moment when Callum defended Alaina, and a spark of

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frustration blazed within her. “Sure,” answered Elspeth.

They straightened themselves out, and Blake wore a pair of sunglasses just in case he was recognized. Since

Elspeth was quite famous as well, she too wore a pair of sunglasses and a mask. Ah. Fresh air. Been a week since I

tasted freedom. The scent of fresh air and freedom cheered her up a lot.

First, Blake took her to a roadside stall for dinner. They had nothing but grilled stuff and beer.

Surprised, Elspeth said, “I didn’t take you for a barbecue lover.”

Blake narrowed his beautiful, devilish eyes. “Just because I’m a celebrity dœsn’t mean I don’t like street food.”

“I know, but what if your fans find out you’re here? They’re gonna flood this place.” Just imagining that scene made

her burst out in laughter.

have you.

Curious, Elspeth cocked her eyebrow. “You don’t have a barbecue buddy? But you’re famous.”

“Well… Will you come with me next time?” he asked seriously all of a sudden.

But Elspeth didn’t get it. Confused, she raised her head, and through the corner of her eye, she saw a couple

standing at the roadside. At first, she couldn’t see them clearly, but she saw the woman standing before the guy.

She was staring at the ground in silence, her shoulders shaking. Then, the woman pounced into the man’s embrace

only for him to push her away a while later.

It was fast, but Elspeth knew who they were right away. Callum and Alaina. And the sparkle of delight in her eyes
