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Love’s Cunning Ruse

Chapter 253
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Chapter 253

Lionel’s announcement about his retirement from showbiz was no joke. Julie walked into the restaurant

just in time to see this news on TV.

He made a simple post on Facebook. He promoted Director Babur’s new film, saying it would be his

last acting gig.

The media immediately reached out to Lionel’s agency, hoping for an interview, Lionel, being a good

sport, agreed. He said he was done with Seasons of Love and had put a stop to all his work, even the

promo activities for Babur’s film. He planned to focus on his family from now on.

Lionel’s family had always been a mystery. The media took this chance to ask about it. When asked

what he meant by focusing on his family, Lionel said, “I fell in love with a woman and I want to marry

her. She is the most important to me and I want to be there for every significant moment in our lives.”

This stirred up the showbiz world. Fans flooded Lionel’s Facebook page with comments, eager to know

who the woman was. The most likely candidate seemed to be Daphne, who had been interacting with

Lionel a lot recently.

When asked if Daphne was the woman he was in love with, Lionel didn’t give a direct answer. He said,

“When she is ready to go public, I’ll be happy to share our good news.”

A reporter asked Lionel if he was worried about losing fans by revealing his personal life. Lionel just

laughed and said, “I only want to make it public if I’m indeed in love with someone. I’m eager to let the

whole world know that I love her, but it’s up to her to go public.”

Julie, watching the interview in the lobby, was moved by Lionel’s attitude. His responses made all the

reporters’ hearts flutter.

Daphne, who happened to see the interview as she entered the restaurant, walked up to Julie and said,

“Oh my God, Lionel is such a good actor. I almost believed


“He’s decided to retire. How can it be fake?” Julie looked at Daphne. She was dressed in a down

jacket, with a face mask and sunglasses, and couldn’t help frowning. “Daphne, you look like a celebrity

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or a lunatic. Julie commented.

Daphne was speechless. After removing her sunglasses and hat, she dragged Julie to the office. She

seemed excited, saying. “Alaric and Edda agreed with me. Mrs. Flores says the world of the rich is

complicated. She told me not to get involved easily.”

Before Daphne could finish her sentence, she heard Julien say, “Lionel is not bad.”


Both Julie and Daphne turned to see Julien. She dressed in black sportswear, sat at Julie’s desk with a

pen in hand, and was writing something on a piece of paper. Surprised to see Julien, Julie asked,

“Julien, what brings you here?”

“Kieran sent me.” Julien said.

“Kieran?” Julie was even more surprised, “What did he want you to do?”

“How should I know?” Julien replied.

Daphne excitedly walked towards Julien, asking, “What are you writing?”

Before Daphne could reach Julien, two thugs suddenly burst through the door. One of them grabbed

Julie’s neck and demanded, “Where is the ring?”

Julien threw her pen at the thug’s hand. Caught off guard, the thug let go of Julie due to the pain.

Julie quickly moved towards Julien, shielding Daphne behind her. Julien jumped over the desk and

kicked at the thug. The thug dodged and pulled out a dagger.

“Watch out!” Julie shouted.

The thug stabbed at Julien, who ducked and kicked the thug. Caught off guard, the thug retreated.

The thug who had been stabbed in the hand moved menacingly towards Julie again. Julie picked up a

golf club and held it tight.

Daphne threw a pencil at the thug’s face. He shielded his face.

“Go get help!” Julie swung the golf club at the thug and told Daphne.

Daphne stood still as the thug grabbed the golf club from Julie. Julie quickly let go to avoid being


Julien grabbed the thug’s wrist, twisted his hand behind his back, and stabbed it into the desk with the

thug’s dagger. The thug was immobilized with pain.

Seeing the other thug going for Julie, she backed into a corner, shielding Daphne. Julien picked up the

golf club and hit the thug from behind, then kicked his knees. She got him in a chokehold and pinned

him to the ground.

Three men in black suits appeared at the door. Julien stood on the fallen thug, took out her dagger, and

threw it to Julie. She was about to attack the men in suits when Julie stopped her.

“They’re bodyguards.” Julie yelled, “What are you waiting for? Arrest them!”

This was Kieran’s bodyguard. Ever since an accident happened a few days ago, Kieran had been

worried, so he arranged for bodyguards to protect her at all times. Julie didn’t argue, but she didn’t like

this arrangement. She warned the bodyguard not to approach her unless she agreed. However, an

accident occurred in the office.

The bodyguard probably heard the fight inside. Despite not having Julie’s consent, he rushed in. The

bodyguard quickly subdued two thugs. Julien looked at Julie and Daphne, asking, “Are you guys


Julie and Daphne shook their heads in unison.

The two thugs were tightly tied to the chairs by the bodyguard. Julien then let the bodyguard leave.

Julien sat in the chair, while Julie and Daphne were standing behind her. Julien held the bloody dagger

in hand, staring coldly at the two thugs tied to the chairs.

Julien said, “Tell me, who sent you? Whoever answers first, I’ll stab the other one.”

Both thugs remained silent. Julien threw the knife directly at the tall guy’s head. The thug closed his

eyes, turned his head, but still didn’t speak.

Dylan and Kieran arrived at the door just to see this scene. The knife thrown by Julien brushed past the

man’s ear, and blood dripped onto his clothes. However, they still didn’t speak.

“Are they here for the ring?” Dylan asked Julien..

Kieran pulled Julie into his arms to check if she was injured.

Julien stood up and gave Dylan a glance, “I heard that some thugs were caught last time. Have their

identities been confirmed?”

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Dylan shook his head, “They wouldn’t say a word. We didn’t get any useful information and handed

them over to the police. Are these thugs also here for the ring?”

“How did you know Julie was in danger?” Julien turned to Kieran, looking a little puzzled.

This question seemed to confuse Kieran, and he asked Julien, “How would I know Julie was in


Julien suddenly realized something was wrong, so he asked, “Didn’t you know I was nearby?”

“The one who cares about your whereabouts is Hayden.” Kieran said.

“I was in the area for some business. Half an hour ago, I received your text message. You asked me to

come find Julie immediately.” Julien took out his phone and showed Kieran the message, “This is your

number, right?”

Julie also leaned over to look. After reading, she looked at Kieran in surprise, “Isn’t this the phone

number you used to set up your ‘J Kennedy’ WhatsApp account?”

A message came from this number: [Go to the Feliz Gastro House office to find Julie immediately. It’s


Julien had a good memory. He remembered Kieran using this number to call Hayden. Since he was

near the restaurant, which was only a two to three minute walk, he went directly to the office of Feliz

Gastro House. He waited for a while before Julie showed up.

However, as Kieran looked at the message, he became more and more serious. He frowned, turned to

Julie and said, “This spare phone got wet last night. I left it in the bedroom and I didn’t bring it with me

when I left today.”

“So this message?” Julie glanced in Julien’s direction.

Kieran immediately called Noah and asked him to verify whether the phone on the bedside table at

home was still there.

Two minutes later, Noah sent a photo of the phone, which was lying quietly on the bedside table in the


“I’ll go get the phone.” Dylan said, turning to leave.

“No need, I’ll go.” Kieran stopped Dylan and said, “Take these two thugs back. We’ll meet up tonight.”

Julien turned to Daphne and asked, “Should I call Lionel to pick you up, or just take you back myself?”

Daphne of course preferred to stay with Julien a little longer, and didn’t want to meet Mr. Lionel who

was in trouble.

Dylan called the bodyguard and was about to leave with the two thugs. Just then, Kieran’s phone rang.